  • 如果戴比在场在话,你一定不被她抓住,否则她就会很快抓住这一有利机会的。
    You mustn’t be caught bending when Debbie’s around or she’ll quickly seize the advantage.
  • 一切可只是我的一场梦,但我发誓,我听说了那则新闻。特怀克罗斯动物园的那只名叫黛比的貘日渐憔悴。直到有一天,一位好心的管理员为它带来了一台电视机和录相带。
    I may have dreamt the whole thing, but I could swear I heard on the news that Debbie, a tapir at Twycross Zoo, was pining away until a kindly keeper provided a TV and video.
  • 瘫痪,无状态由这种影响而导致的一种衰弱的情况或虚弱的状态
    An enfeebled condition or debilitated state thought to result from such an influence.
  • 这种心态突显了自我怜悯和自我认输所造成的挫折感。
    This syndrome actually highlights the debilitating internal effects of self-pity and self-defeat.
  • 可是在负债方面,阁下离任时,国家负担了二兆六千亿的债务。这是一笔可观的赤字,可系由军费增加三倍和减税所致。这如何与阁下八年以前所订的目标相吻合?本人愿闻其详。
    But on the debit side, as you leave office, the nation is saddled with a $2.6 trillion debt, an enormous deficit, caused perhaps by the tripling of military spending and tax cut. How does this jibe with the goals that you set eight years ago and I'd like to follow up.
  • 解释一下为什么这笔钱记在我名下吗?
    Would you kindly explain why this large sum has been debited to me?
  • 够发出火花或者产生火焰。
    can emit sparks or burst into flame.
  • 炉栏放在敞口火炉前的一块挡住火星的金属屏障
    A metal screen placed in front of an open fireplace to catch sparks.
  • 与钢撞击或摩擦时发出火花的合金,用作打火石。
    an alloy that emits sparks when struck or scratched with steel; used in lighter flints.
  • 他学了趁热打铁并且击出火花。
    He was taught to strike the iron while it is hot, and he hit out sparks.
  • 码头工人紧张地工作,以便使货物在天黑前卸完,大伙儿干得热火朝天。
    The dockers worked so hard to get the cargo discharged before dark that they fairly made the sparks fly.
  • 我想提醒不同年龄的人们:阅读活动确实具有吸引力;通过阅读,可以达到电视所不给予的促进、唤起和激发想象力的作用。
    I want to remind people of all ages how engaging an activity reading really is -- how it motivates and inspires and sparks the imagination in a way that television cannot.
  • 谢尔博是由一个世界性的评选小组所选中的。他是在击败美国田径金牌得主400米栏选手凯文·杨和女子七项全选手乔伊纳·克西后获得此项大奖。
    He was selected by a worldwide panel of electors and won the award by beating two vs track and gold medallists,400 meter hurdler Kevin Young and heptathlete Joyner Kerssie.
  • 我希望明年得到一个更好的工作。
    I am hoping to get a better post next year.
  • 堕入情网、债台高筑不自拔
    Be hopelessly in love, in debt
  • 免除我的债务吗?
    Will you forgive me the debt?
  • 债务人逾期不偿还债务。
    The debtor fell delinquent.
  • 破产者经自愿请求或被债务人的债权人所请求,在法律上被判定为无偿债力的债务人。该债务人的剩余财产交由债权人管理或在债权人之间分配
    A debtor that, upon voluntary petition or one invoked by the debtor's creditors, is judged legally insolvent. The debtor's remaining property is then administered for the creditors or is distributed among them.
  • 起初只是探讨如何才最有效地纠正电脑程序错误的技术之争,而现在则演变为知识所有权和使用方式的政治大战,交战的一方是那些相信观念自由传播的人,另一方则是那些更愿意将其称为“知识产权”的人。
    What started as a technical debate over the best way to debug computer programs is developing into a political battle over the ownership of knowledge and how it is used, between those who put their faith in the free circulation of ideas and those who prefer to designate them "intellectual property".
