  • 教育部并没有给英文弱的学生安排英文b课程,英文不好的学生只好破釜沉舟,硬头皮把英文搞好。
    There is no English B course for those weak in the subject. Students have no choice but to mug up on it if they want to progress further.
  • 这样的人,坐在他的扶手椅上,一大杯啤酒在面前的圆桌上冒白沫,只要你在饭后适当的时间,在这山中方圆五六英里区域内走一趟,总可以看得到的。
    Such an individual seated in his armchair, his mug of ale frothing on the round table before him, is to be seen in any circuit of five or six miles among these hills, if you go at the right time after dinner.
  • 抢劫犯突然对这个身皮衣的妇女进行袭击。
    The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat.
  • 一队赶骡人在路上走
    A team of mule drives walked on the road.
  • 一个赶一头骡子的人把我的车从泥坑中拖了出来;齿轮卡在第二档上,再也动不了了。
    a man with a mule got my car unstuck; the gears locked in second and would not come unstuck.
  • 他年轻时曾经被骡子踢过一下脑袋,因此凡是星期日的报上登的东西他都相信。
    He had been kicked in the head by a mule when young, and believed everything he read in the Sunday papers.
  • 他年轻时曾经被骡子踢过一下脑袋,因此凡是星期日的报上登的东西他都相信。
    He have is kick in the head by a mule when young , and believe everything he read in the sunday papers.
  • 在没有小汽车,没有行人,没有别的自行车、货车或小型拖拉机的空旷的道路上,经过3个小时行进之后,一辆蓝色公共汽车出现了,发动机嘎嘎响爬过一座小山,于是我上了车。
    After three hours of nothing on the road -- no cars, pedestrians, other bicycles, wagons or mules -- a blue bus appeared, its engine grinding, over a hill, and I got on.
  • 要随经济发展不断增加城乡居民收入,拓宽消费领域,优化消费结构,满足人们多样化的物质文化需求。
    As the economy develops, we should increase the income of urban and rural residents, expand the scope of their consumption and optimize the consumption structure so as to meet the people's multifarious material and cultural needs.
  • 然而,当大多数人谈及多媒体时,他们通常是指混合了两种或两种以上连续的媒体,即,媒体可以在一段规定的时间之内连续播放,并且通常伴随与用户的交互。
    Nevertheless, when most people refer to multimedia, they generally mean the combination of two or more continuous media, that is, media have to be played during some well-defined timed times interval, usually With the users interaction.
  • 他经营一个资金达数百万英镑的公司。
    He is running a multimillion-pound company.
  • 传染致病微生物侵入人体的某部分或组织,并且不断繁殖,接造成组织损坏,最后通过一系列细胞或中毒机制发展为显性症状
    Invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in a bodily part or tissue, which may produce subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms.
  • 所以,主力部队的领导者如果犯了不顾地方民众和地方政府的利益的单纯军事主义的错误,就必须加以克服,使主力的扩大和地方武装的繁殖,各得适宜的位置。
    Therefore, if a commander of a main force has made the mistake of neglecting the interests of the local population and the local government as a result of a purely military approach, he must correct it in order that the expansion of the main force and the multiplication of the local armed units may both receive due attention.
  • 第二,一定数量的与其他种族相关的冒犯性词汇是个信号,标志多种族社会的状况从来就没有让美国彻底舒服过。
    Second, the number of offensive terms relating to other ethnic groups is a signal that the US has never been fully comfortable with its status as a multiracial society.
  • 然而,这许许多多观众从一大早就在等
    Now, all this multitude had been waiting since the early morning;
  • 当今,卫星执行大量不同的任务,诸如传达电话、监测气候、遥测地面矿物资源,等等。
    Today, satellites carry out a multitude of different tasks, such as relaying telephone calls, monitoring the weather, surveying the Earth's surface for minerals, etc.
  • 广场形如参差不齐的一片水域,而四周这儿那儿突出来的墙角,宛若一个个海岬,那不断扩大的人流,浪涛汹涌,一阵阵冲击这些岬角。
    The ever-swelling waves of this multitude broke against the angles of the houses, which projected here and there, like promontories, into the irregular basin of the Place.
  • 但是有些单位的运动没有深入下去,有的刚刚开始揭问题,有的问题不少,拖不解决,有的还在捂盖子。
    In others, it has just begun to reveal the problems. And in still others a multitude of problems have been discovered, but their solution is being dragged out. There are also units in which no problems are apparent because people are sitting on the lid.
  • 妈妈责骂我穿最好的鞋子去踢足球。
    Mum told me off for wearing my best shoes for playing football.
  • 她咕哝说还不想起床。
    She mumbled that she didn't want to get up yet.
  • 他不停地咕哝他的话。
    He mumbled his speech without pause.
  • 这位老妇人咕哝作祷告。
    The old woman mumbled a prayer.
  • 她象老太太那样嚼蛋糕。
    She mumbled the cake , as an old woman did.
  • “好孩子,走开。妈妈正忙呢。”
    "Be a good girl and run along.Mummy's busy."
  • 他虽然啃苹果,但却很留神地监视她的每一个动作。
    Munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements.
  • 粮食和军用品的船只不断地开过大西洋。
    Ships carrying essential supplies and munitions steamed continuously across the Atlantic.
  • 损失一寸画面,就意味这片文化圣地又丢掉一寸版图。
    The loss of one inch of the general appearance of a mural would mean the loss of an inch of territory of the land of the cultural mecca.
  • 全天候跟踪监测的数据对壁画安全有至关重要的作用。
    It is of paramount importance to the safety of murals to track the monitoring data in all-weather conditions.
  • 那个奄奄一息的人吃力地诅咒刺杀他的凶手。
    The dying man spewed out curses against his murderer.
  • 在那一刻,当婴儿含母狼的乳头,超越种群的仁慈取代了杀戮成性。
    In that moment, when the infants' lips close upon the she-wolf's teats, a transgressive mercy removes the harmful influence of a murderous culture.
  • 群众纷纷气愤地抱怨
    An angry murmur ran through the crowd.
  • 他们咕哝埋怨起教练来了,他却很和气地同他们讲话。
    They began to murmur against their coach, but he gave them fair words.