Chinese English Sentence:
  • 从嫌疑犯中寻了口供
    Pried a confession out of the suspect.
  • 从嫌疑犯口中诱口供
    Wormed a confession out of the suspect.
  • 一种判断债务人没有通常的法律讼诉花费只需做书面承认。
    a judgment entered after a written confession by the debtor without the expense of ordinary legal proceedings.
  • 几支蜡烛都点完了,在门之前,阿尔芒拿了一封写给他父亲的厚厚的信,他一定在信里倾诉了他夜里的感想。
    His candles had burned right down and, before leaving, Armand picked up a very thick letter, addressed to his father, which had doubtless been the confidant of the night's reflections.
  • 比弗布鲁克加拿大裔英籍版商、金融家和政治家。他在每日快讯(1916年)和晚间旗报(1923年)上创立了他的报业帝国,在20世纪40年代他掌握了许多内阁席位,是温斯顿·丘吉尔的一个知己
    Canadian-born British publisher, financier, and politician. He founded his press empire on the Daily Express(1916) and the Evening Standard(1923), held many cabinet positions during the1940's, and was a confidant of Winston Churchill.
  • 她流露了极大的自信。
    She exude great confidence.
  • 医生把病人的私人资料透露来是违反职业道德的。
    A doctor who gives away confidential information about patients is not behaving professionally.
  • 对该商品,我们已向该公司发秘密询盘。
    We make confidential inquiry for the goods to the firm.
  • 医生把病人的私人资料透露来是违反职业道德的。
    A doctor who gives away confidential information about patients does not behave professionally.
  • 他信任地委托我在他国期间代行他的职务。
    He confidentially authorized me to act for him while he was abroad.
  • 他信任地委托我在他国期间代行他的职务。
    He confidentially authorised me to act for him while he was abroad.
  • 那么一件令人惊诧的信息,从那样一个的口中确凿地说了来,真令我仓皇失措到了极点。
    So startling an announcement, so confidently made, and by such lips, is really disconcerting in the last degree.
  • 他满怀信心地恳求她的宽恕,她非常高兴地应允了,并在心里升起一线真正的希望之光。说了自己悲痛的经历。
    He confidently craves her pardon, which Tess is only too delighted to grant; And, with the first real gleam of hope, unfolds her own sad story.
  • 但是也必须指,我们的宣传工作还存在严重缺点,主要是没有积极主动、理直气壮而又有说服力地宣传四项基本原则,对一些反对四项基本原则的严重错误思想没有进行有力的斗争。
    We must point out that there are still serious shortcomings in our propaganda work. Chief among these is our failure to propagate the four cardinal principles actively, confidently and with good results, and to combat effectively the fallacious ideas opposed to them.
  • 我们从容应对一系列关系我国主权和安全的国际突发事件,战胜在政治、经济领域和自然界现的困难和风险,经受住一次又一次考验,排除各种干扰,保证了改革开放和现代化建设的航船始终沿着正确的方向破浪前进。
    We have responded confidently to a series of unexpected international events bearing on China's sovereignty and security. We have surmounted difficulties and risks arising from the political and economic spheres and from nature. We have gone through one trial after another and removed all kinds of obstacles, thus ensuring that our reform, opening up and modernization drive have been forging ahead in the correct direction like a ship braving surging waves.
  • "阿尔巴托夫显一副尴尬相,装得很到家,像是在吐露家里的一桩大秘事。
    Arbatov feigned embarrassment beautifully,speaking as though he were confiding a great family secret.
  • 如第2章所述,对intraverse安全域的配置作计划。
    Plan your intraverse secure domain configuration as describe in chapter 2.
  • 配置若有差错,运作便会问题。
    the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time.
  • apc监视/控制任务概述本课程将描述apc监视和控制任务,执行这些任务可以观察、获得apc相关组件和/或应用程序的状态及告警状态,并对其进行退、恢复、初始化、切换、恢复切换、重启、创建、诊断、配置和删除操作。使用所有可用的界面监视apc系统
    APC Monitoring /Controlling Tasks OverviewThis lesson describes the APC monitoring and controlling tasks that are performed to observe, obtain the status and alarm states of, remove, restore, initialize, switchover, switchback, restart, create, diagnose, configure, and delete APC-related components and/or applications.use all of the available interfaces to monitor the APC system
  • 回飞镖一种平的、弯的,通常是木制的飞镖,当投去后能回到投掷者手中
    A flat, curved, usually wooden missile configured so that when hurled it returns to the thrower.
  • 当接口在进行位错误测试或者网络设施没有正确配置时就会现这种失效。
    This failure occurs when the interface is undergoing bit-error testing or the network facility is not properly configured.
  • 基于客户端的方法采用你私人密钥来签署信息(证明它自于你),这是更细化的安全等级,但它们也有弱点。它们需要配置到每个桌面系统,包括向每个用户发数字证书(用于加密和数字签名),并确保在每个电子邮件客户端都配置了合适的安全配置文件。
    Client-based methods use your private key to sign messages(proving it came from you),which is a more granular level of security,but they have weaknesses as well. They need to be configured on each desktop,which includes issuing a digital certificate to each user (for encryption and digital signature),and ensuring that a proper security profile is configured within the e-mail client.
  • configured=当在rc/v数据库中已经定义了rcs但还未在ems上创建它,或在ems上创建了rcs而随后又在rc/v数据库中将其删除时,现的一个状态。
    CONFIGURED = the state that occurs when an RCS is defined in the RC/V database but was not yet created on the EMS, or was created on the EMS but subsequently deleted in the RC/V database.
  • 这超了人类知识范畴。
    This is outside the confines of human knowledge.
  • 请不要越出话题。
    Please confine your remarks to the subject we are talking about.
  • 这一版限出二万册。
    The edition is confined to 20,000 copies.
  • 生病使她整个星期都不能外
    Ill health has confined her all week.
  • 他因患流感闭门不
    He is confined to his house with flu.
  • 他因病而闭门不出。
    He is confined to the house by illness.
  • 给人自由;从束缚中解脱来。
    grant freedom to; free from confinement.
  • 长期卧病后常会现这种情况。
    That state often follows in the long confinement of illness.
  • 这超了人类知识范畴。
    This is outside the confines of human knowledge.