  • 周期系统中,在相继两循环中两个对应点之的时隔。参阅frequency。
    In periodic systems, the time interval between two corresponding points on successive cycles.
  • 次数单位时内周期过程中发生的次数
    The number of complete cycles of a periodic process occurring per unit time.
  • 一种自然或周期的状态,在此期终端对世界的感知。
    a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended.
  • 在…上滴(浇、抹)油脂尤指烹调(肉类)时,歇地淋上一种液体加以润湿,如溶化了的奶油或酱汁
    To moisten(meat, for example) periodically with a liquid, such as melted butter or a sauce, especially while cooking.
  • 在给定的时周期内,计算机系统能完成的总工作量的一种量度。例如每天完成的作业个数。
    A measure of the amount of work performed by a computer system over a given period of time, for example, number of jobs per day.
  • 学习中应安插一些休息时
    Study should be sandwiched with periods of rest.
  • 因此,面对两个高峰期之长时的低流量时,需要格外警惕。
    Be careful when staying on position for extended periods of time with slow periods in between peak times.
  • 在高流量期,工作负荷有可能超过中等限度。
    During periods of heavy traffic, workload may increase above moderate.
  • 一种县或郡级监狱,它一般关押犯人时为个月。
    a county jail that holds prisoners for periods up to 18 months.
  • 在草原防火期,应当采取安全措施,严格管理。
    During those periods, safety measures shall be adopted and rigorously administered.
  •  (2)该项临时保护不应延展第四条规定的期
    Such temporary protection shall not extend the periods provided by Article 4.
  • 每两节之有两分钟的歇供队员交换场地。
    There is a two-minute interval between two periods for changing ends.
  • 我们已有好一段时没他的消息了。
    There were long periods when we had no news of him.
  • 与包括现在的日子或一段时的词语连用
    Used with days or periods of time related to the present
  • 一局在马球赛中比赛的一段时,长七分三十秒
    One of the periods of play, lasting7 minutes, in a polo match.
  • 在一些计算机上应用的在计算机和外围设备之的标准端口。
    a standard port between a computer and its peripherals that is used in some computers.
  • 一般来说,硬件外设存在的主存空叫i/o空
    Collectively the memory space that the hardware peripherals exist in is known as I/O space.
  • 设想一下把服务器的输入/输出总线当作在服务器cpu和各种外设之运送数据的高速公路。
    Think of a server's I/O bus as a highway for carrying data between a server's CPU and various peripherals.
  • 皮起源于中胚层的扁平细胞层,衬于胚胎的原始体腔中,最终发育成腹膜、心包及胸膜的上皮细胞
    The layer of flat cells of mesodermal origin that lines the embryonic body cavity and gives rise to the squamous cells of the peritoneum, pericardium, and pleura.
  • 新家具和涂料使房焕然一新
    New furniture and paint perked up the room.
  • “文化大革命”期才改变了做法,经常挂起。
    The practice was changed during the "Cultural Revolution", when they were displayed permanently.
  • 整套房都弥漫著做菜的气味.
    The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat.
  • 渗透透过隙或小孔使一种物质(如水)渗过另一种物质
    To cause(a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores.
  • 消息迅速在人们中传开了。
    The news quickly permeated among the people.
  • 数据站的一种状态,在此状态中,数据站发送数据的时大于最大允许的包长度。这种状态通常是由故障状态引起的。
    A condition wherein a station transmits for a period of time longer than the maximum permissible packet length, usually due to a fault condition.
  • 批准的假期通过这样的许可而得到的一段时
    The period of time granted by such permission.
  • 首先是种类繁多的宗教派别,以及它们之所采取的忍让态度。
    First is the wide variety of denominations and the attitude of permissiveness and tolerance that exists among them.
  • 如果时许可的话,我开完会就来。
    I'll come after the meeting if time permits.
  • 正交一条垂直线,尤指一条相对一条平面曲线的切线垂直线或一条相对一条空曲线的平面切线垂直线
    A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.
  • 卦限八个区之一,这八个区是由三个正交平分割三维空而成
    One of eight parts into which three-dimensional space is divided by three usually perpendicular coordinate planes.
  • 目前的战争的特点是无断和接近永久和平的性质。
    The characteristics of the present war are its uninterruptedness and its proximity to perpetual peace.
  • 那位古怪的发明者花了毕生的时试图建造一种永恒的运动机,但最后放弃了,因为他最后证明了那是不可能的事。
    After spending a lifetime trying to construct a perpetual motion machine, the eccentric inventor threw in his hand because he had finally proved it was impossible.