| - 市长让我在他办公室工作。
The mayor established me in the office. - 到2001年,新疆生产建设兵团在两大沙漠边缘兴修水利、植树造林、防风固沙,建起了数千公里的绿色屏障,形成了1064千公顷新绿洲,建起了石河子、五家渠等一批新兴城镇;国内生产总值占自治区的13.2%。
By 2001, the XPCC had built a maze of irrigation works, sandbreaks and forest belts, rigged up a green barrier totaling several thousand km in length, created new oases with a total area of 1.064 million ha, brought into existence a number of new towns such as Shihezi and Wujiaqu, and reaped a GDP that accounted for 13.2% of the autonomous region’s total. - 喂,这是麦考伊的办公室。
Hello, this is McCoy's office speaking. - 我会帮你接到麦考依的办公室。
I'll connect you with McCoy's office. - 总经理在他的办公室里。
The MD is in his office. - 她被任命为某房地产公司的总经理。
She is appointed md of a property company. - 他们眼界可谓大矣,真正是放眼全球,心怀世界,只是对于这类世界公民倾向的新加坡人,我在这里讨论的“吾国吾民”的问题就没有丝毫意义,而应该取消的了。
They do have a large, world-embracing view indeed. To them, the discussion of "my country and my people" here would sound meaningless and unnecessary. - 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。
They took strong measures against dangerous drivers. - 进本公司前,你得先做体格检查。
Before you join the company, you will have to have a medical examination. - 公费医疗
Medical services at state expense - 回教纪元公元622年穆罕默德从麦加到麦地那的逃亡,标志着伊斯兰教纪元的开始
The flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina in622, marking the beginning of the Moslem era. - 今天当她一边沉思一边用力咬动下颚时,她告诫自己(已经不是第一次了):做事要看时间地点-办公室绝不是模仿老板娘的地方。
Today, as she munched meditatively, she was telling herself, not for the first time, that there was a time and place for everything – and that the office was definitely not the place for imitations of the boss's wife. - 该公司能偿还债务吗?
Can the company meet their debts? - “你在哪儿遇见他的?”“告诉你吧,我是在一辆11路公共汽车上碰见他的。”
"Where did you meet him?" "If you must know, I met him on a number eleven bus." - 礼堂用于公众集会或演出的大型建筑物
A large building for public meetings or performances. - 在年会举行期间,共有5个团体在会场附近举行公众集会及游行。
Five groups of demonstrators staged public meetings and public processions near the venue during the meetings. - 美国记忆集成电路元件公司决意对抗威胁。肯尼先生预料,用购自ibm技术使用权来制造400万位集成电路片(并在90年代中叶进而设计1600万位集成电路元件),明年即会迅速进展。
U. S. Memories was meant to blunt the threat. Mr. Kane expected to hit the ground running next year, using technology licensed from I. B. M. to make fourmegabit chips, and moving on to 16-mega-bit designs by mid-decade. - 一个好故事、一个熟练的摄制组、一个超级巨星,加上一点运气。制片公司将他们结合在一起,掀起了一阵“完美风暴”。
A good story; skillful staff; a megastar and a little luck, by combined all these together the company did arouse a perfect storm. - 以能源、交通建设为例,今后五年,中国将新增发电装机容量8000万千瓦,新建铁路16000公里,高速公路2800公里,光纤通讯线路150000公里,新增电话交换机7000—8000万门。
In the next five years, China will increase its installed power-generating capacity by 80,000 megawatts and build 16,000-kilometres-long new railways plus another 2,800 kilometres of freeways. It also plans to build another 150,000 kilometres of optic fibre cables and increase telephone switching capacity by 70-80 million lines. - 以能源、交通建设为例,今后五年,中国将新增发电装机容量8000万千瓦,新建铁路16000公里,高速公路2800公里,光纤通讯线路150000公里,新增电话交换机7000—8000万门。
An example is the market demand for energy and communications construction. In the next five years, China will increase its installed power-generating capacity by 80,000 megawatts and build 16,000-kilometres-long new railways plus another 2,800 kilometres of freeways. It also plans to build another 150,000 kilometres of optic fibre cables and increase telephone switching capacity by 70-80 million lines. - 湄公河流域开发合作即将全面展开。
Cooperation for the development of the Mekong River valley is about to unfold. - 这条教训不是光讲给员工听的而是给每一个公司成员。
the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family; the church welcomed new members into its fellowship. - 坐在我身边的cnn国际公共关系负责人奈杰尔·普里查德准备了一份备忘录,提醒自己的老板最好留意不要涉及的一些事情,该备忘录委婉地提醒老板避免谈及美国在线-时代华纳公司,特别是不要提及罗德岛的那次演讲。
Nigel Pritchard,CNN's head of international public relations,who is sitting beside me,has prepared a memo outlining some things his boss might like to consider not saying.It politely suggests that he might steer clear of talking about AOL Time Warner,and,specifically,he might like to avoid reference to that Rhode Island speech. - 你是否已不再参加公司的重大会议或是再也看不到公司重要的备忘录?
