  • 告诉我"psychologist"这个词的词根吗?
    Can you tell us the stem of the word "psychologist".
  • 之后,这位心理学家不禁想,通过这种方式让人们产生爱情呢?于是他请来了一批志愿者,男女双方均是素未相识的陌生人,他让每一对搭档互相凝视对方的眼睛,一直持续两分钟。
    Later, the psychologist wanted to see whether he could make people fall in love. He instructed volunteers -- men and women who were complete strangers -- to gaze into their partners' eyes for two minutes.
  • 英国一位心理学家最近发现网上恋情很有可发展成为真爱,这则消息格外迎合那些成天泡在网上聊天室里的网友们的心理。
    Here are words of comfort for anyone who has spent more time than he should in online chat rooms -- a British psychologist has found that courtships begun in cyberspace can very well lead to true love.
  • 汤普森在十项全比赛中表现十分出色.
    Thompson turned in a superb performance to win the decathlon.
  • 英国的戴利·汤普森成功卫冕十项全冠军。他成为了继鲍勃·马喜斯之后完成这一壮举的第二人。
    Britain's Daley Thompson successfully defended his decathlon title, becoming only the second man, after Bob Mathias, to do so.
  • 就在他夺得五项全冠军后的第二天,大部分对手的体力还未恢复,他又出证去参加十项全了,并轻松夺冠。
    He won the pentathlon and the very next day, while most of his competitors were recovering, Thorpe went out and competed in the decathlon, easily winning the gold medal.
  • 杰夫:我要提一名没得奖牌的胜利者,他是一个日本人,在男子十项全最后的1500米跑中,因参加标枪比赛左腿受伤,这时差不多成瘸子了,但他觉得不得奖牌,也不要半途而废,靠坚强的意志“跑’到终点,立马栽倒在地,由担架抬出场外。
    Jeff: I want to mention one winner without medals. He was a Japanese athlete. The last event of the decathlon was the 1500 meters. In that event, his left leg that was injured in the javelin competition hurt again. He knew that he could not get any medals, but he would riot give it up halfway. With a great will power, he arrived at the finish, and fell down on the ground.
  • 杰夫:我要提一名没得奖牌的胜利者,他是一个日本人,在男子十项全最后的1500米跑中,因参加标枪比赛左腿受伤,这时差不多成瘸子了,但他觉得不得奖牌,也不要半途而废,靠坚强的意志“跑”到终点,立马栽倒在地,由担架抬出场外。
    Jeff: I want to mention one winner without medals. He was a Japanese athlete. The last event of the decathlon was the 1500 meters.In that event, his left leg that was injured in the javelin competition hurt again. He knew that he could not get any medals, but he would not give it up halfway. With a great will power, he arrived at the fin-ish, and fell down on the ground.
  • 糖能蛀蚀牙。
    Sugar can decay the teeth.
  • 盐能防止食物腐烂。
    Salt preserves food from decay.
  • 牙齿中轻微腐烂的区域;进一步腐烂可导致牙齿的死亡。
    soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth.
  • 腐殖质一种棕色或黑色的有机物,由全部或部分腐烂的植物或动物体构成,它为植物提供养分并提高土壤蓄水的
    A brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants and increases the ability of soil to retain water.
  • 这寡妇如果使死去的丈夫复活,该会有多高兴啊。
    The widow would gladly recall to life her deceased husband if possible.
  • 宣布为圣徒宣布(一位已逝世的人)为圣者并使其够享有圣者的全部荣耀
    To declare(a deceased person) to be a saint and entitled to be fully honored as such.
  • 遗产放弃,遗产减少(当死者没有留下足够的钱全部将其遗产上所欠的钱付清时的减少)
    reducing a legacy or legacy, where the deceased person have not leave enough money to pay them all in full
  • 但是这时我遇到一个难题:那条死蛇的身体已进入一块没有亮光的空间有25英尺,而这块空间很可被这条死蛇的朋友们占据着。
    But now I had a problem:that dead snake was 25 feet into an unlighted space probably occupied by friends of the deceased.
