  • 现在有些错误观点自称是马克思主义的,有的则然向马克思主义挑战。
    There are people who call their wrong views Marxist and others who challenge Marxism.
  • 玛丽在司里比其他人都漂亮。
    Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company.
  • 升气体的质量少于一升水的质量。
    A liter of gas has less mass than a liter of water.
  • 杰夫:科曼的这项奇迹是在1997年马萨诸塞州的一条高速路上创造的。
    Jeff: Koman's miracle was created on a speedway in Massachusetts in 1997.
  • 哈里斯,路易斯生于1921美国民意分析家,他于1956年创立了路易斯·哈里斯联合司,该司以其竞选投票分析而出名
    English publisher and journalist in Massachusetts. His Publick Occurrences was the first newspaper printed in America(1690).
  • 这个惨杀事件,激起了各抗日根据地的人民和国民党统治区的正义人士的愤。
    This massacre aroused indignation not only among the people in the anti-Japanese democratic base areas but also among honest people in the Kuomintang areas.
  • 物价大幅上涨的消息一布,他们气愤填膺。
    They are outraged by the announcement of massive price increase.
  • 公共卫生(学)硕士
    Master of Public Health.
  • 罗马著名政治家、雄辨家、拉丁散文家(元前106年-元前43年)。
    a Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC).
  • 赵:你认为你的成功最应归功于哪个因素:对英语的掌握,顶尖商学院的mba学位,还是你在世界500强司的营销经验?
    Zhao:What factors do you attribute most to your personal success,your mastery of English,your top notch MBA education or your marketing experience at a Fortune 500 companies?
  • 西班牙、葡萄牙或拉美的一道奇观;竞技场里斗牛士在观众面前引诱并(通常)杀死一头牛)。
    a Spanish or Portuguese or Latin American spectacle; a matador baits and (usually) kills a bull in an arena before many spectators.
  • 当时那牛正忙着与斗牛士搏斗,但是它突然看到了那个醉汉,而那醉汉正在说些粗鲁的评论话,而且挥舞着一顶红色的帽子。
    The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.
  • 能在你屋里等我办室的人吗?
    Can I wait for my office mate in your room?
  • 这一场面使许多人非常感动,它向人们展示了众通常难以见到的撒切尔夫人性格的另一面。于是,人们开始议论铁女人的母爱,这也是人类所共有的情感。
    It was a very moving scene which exposed a new side of Mrs Thatcher's character the public do not usually see, so people began to talk about the Iron Woman's maternal love, a sentiment that is universal to all human kind.
  • 也有一些人说,妇女休完司的产假回来上班后通常会发现另有他人坐在她们的位置上,她们再也无法恢复原先在职业上的发展势头。
    Others say that women who do take advantage of company maternity policies often return from leave to find someone else sitting at their desks,and never recover their career momentum.
  • 司给予产妇及其丈夫充足的假期,并出资在附近建成了两所托儿所,使作父母的宝洁员工能离他们的孩子近一些。
    The company offers a liberal maternity and paternity leave and has provided funding for two day-care centers nearby so that P & G mothers and fathers can be near their children.
  • 这个老师强迫学生们来学习数学式。
    The teacher bludgeoned the students into learning the math formulas.
  • 农民一直把他们最壮的牛和最健康的母牛交配,以求培育出更好的牛种。
    Farmers keep trying to produce better cattle by mating their strongest bulls with their healthiest cows.
  • 如果我错过了共汽车不要紧,我可以步行。
    It doesn't matter if I miss this bus, I can walk.
  • 由于"世界上最长寿的人"记录保持者美国密歇根州科尔德沃特的莫德·法里斯·卢斯老人周一以115岁零56天的高龄去世,吉尼斯司在其网站上布本乡老人成为目前仍在世的"世界上最长寿的人"。
    Hongo inherited the title Monday after the death of the previous record holder, Maud Farris-Luse, of Coldwater, Mich., the record-keeping company said on its Web site. Farris-Luse was 115 years, 56 days old.
  • 路易港毛里求斯的首都及最大城市,位于印度洋毛里求斯岛的西北部,该市建于元1735年。人口136,812
    The capital and largest city of Mauritius, in the northwest part of the island on the Indian Ocean. It was founded c.1735. Population,136, 812.
  • 我会确保特区政府会继续提供稳定的经济环境,继续支持及协助工商业发展,让企业家可以尽其所长,并且尽量把握这里提供的机会,我们会继续鼓励外商在港投资,并吸引更多跨国司来港。
    I will see to it that the Government will continue to provide a stable economic environment and play a supporting and facilitating role, so that the private sector can maximise its contribution and make the best use of the opportunities available. We will continue to encourage foreign investments and attract multi-national corporations to come to Hong Kong.
  • 但是,真正的vpn允许企业最大限度地利用共网固有的可靠性和可用性,使用完整的、灵活的解决方案,让该单位选择最有效的技术,使用在网络中不同点上。
    But a true VPN allows the enterprise to maximize the inherent reliability and availability of a public network, using complete, flexible solutions that let the organization choose the most effective technologies to use at different points in the network.
  • “中国国际高新技术成果交易会”以高新技术为先导,以国际惯例和我国缔结的多双边国际条约为准则,借助经济特区优势和便利条件,广邀台港澳在内的国内外高科技企业、大学、科研机构及跨国司参加。
    Focusing on high and new technology and following international norms as well as multilateral and bilateral treaties China has entered into, China Hi-tech Fair is designed to maximize the advantages and convenient conditions of this special economic zone to attract wide participation of domestic and foreign hi-tech enterprises, universities, scientific and research institutes and multinational corporations, including those form Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
  • 这是保险司所能付给的最大金额。
    It is the maximum the insurance company will pay.
  • 猪鱼大西洋温水区的一种彩色大型鱼(毛唇隆头鱼),其成熟鱼有长吻
    A colorful fish(Lachnolaimus maximus) of warm Atlantic waters, having a long snout in the adult male.
  • 哈维·马克斯韦尔依旧精力充沛地在9:30赶到了办室。
    Harvey Maxwell had arrived energetically as usual at9:30.
  • 皮彻在股票经纪人哈维·马克斯韦尔的办室里已工作好多年了。
    Pitcher had worked for many years in the office of Harvey Maxwell,the stockbroker.
  • 但是今天早上她在外间的办室停了下来,来到马克斯韦尔的办桌旁。
    But this morning she stayed in the outside office.She walked over near Maxwell's desk.
  • 麦氏司及滴滴香浓意犹未尽乃美国纽约州通用食品司注册商标。
    Maxwell House and Good to the Last Drop are registered trademark of General Foods Corporation, NY, USA.
  • 哈维·马克斯韦尔并没有在意他,只是匆匆地与他打了个招呼,然后就冲向自己的办桌,一头扎进了等他处理的成堆信件和电报里。
    Harvey Maxwell didn’t pay attention to Pitcher.He said only a quick"Good morning,"and ran to his desk.He dug energetically into the mountain of letters and telegrams that waited for him.
  • 这座位于墨西哥南部的玛雅古城保存极为完好,约建于元前300年,直到1931年方被发现。
    An exceptionally well-preserved Mayan city in southern Mexico.It was founded in about 300 B.C.and not discovered until 1931.