  • 主要是“发条装置”,电动操作的在下一个部
    Mainly clockwork. The electrically operated are in the next section.
  • 光镜确定微小的电离子的数量。
    the use of spectroscopy to determine the masses of small electrically charged particles.
  • 地球磁场是由地核流体部中带电粒子的流动而产生的,其流体部主要由铁组成。
    The Earth's magnetic field is produced by the flow of electrically charged particles in the liquid part of the earth's core, which is mainly composed of iron.
  • 还有当我过强调安全的时候,就像有一次,我拒绝举起一根垂得太低的电缆线,以便让我们的卡车通过。
    Or how I'm morbidly preoccupied with safety--like the time, fearing electrocution, when I refused to hold up a lowhanging cable wire to allow our tall truck to pass beneath.
  • 电解淀积通过电解使(解或悬浮物质)淀积在电极上
    To deposit(a dissolved or suspended substance) on an electrode by electrolysis.
  • 而其他更保守的调查者计算显示:假设100亿个神经细胞全部互相连接,同时放电,那么置于人类头皮的单个电极将会记录大约百万之五到百万之五十伏特的电压。
    Other more conservative investigators calculate that if all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells discharged at one time that a single electrode placed on the human scalp would record something like five millionths to 50 millionths of a volt.
  • 动电学关于热效应和电网中电流配的电动力学
    The electrodynamics of heating effects and current distribution in electric networks.
  • 电解能解水的化学成
    Electrolysis breaks water down.
  • 用电解法可以把水解为氢和氧。
    Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.
  • 化学家以电解的方法解水,把氧收集在一个烧瓶里,把氢装在另一只烧瓶里。
    The chemist reduced the water by electrolysis collecting the oxygen in one flask the hydrogen in another.
  • 电解(作用)一种电解质解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程
    The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge.
  • 具有高子重量的一种电解质。
    an electrolyte of high molecular weight.
  • 聚合(高子)电解质具有高子重量的一种电解质,如蛋白质或多聚糖
    An electrolyte, such as a protein or polysaccharide, having a high molecular weight.
  • 电解析以电解法进行的化学
    Chemical analysis using electrolytic techniques.
  • 核衰变产生的微粒或电磁波放射物的原子或子由于核衰变放出的一束微粒或电磁波
    A stream of particles or electromagnetic waves emitted by the atoms and molecules of a radioactive substance as a result of nuclear decay.
  • 物理学中有关电磁现象的支。
    the branch of physics concerned with electromagnetic phenomena.
  • 一个被机电装置完全取代或部了代的人。
    a human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices.
  • 自由电子子轨道模型
    free electron molecular orbital model
  • 轨函数描述原子或子中某个电子运动波函数,它可指出电子的可能位置
    The wave function of an electron in an atom or molecule, indicating the electron's probable location.
  • 通过增加带负电荷的成来改变一种化合物。
    change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule).
  • 精密分析核电子仪器
    nuclear electronic instrument for precise analysis
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,用电子技术显示正文的一种设备。依赖于这种设备,显示可以是整页的、部页的、单行的或部行的。
    In word processing, a device for electronically displaying text. Depending on the equipment, the display may be full page, partial page, single, or partial line.
  • 将抗原和抗体离的电泳。
    electrophoresis to separate antigens and antibodies.
  • 酶谱电泳媒质的谱带,电泳裂后显出酶或同酶素的图案
    A strip or band of electrophoretic medium showing the pattern of enzymes or isoenzymes after their separation by electrophoresis.
  • 红色的窗帘使房间平添几雅致。
    The red curtain impart a certain elegance to the room.
  • 过度的负担;冗长的书;他的衣着不太得体;过的要求。
    excessive charges; a book of inordinate length; his dress stops just short of undue elegance; unreasonable demands.
  • 这些同志的立足点还是在小资产阶级知识子方面,或者换句文雅的话说,他们的灵魂深处还是一个小资产阶级知识子的王国。
    These comrades have their feet planted on the side of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals; or, to put it more elegantly, their innermost soul is still a kingdom of the petty-bourgeois intelligentsia.
  • 词是句子的组成部
    Words are the elements of a sentence.
  • 步兵分队战术训练
    tactical training of infantry element
  • 一个从动词派生出来的单词或构成部
    A deverbative word or element.
  • 只具有一个部或元素。
    having only one part or element.
  • 空气不可能是一种元素,因为元素是不能解的。
    Air cannot be an element because an element cannot be separated.