  • 我们的运动员是代表我们的祖国去参加奥运会的。
    Our players represented our motherland to go in for Olympic Games.
  • 他一动也不动地站,默不作声,既不右盼,也不左顾。
    He stands motionless and silent, looking neither to the right nor to the left.
  • 这只猫蹲着不动。
    The cat sat motionless.
  • 玛特威也站住不动,象是一尊塑像,有耐性地等
    Matvey, too, stands motionless as a statue, waiting patiently.
  • 泰米和洛瑞开始抽泣,马克一动不动地坐
    Tammy and lori began to cry. Mark sat motionless.
  • 她一动不动地坐,眼睛瞧那顶旧军帽。
    She sat motionless, her eyes fixed on that old army cap.
  • 村边上,在河岸断裂而陡峭的地方,有匹马紧挨悬崖站定,腿上拴绊绳②,一动也不动,象是一块石头,它多半睡了,或者在想心思吧。
    On one side of the village where the river bank breaks off and is steep a hobbled horse is standing at the very edge, motionless as a stone, probably asleep or deep in thought.
  • 她坐在椅子上,头仰靠椅垫,一动不动,只是不时抽泣,喉头一动,全身颤抖一下,正如一个哭入睡的孩子在梦中仍在抽泣。
    She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
  • 庞培城的后面矗立4000英尺高的维苏维火山。
    Behind the city of Pompeii stood the 4000-feet Mount Vesuvius.
  • 士兵们站在马旁,等待上马的命令。
    The soldiers stood beside their horses , waiting for the order to mount.
  • 那座山被雾笼罩着。
    The mountain was wreathed inmist.
  • 算盘一种手动计算器,由装有平行木杆的框架构成,木杆上串可移算珠
    A manual computing device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters.
  • 风吹动着树枝。
    The wind was moving the branches.
  • 风向标由风启动或对风移动的东西,如风标
    Something, such as a weathervane, that is moved by or moves against the air.
  • ,光束转向图像的下一个极小部分,从左向右扫描,然后扫描下一行,并重复这一扫描过程,直到扫描完整个图像。
    It then moved on to the next tiny part of the picture, working across it from left to right, then moving down a line and repeating the process, until it had scanned the whole picture.
  • 警方一直监视他的一举一动。
    The police have been observing his movements.
  • 亨利,不要因为让你给草坪刈刈草,就满脸忧愁好像肩负重担的样子。
    Don't look as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders, Henry, just because you have to mow the lawn.
  • 我看见他冲玛丽做鬼脸。
    I saw him make mops and mows at Mary.
  • 沿这条街直走,在拐角处向右拐,莫扎特纪念馆就只有两个街段远了。
    Walk along the street and turn right at the corner. Then Mozart Memorial is only two blocks away.
  • 莫扎特狂热地工作,自认为他所写的就是他自已的安魂曲——他是依靠借来的时间来完成这个任务的。
    Convinced that this was what he was writing and that: he was living on borrowed time to do it Mozart worked feverishly.
  • 你别穿着脏靴子进来.
    Don't come in here with your boots all covered in muck.
  • 这种思想上没有入党的人,头脑里还装许多剥削阶级的脏东西,根本不知道什么是无产阶级思想,什么是共产主义,什么是党。
    Those who have not joined the Party ideologically still carry a great deal of the muck of the exploiting classes in their heads, and have no idea at all of what proletarian ideology, or communism, or the Party is. "Proletarian ideology?"
  • 我修这块旧表只是闹玩。
    I'm just mucking about this old watch.
  • 她鞋上沾着泥。
    Mud adhered to her shoes.
  • 他们沿一条泥泞的道路走
    They walked along a muddy road.
  • 她沿泥泞小径格吱格吱地走。
    She squelched along the muddy path.
  • 她反对穿沾有烂泥的鞋进到房子里来。
    She objects to muddy shoes in the house.
  • 他雪天出门,裹厚厚的围巾,穿暖和的大衣。
    He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat.
  • 他蒙起脸就睡着了。
    He muffled his face and went to sleep.
  • 她的声音听起来像是压抑似的。
    Her voice sounded muffled up.
  • 我的朋友,你的语声飘荡在我的心里,就象大海的声音回响在静听的松林之间。
    Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the muffled sound of the sea among these listening pines.
  • 他就一大杯茶把面包吞下肚去。
    He swilled the bread down with a mug of tea.