| - 在我们这个外表看来非常现代化的世界级都会里,一些华人经理却仍然保留着根深蒂固的传统观念。遵循华人的风俗习惯,给他们一种安全感,也让他们觉得可以确保生意兴隆。
Beneath the veneer of modernity in this world-class metropolis lurks the hua ren manager who remains traditional in heart and soul, still needing the security blanket of Chinese folk practices to ensure his success and prosperity. - 古代威尼斯给新加坡的五道启示:
The five "ingredients" Singapore needs to become the modern Venice: - 消息给泄漏了。
The news has taken vent. - 但是我还是要去,因为既然你们有气,我就要去给你们消消气。
However,I will go anyway to lend them a chance to vent their anger or complaints. - 他把悲伤倾诉给她的朋友们。
She vented her sorrow on her friends. - 女人得要给穿上衣服,即使只为可以幻想她们是“维纳斯”为乐也好。
You must have women dressed, if it is only for the pleasure of imagine them as Venus. - 我会将你的看法口头转达给委员会成员。
I will communicate your view verbally to the member of the committee. - 陪审团给予了无罪的裁决。
The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. - 她正想把全部的秘密讲给我听。
She was on the verge of telling all the secret. - 三野各兵团,凡有关作战事宜的电报,除发给粟、张外,应同时发给总前委。
All telegrams concerning the campaign sent by the armies of the Third Field Army to Su Yu and Zhang Zhen should be sent simultaneously to the General Front Committee. - (这是邓小平同志为二野前委起草的给五兵团杨勇、苏振华、徐运北同志的电报,并报中共中央。中央认为这份关于贵州新区工作策略问题的电报是很值得注意的,于十一月十九日转发各中央局。)
(Telegram drafted for the Front Committee of the Second Field Army and sent to Comrades Yang Yong, Su Zhenhua and Xu Yunbei of the Fifth Army. It was submitted to the CPC Central Committee, which, deeming that it merited attention, communicated it to all its bureaus on November 19.) - 用细节来陈述或证明;给出详细的证明或描述
To set forth or verify with circumstances; give detailed proof or description of. - 银行先得核实他确是这幢房子的主人,然後才肯借钱给他。
Before the bank is willing to lend him money, it has to verify that he is the true owner of the house. - 银行先得核实他确是这幢房子的主人,然後才肯借钱给他。
Before the bank is willing to lend him money, it have to verify that he is the true owner of the house. - 等我把两个版本比较一下之后,我可能再给你写信。
When I have compared the two versions, I may write to you again. - 锥面由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面
The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix. - 给予议会广泛的权力;服务满五年者,使享有全额退休金的福利
Vested the council with broad powers; vests its employees with full pension rights after five years of service. - 给新娘穿婚服竟花了几个小时。
It took several hours to vest the bride in her wedding dress. - 给新娘穿结婚礼服花了一个半小时。
It took one and half an hour to vest the bride in her wedding dress. - 在一些国家,政府把权力交给人民。
In some countries , government vests authority in people. - 给予受托人的财产。
The property is vested in the trustee. - 行政权必须给予美国总统。
The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United State of America. - 行政权必须给予美国总统。
The executive power shall is vested in a president of the united state of america. - 给弗兰基做检查的兽医说,“这样的骨折,不动手术没法接骨。”
"There's no way to set a break like that without an operation," said the veterinarian who examined Frankie. - 我可以通过内部通讯系统给他发个通知。
I can send him a note via the internal mail system. - 我托玛丽的兄弟把信带给她。
I sent a message to Mary via her brother. - 我通过玛丽的姐姐转给玛丽一封信。
I sent a message to Mary via her sister. - 这些声音由振动着的空气传给你。
These sounds are brought to you by vibrating air. - 他的成功给她如同身受的快乐。
His success gave her vicarious pleasure. - 他很快就让她的魅力给迷住了。
He soon fell victim to her charms. - 维克多迟到了,他给我们编造了他所坐的火车着火的胡话。
Victor arrived late and told us some cock and bull story about his train catching fire. - 电影业在很大程度上已让位给家庭录像电影.
The cinema has largely yielded to the home video.