  • 河两岸都系着船只。
    Boats were moored on both sides of the river.
  • 警察带警犬在荒野呈扇形展开。
    Police with tracer dogs were fanning out over the moor.
  • 我的妻子突然看到岸边停泊一条小船。
    Suddenly my wife spotted a boat moored to the bank.
  • 对许多新加坡投资者来说,“岸外基金”是个有点不边际的课题,因为他们能投资的岸外基金非常有限。
    The subject, for most Singaporean investors , is actually somewhat "moot", as the availability of "offshore funds" to them is greatly restricted.
  • 他婚后过合乎道德规范的生活。
    He lived a moral life after marriage.
  • 中国队正士气高涨。我们等看吧。
    Our morale is very high. We will wait and see.
  • 尽管经历了极度的艰难困苦,红军战士们仍保持旺盛的士气。
    The Red Army men kept up their morale in spite of untold hardships.
  • 用不你对我说教年轻一代品行缺点的问题!
    None of your moralizing on the failings of the young generation!
  • 这意味有必要延迟偿还债款的期限,或许也有暂时实行货币管制措施的必要。
    It certainly means debt moratoria and probably currency controls on a temporary basis.
  • 国民党当它从国内战争的战场向民族战争的战场转变时,主要由于轻敌,同时也存在一种恐日病(以韩复榘、刘峙为代表),而遭受了很多不应有的损失。
    When the Kuomintang changed over from civil war to national war, it suffered many needless losses mainly because of its underestimation of the enemy, but also because of its morbid fear of Japan (as exemplified by Han Fu-chu and Liu Chih).
  • 他对尸体魔到近乎病态的程度。
    he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies.
  • 他说越来越激动。
    He is more and more more exciting while speaking.
  • 需要更多谷物意味需要更多的水。
    More grain needed means more water needed.
  • 再说,这件上衣各处都打政府的宽箭头印记。
    This jacket, moreover, was stamped in various places with the Government broad arrow.
  • 摩根收集古董有复杂的原因。
    Morgan had mixed motives for collecting antiques.
  • 52岁的格林留老式传教士的络腮胡子,自称是一个"原教旨主义的摩门教徒",对他来说多重婚姻是履行宗教义务。
    Bearded as an old-time preacher, Green, 52, describes himself as a " fundamentalist Mormon" for whom plural marriage is a religious duty.
  • 我了解摩门教的主流派对于这种地下生活有复杂的感情。
    I've learned that mainstream Mormons have complex feelings about this underground life.
  • 邻居从早到晚开收音机。
    The people next door play their radio from morning till night.
  • 语的词素连在一起。
    string together, of morphemes in an agglutinating language.
  • 法构词指词素在结合过程中基本保留原来的形式和意义的构词法
    The formation of words from morphemes that retain their original forms and meanings with little change during the combination process.
  • 大部分的孩子到4岁时,看到四处搁书,多少会看一点。
    Most children, seeing books lying about, manage to read by the time they are four years old. (W. Morris, News from Nowhere)
  • 我们如今大多迷于表现西方现代生活中肮脏情景的戏剧和妇女杂志,对莫里斯小说的强烈魅力已无法领略。
    Morris's magic would be too strong meat for most of us these days, caught as we are between kitchen-sink drama and women's magazines.
  • 我坦坦白白地跟你说吧,我决不能长久看猴子而不感到非常屈辱的。
    I confess freely to you, I can never look long upon a monkey without very mortifying reflection.
  • 我坦坦白白地跟你说吧,我决不能长久看猴子而不感到非常屈辱的。
    I confess freely to you, I could never look long upon a monkey without very mortifying reflections.
  • 这些镶嵌砖都组合成一个和谐的整体,但每一个社群都有如每一块镶嵌砖,保留它们本身独特的颜色和活力。
    The mosaics are joined into a harmonious whole, but each piece, that is, each community, retains its own unique color and vibrancy.
  • 我梦到摩西站在一块高高的岩石上,挥动他手中的权杖,呼唤他的子民们,跟随他去越过那条水道。
    I dreamed I saw Moses waving his staff from high on a rock. He was beckoning his people to follow him across the water.
  • 大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴面纱。
    Most Moslem women wear veils in public places.
  • 苔藓样植物任一种有相似的外表和生长方式的不相关植物,如石松、角叉菜和铁兰
    Any of various other unrelated plants having a similar appearance or manner of growth, such as the club moss, Irish moss, and Spanish moss.
  • 有人看见他枕树叶和苔藓睡了.
    He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss.
  • 这穿感觉很不舒服。
    It feels most uncomfortable.
  • 他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接旅行了。
    He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling.
  • 1951年,我带妻子和五个孩子到华盛顿特区去度假。那是过去的好时光,汽车旅店的一个房间一晚上收8美元。可是房东们无一例外地对每个孩子加收2美元,所以我们一家人的房价一下子就涨到了18美元。
    In 1951, I took my wife and our five kids on a vacation to Washington, D.C. Those were the good old days, when a motel room cost about $8 a night, but the proprietors inevitably charged $2 extra for each child, so the price ballooned to $18 for my family.