Are you no longer being invited to crucial meetings or getting important memos? - 字处理软件(如word、wps)广泛用于办公系统以用来书写信函及备忘录。
Word Processing Software such as WORD, WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos. - 但是,如果所要写的是日常工作的备忘录、公函、资料汇总和表格的话,他们就会依靠以前写过的文字资料来节省大量时间。
But when it comes to routine memos,letters,fact sheets and forms,they save a lot of time by relying on previously written material. - 字处理软件(如word、wps)广泛用于办公系统以用来书写信函及备忘录,字处理软件允许用户在键盘上输入数据。
Word Processing Software such as WORD,WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos. It allows the user to enter data on a keyboard. - 1960年9月,达赖集团在尼泊尔木斯塘重新组建了“四水六岗卫教军”,在中国边境进行了长达十年之久的军事袭扰活动,其首任总指挥恩珠仓·公布扎西在其回忆录《四水六岗》中写道,“组织了一系列向中国哨所的进攻”,“有时,一二百人的西藏游击队的活动深入中国占领区达一百英里”。
In September 1960, the Dalai clique re-organized the "religion guards of the four rivers and six ranges" in Mustang, Nepal, which carried on military harassment activities along the Chinese border for ten years. Its first commander-in-chief Anzhugcang Goinbo Zhaxi wrote in his memoirs Four Rivers and Six Ranges that "a series of attacks were organized on Chinese outposts" and "sometimes, 100 or 200 Tibetan guerrillas went as far as 100 miles into the area occupied by the Chinese." - 据民间传说(姑且不说当代史吧),爱德华·格雷创造了一个注意的短语。1941年战争爆发的那天早晨,这位外交大臣从他的办公室窗口向外眺望,看见伦敦的煤气灯光正在纷纷熄灭,不禁带着一丝儿他那因年事越高而显得越严重的忧伤情绪说道:整个欧洲的灯光快要熄灭了,而且在他有生之年再也不会亮了。
Folk-memory, let alone contemporary history, has attributed to Edward Grey one memorable phrase. On the morning war broke out in 1941, the Foreign Secretary looked out of his office window and noticed the gas-lights of London being extinguished. He observed, with a touch of that melancholy which marked him increasingly as he approached old age, that the lights were going out all over Europe and would not be lit again in his lifetime. - 公文印刷性的材料,如小册子,表格或备忘录,尤指具有官方文件性质,并无多大兴趣或重要性的文件
Printed matter, such as pamphlets, forms, or memorandums, especially of an official nature and deemed of little interest or importance. - 上述货物,请尽快发货。按照贵公司寄我司的价格单,同函寄上汇票一份,请查收。
Kindly forward these by fast freight. enclosed please find a draft as per memorandum bill you send us. - 刘公岛甲午战争纪念地
Liugongdao Memorial Places of the Jiawu War