  • 中國一如既往地與世界各國愛好和平的人民一道,矢志不渝地推動軍控與裁軍的發展,為把一個和平、穩定、繁榮、美好的新世界帶進二十一世紀而不懈努力。
    In the future China will unswervingly promote arms control and disarmament as it has in the past, joining together with the peace-loving people of all the nations in the world, working untiringly to bring a peaceful, stable, prosperous and happy new world into the 21st century.
  • 琳達是個我行我素的人,你摸不透她要幹些什麽。
    Linda is a law unto herself. You can't know what she will do.
  • 這個政府忽略來總是的能量極大。它的座佑銘是:未來自有未來的憂慮,今天的難處今天當就夠了。
    This government has great capacity for ignoring the problems of the future. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof is its motto.
  • 最初的鏡子是一池靜水,不知過了多少世紀,仍沒有其他的鏡子能其取代。
    The first mirror was a pool of still water, and for untold centuries there was no other mirror to take its place.
  • 警察不遺餘力來搜尋匪徒。
    The police will leave no stone unturned in their search for the robbers.
  • 警察竭盡全力搜捕搶劫銀行的強盜。
    The police will leave no stone unturned in their search for the bank robbers.
  • 我一定要輓救公司,我盡力尋找一種輓救公司的辦法。
    I've got to save the company. There isn't a stone I'll leave unturned in searching for a way to save the company.
  • 某種不尋常的事即發生。
    Something unusual was about to happen.
  • 他(戈爾巴喬夫)不僅着眼於即與裏根舉行的高層會,一項非常重要的共産黨會議僅有一個月即召開。
    He(Gorbachev) has his eye on more than the impending summit meeting with Ronald Reagan. An unusually important Communist Party conference is only a month away.
  • 我們因真實的自我而補愛,而不是因為我們的假象,我們會透過外表發現彼此最優秀的。
    we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other.
  • 上月人力資源局所發表的一項五年計劃,要加強對流離失所家庭的服務,並給予較好的安置。
    A five-year plan unveiled by the Human Resources Administration last month promises beefed–up services to homeless families and better accommodations.
  • 上月人力資源局所發表的一項五年計劃,要加強對流離失所家庭的服務,並給予較好的安置。
    A five-year plan unveiled by the Human Resources Administration last month promises beefed?Cup services to homeless families and better accommodations.
  • 展望21世紀,我們完全有理由相信,衹要按照黨的十五大的部署,在繼續實現三步走經濟發展戰略的同時,認真落實依法治國的方略,努力建設社會主義法治國傢,中國的人權狀況就不斷地得到改善。
    Looking forward to the 21st century, we have every reason to believe that China's human rights situation will see unwavering improvement, as long as we follow the plans laid down at the Party's 15th National Congress, and while continuing to carry out the three-stage economic development strategy, earnestly implement the general plan of exercising the rule of law and strive to build a socialist country governed according to law.
  • 她面前是一對小山也似的還沒包裝好的禮物;已經打開的禮物樹周圍的地面弄得亂七八糟。
    she faced a mountainous pile of presents still unwrapped; the floor around the tree was littered with gifts already unwrapped.
  • 有權做决定的應該是孩子的母親,因為正是她要養育這一孩子。
    The potential mother should have this authority. It is she who is likely to be most involved with the upbringing of the child.
  • 因此,香港的青年人有責任認識自己的國傢和民族的文化和歷史,並且,應該這個認識作為青年人成長的必須組成部份。
    Accordingly, our youngsters have the responsibility to learn the culture and history of our country and people, with this learning process becoming an integral part of their upbringing.
  • 他們對即到來的選舉作了充分的準備。
    They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections.
  • 我們即召開的黨的十三大,主要有兩個內容:
    The upcoming Thirteenth National Congress of the CPC will mainly consider two things:
  • 到來的選舉;即到來的星期四;即來臨的假期;即到來的春季時尚。
    the approaching election; this coming Thursday; the forthcoming holidays; the upcoming spring fashions.
  • 藉此機會,我嚮大傢簡要介紹一下要舉辦的“中國國際高新技術成果交易會”的有關情況。
    On this occasion, I would like to brief you on the upcoming China Hi-tech Fair.
  • 會舉辦的所有會議和展覽已載於未來會議日期一覽表,該表已印妥備索,並載於旅遊協會的"香港魅力"網頁之內。
    All upcoming conferences and exhibitions are listed in a calendar available in print and on the Wonder Net website.
  • 當你本該為一場即到來的考試而攻讀的時候,你可能得花上幾個小時回電子信件。
    You might spend hours writing and responding to e mails when you should be hitting the books for an upcoming exam.
  • 隨着中國加入世貿組織,中國政府還在以下九個方面采取積極措施,吸引更多的外商投資西部地區。
    With China's upcoming accession to the WTO, the Chinese government will adopt positive measures in the following nine aspects to attract more foreign investment to the western regions.
  • 聽她講完了最新的排球賽分數,學校裏即舉行的舞會,以及正在做的歷史作業,我告訴她已經很晚了,我要去睡覺了。
    After hearing the latest volleyball scores, the details about an upcoming dance at her school, and a history project that was in the works, I commented that it was late and I should get to sleep.
  • 如何在即來臨的下一世紀進一步促進人權,這是各國人民在紀念《宣言》發表50周年時最為關心的問題。
    The most important question of common concern to people of all countries in commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is how to further promote human rights in the upcoming 21st century.
  • 在軟件更新(su)文檔中以下面的格式給出ap平臺軟件版本號:apxxxx.
    The AP Platform software version numbers are given in the Software Update (SU) document in the following format:APXXXX.
  • 使更改數據(插入、修改、刪除)為永久性的。在保存變更的數據之前,新老數據會並存一段時間,因此,既可保存新數據,也可恢復老數據。當用戶使用sql的提交命令commit時,一個事務處理中對數據的全部變更成為永久性的。
    To make changes to data(inserts, updates, deletes) permanent. Before changes are stored, both the old and new data exist so that change can be stored or the data can be restored to its prior state. When a user enters the SQL command COMMIT, all changes in that transaction are made permanent.
  • 例如,web使政府部門能新的應用程序投入服務,而對幾百、甚至幾千人使用的每臺計算機上的軟件更新無需投入勞力和開銷。
    For example, the Web makes it possible for governments to put new applications into production without the labor and expense of updating the software in each computer used by hundreds or even thousands of workers.
  • 這筆錢就是投資者來會收到的利息和到期時會取回的本金的現值,而所用的貼現利率就叫做“到期利率”。
    The price paid upfront is the present value of all the future cash-flows of coupons and principal on matu-rity, discounted at the appropriate interest rate,which is also known as the yield to maturity (YTM) of the bond.
  • 這筆錢就是投資者來會收到的利息和到期時會取回的本金的現值,而所用的貼現利率就叫做“到期利率”。
    The price paid upfront is the present value of all the future cash-flows of coupons and principal on matu-rity, discounted at the appropriate interest rate, which is also known as the yield to maturity (YTM) of the bond.
  • 這意味着用戶的升級仍是在netware3.x和早期的netware4.0版本加入一種解决2000年問題的方法。
    That means an upgrade for users still plugging a way with NetWare 3.X and early NetWare 4 versions.
  • 這位園丁用了一個木柱這株嬌嫩的植物撐直。
    The gardener used a stake to support the uprightness of the fragile plant.