  • 这两所博物馆预计可于一九九九年开放市民参观。
    The two museums are expected to open for public viewing in 1999.
  • 只有认识到反对党意见的重要性,并予高度的重视,全国上下才能成为一个整体。
    National unity can only be achieved by recognizing and giving serious weight to the viewpoint of the Opposition.
  • 您对此领域很熟悉,您的见解定会我们带来很大兴趣。
    Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.
  • 予新的精力或活力。
    give new life or vigor to.
  • 这个运动注入新的生命力
    Infused new vigor into the movement.
  • 某物生命力与活力的活动。
    the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something.
  • 我们将别墅出租一对美国夫妇。
    We rented the villa to an American couple.
  • 村民们把他们的手工艺品卖旅游者。
    The villagers sell their work to tourists.
  • 对不起,请把醋递我好吗?
    Excuse me, but would you please pass me the vinegar?
  • 圣烛节基督教节日,纪念圣母玛丽亚行洁净礼和在圣殿中把婴儿耶稣献
    A Christian feast commemorating the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple.
  • 他安排了一位朋友从维吉尼亚州阿灵顿把衬衫寄妈。
    He arranged to have a friend mail the shirt to Mom from Arlington, Virginia.
  • 他已算答应把那工作交我了(但事实上尚未这样做).
    He virtually promised me the job, ie but did not actually do so.
  • 女人并不贞节,但她们把贞节的观念了我们。
    Women are not virtuous but they have given us the idea of virtue.
  • 给予签证
    To give a visa to.
  • 他想他们会他签证的。
    He thinks they can give him the visa.
  • 他想他们会他签证的。
    He thinks they will give him a visa.
  • 他曾认为他们会他签证的。
    He thought they would give him a visa.
  • 在拜访他之前,我先打电话他。
    Before visiting him, I called him up in advance.
  • 星期日下午的来访者;输了来访者
    Sunday afternoon visitors; lost the game to the visitors.
  • 予生命力和精力的。
    imparting vitality and energy.
  • 赋予生气者,赋予生气的因素予或赋予生气、兴趣、精神或活力的人
    One that provides or imparts life, interest, spirit, or vitality.
  • 这些维生素b和c药片是你增强抵抗力的。
    These vitamin B and C pills are to build up your resistance.
  • 对某一特定主题出注释或说明的词汇表。
    A vocabulary with annotations for a particular subject.
  • 秋季,乡村音乐协会授予希尔"最佳女歌手"的荣誉,而更倾向流行音乐的"美国音乐奖"又了这位女歌手胜过任何其他艺人的诸多提名。
    That fall,the Country Music Association rewarded Hill with Best Female Vocalist honors,while the American Music Awards,a show more centered on pop music,accorded the singer a greater number of nominations than any other artist.
  • 开创(某人)一个开创的机会,如在生涯或职业方面
    To give(someone) a start, as in a career or vocation.
  • 我两杯加奎宁水的伏特加。
    Two vodka and tonics, please.
  • 他妻子的死他的人生留下了痛苦的空虚感。
    His wife's death left a painful void in his life.
  • 说到物质,她所我的,也只是一个空虚。
    In material terms, all she has given me is also a void.
  • 我申请加入排球队时教练留下了良好的印象。
    I had made on the coach a good impression when I went out for volleyball.
  • 在海量存储系统(mss)中,一种分配海量存储卷的海量存储器卷,只供指定海量存储器卷标识符的请求使用。
    In MSS, a mass storage volume assigned to a mass storage volume group and used only by requests that specify the mass storage volume identification.
  • 娜蒂契达·冯·梅克用她从未用过的语气他写了一封信。
    A letter from Nadyezhda von Meck written in a tone she had never before used.
  • 可以,您可以用餐券付钱客房服务部,但是如果您点的菜超过餐券的总值时,请付差额好吗?
    Yes, you may use amealvoucher for Room Service but if your order exceeds the value of the voucher, could you pay the difference, please?