  • 他说本·拉登和他的已死亡的副手穆罕默德·阿蒂夫不相信阿富汗的基地组织实验室制造这些生化制剂。
    He says bin Laden and his top deputy in Afghanistan, deceased Al Qaida leader Muhammad Atif (ph), did not believe that Al Qaida labs in Afghanistan were capable enough to manufacture these chemical or biological agents.
  • 工伤保险基金支付的待遇主要包括:工伤医疗期发生的医疗费用;工伤医疗期结束后根据劳动力丧失程度确定的伤残补助金、抚恤金、伤残护理费等。
    Payment of industrial injury insurance funds covers mainly medical costs sustained during the treatment of the injury, and the injury or disability subsidies, pension for the disabled person or family of a deceased person, and injury or disability nursing charge, all of which are to be determined according to the degree of disability upon termination of the medical treatment.
  •  第十四条对继承人以外的依靠被继承人扶养的缺乏劳动力又没有生活来源的人,或者继承人以外的对被继承人扶养较多的人,可以分给他们适当的遗产。
    Article 14 An appropriate share of the estate may be given to a person, other than a successor, who depended on the support of the decedent and who neither can work nor has a source of income, or to a person, other than a successor, who was largely responsible for supporting the decedent.
  •  有扶养力和有扶养条件的继承人,不尽扶养义务的,分配遗产时,应当不分或者少分。
    At the time of distributing the estate, successors who had the ability and were in a position to maintain the decedent but failed to fulfil their duties shall be given no share or a smaller share of the estate.
  • 继承人中无人知道被继承人死亡或者知道被继承人死亡而不通知的,由被继承人生前所在单位或者住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会负责通知。
    If one of the successors knows about the death or if there is no way to make the notification, the organization to which the decedent belonged before his death or the residents' committee or villagers' committee at his place of residence shall make the notification.
  • 油嘴滑舌的,言善道的以自如流利的话语或笔调为特征的,常含有不诚实、轻率或欺诈之举动
    Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.
  • 他十分正派, 使人不不喜欢他.
    His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him.
  • 我们没有香蕉;没有鸡蛋了并且也没有钱买;你不庄重一点吗?;它没有一点帮助吗;我将立刻到你那。
    we have no bananas; no eggs left and no money to buy any; have you no decency?; did it with no help; I'll get you there in no time.
  • 请认真做你的工作;你不得体一点背着我吗?
    please do your job properly! can't you carry me decent?
  • 你不必花很多钱,就在那里吃一顿相当不错的饭。
    You can get quite a decent meal there without spending too much money.
  • 从经济角度而言,只有对服务人员"支付体面的工资"可才有意义。
    Service people should " just be paid a decent wage" may actually make economic sense.
  • 女人为自己(老后)的体面作准备的唯一办法,是好好儿地对待一个有充分力体贴她的男人。
    The only way a woman can provide for herself decently is to be good to some man that can afford to be good to her.
  • 他们不知道如何才穿着得体。
    they don't know how to dress decently.
  • 女人为自己(老后)的体面作准备的唯一办法,是好好儿地对待一个有充分力体贴她的男人。
    The only way a woman can provide for herself decently is to is good to some man that can afford to is good to her.
  • 因为他们中间除了那些真正拥护人民革命事业的人们而外,有许多人在一个时期内够以革命的或半革命的面目出现,所以他们同时就具备着欺骗民众的资格,使得民众不容易认识他们的不彻底性以及装模作样的假相。
    Because apart from the genuine supporters of the people's revolutionary cause, this class includes many who temporarily appear as revolutionaries or semi-revolutionaries, and who thus acquire a deceptive status which makes it difficult for the people to see through their lack of revolutionary thoroughness and their false trappings.
  • 你能给些建议吗?
    Can you help me decide?