  • 程序设计技术和专用机器特性的组合,这种组合允许给定的计算机系统执行为另一系统所写的程序。通常它可提供开发和调试用户应用硬件和软件的全部力。
    The combination of programming techniques and special machine features that permits a given computing system to execute programs written for another system. U sually, it provides full capability for developing and debugging a user's application hardw are and software.
  • 实验的过程不但可以检验其正误,往往还可提升或推翻这个理论。
    Not only can the experiment verify the soundness of the hypothesis, it can also improve or debunk it.
  • 这项运动迅速大受欢迎,其奥运会个人全比赛在悉尼奥运会上初次登场。
    Popularity for the sport swelled and the first Olympic individual all-around competition makes its debut at the Sydney Games.
  • 1998年春,乐队凯旋而归,声望日隆、歌擅舞的男孩们感到有足够信心在美国发行乐队的同名专辑。
    Returning home triumphantly in the spring of 1998,the burgeoning dancemeisters felt confident enough to unleash their self-titled debut on America.
  • 他之所以够如此,并不只是因为他带领中国队第一次进入世界杯决赛。
    He will not just be doing so as the coach guiding China on their debut appearance in the World Cup finals.
  • 1991年,当他完成萨尔茨堡节日首演《庄严的大弥撒》之后,音乐舞台上够填补赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬空下的宝座的人似乎非他莫属。
    When he finally made his Salzburg festival debut with the Missa Solemnis in 1991,the stage seemed set for Harnoncourt to assume the throne vacated by Herbert von Karajan.
  • 像布朗这样远离政海――他最后一次从政几乎是十年以前的事――而设法赢得主要政党提名竞选总统,实在是一件绝无仅有之事。
    Only very, very rarely does someone so far out of the political swim as Jerry Brown, who last held political office almost a decade ago, manage to win the presidential nomination of a major party.
  • 我相信这一对抗还将会持续下去,并可在下一个十年中得出结果。
    I believed that this struggle is going to go on and it might well be decided in the next decade.
  • 现在,即使是成功的药物要想上市可也要10年时间。
    Even successful drugs now will probably take a decade to reach the market.
  • 要知道,和10年前比较,新加坡人的鉴赏力已经大大提高了。
    They should know that Singaporeans are now more sophisticated than a decade ago.
  • 这种用西方资产阶级没落文化来腐蚀青年的状况,再也不容忍了。
    This corruption of our young people by the decadent bourgeois culture of the West is no longer tolerable.
  • 一定不让我们的青少年作资本主义腐朽思想的俘虏,那绝对不行。
    We must see to it that our young people do not fall captive to decadent capitalist ideas. We must make absolutely sure of that.
  • 随着美国人的富裕程度日益提高,消费也变得越来越复杂,人们开始把更多的钱花在服务方面——看电影、旅游、抵押买房、为房屋保险、偶尔到豪华饭店度个奢侈周末。经济学家称这种现象为需求变化;《财富》杂志则认为这是本年度评出的100家最大公司中有64个是服务业公司的主要原因。在未来几年,10种发展最快的职业中只有3种(软件工程、护士和电脑支持)够提供中等收入,其余的都可称作沃尔玛式的职业——收银员、售货员、食品服务,以及诸如此类的职业。总之,同过去相比,服务业正在提供更多相当不错的就业机会。
    As America got richer consumption got more complicated.With more income to throw around,people started spending more on services -- movies and travel,mortgages to buy houses,insurance to protect those houses,the occasional decadent weekend at a luxury hotel.Economists call this a shift in the demand pattern;Fortune calls it the main reason that 64 of this year’s top 100 are service companies.Over the next few years,only three of the ten fastest-growing occupations(software engineers,nurses,and computer support)pay middle-class salaries.The rest could be called,well,Wal-Mart kinds of jobs -- cashiers,retail assistants,food service,and so on.In short,the service economy is delivering more good jobs than ever before.