  • 一家公司的销售计划
    A company's marketing program
  • 这家司的市场占有率是百分之四十八。
    The company's market share is 48 percent in the marketplace.
  • 买卖双方在开的市场上交易的价格。
    the price at which buyers and sellers trade the item in an open marketplace.
  • 一家全国性大司以为可以仅对加利福尼亚北部的部分司进行"地方性市场调节"就能躲过去。
    One big national firm thought it could slide by with "a local marketplace adjustment" limited to northern California.
  • 古罗马广场古罗马城镇用于审判活动和众事务的广场或市场
    The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
  • 然而,微软的现行台式环境只与windows95或nt一起工作,而constellation能在任何平台上工作,它是一组基于html的、瞄准司市场的工作流和传信产品。
    However, while Microsoft's active desktop works only with Windows 95 or NT, Constellation works on any platform, a suite of HTML-based workflow and messaging products aiming at the corporate marketplace.
  • 许多小司都不景气。
    Most small businesses are just marking time.
  • 这条道路的新规章是开放的,并是用tcp/ip、超文本传输协议、超文本标记语言和现在sun司的java语言来描述的。
    The new rules of the road are open and are spelled TCP/IP, Hypertext Transport Protocol, Hypertext Markup Language and now Sun's Java.
  • 可惜,生成xml和文档类型定义(dtd)的工具在1998年姗姗来迟,(dtd是指与标记文档有关的一类文件,它定义应用程序应该如何解释标记的标志,例如,浏览器代表xml文档),但很多司在即将来临的产品中包含了对xml的支持或计划支持xml。
    Unfortunately, tools for creating XML and a Document Type Definition (DTD) -- a type of file associated with markup documents that defines how the markup tags should be interpreted by the application, for example, a browser presenting the XML document -- were slow to arrive in 1998, but a number of vendors have included support for XML or plan to support XML in forthcoming products.
  • 到了9点,切尼穿着他擦得亮亮的栗色牛仔靴步出椭圆办室,穿过走廊,来到他在白宫西侧的办室。在这里,他和他的首席助理刘易斯·里皮及其他高级助手聚在一起研究确定当天的工作安排。
    Out of the Oval Office by 9, Cheney walks in his polished maroon cowboy boots down the hall to his West Wing office,where he huddles with his chief of staff,Lewis Libby, and other senior staff members to go over the day's schedule.
  • 狼现在已经成了黄石国家园的招牌动物。
    Wolves are now the marquee animal in Yellowstone.
  • 爵,侯爵)的子媳用于称呼爵或侯爵的小儿子的妻子的礼貌用语
    Used as a courtesy title for the wife of a younger son of a duke or marquis.
  • 试图获取公众的支持
    Trying to marshal public support.
  • 这一部分人比较第一部分人大不相同,他们也想发财,但是赵元帅总不让他们发财,而且因为近年以来帝国主义、军阀、封建地主、买办大资产阶级的压迫和剥削,他们感觉现在的世界已经不是从前的世界。
    They are quite different from the people in the first section; they also want to get rich, but Marshal Chao never lets them. In recent years, moreover, suffering from the oppression and exploitation of the imperialists, the warlords, the feudal landlords and the big comprador-bourgeoisie, they have become aware that the world is no longer what it was.
  • 艾奇逊,迪安·古德哈姆1893-1971美国政治家,促进了马歇尔计划的实施,帮助了北大西洋约组织的建立
    American statesman who promoted the Marshall Plan and helped establish NATO.
  • 这是马歇尔司自1981年以来的最低汽车市场份额。
    That would be Marshall's lowest share of the car market since 1981.
  • 马歇尔汽车司产品销售部副总裁文斯·比亚吉忧心忡忡。
    Vince Biaggi, Vice President of Brand Marketing for Marshall Motor Company, is worried.
  • 但是他如何能阻止凯特说服销售部的经理们和马歇尔司的总裁相信她是对的,而他的广告运动是行不通的?
    But how can he prevent Kate from convincing the marketing managers and Marshall president that she was right and that Vince's ad campaign won't work?
  • 马歇尔:基本评估办室的任务是按照地缘领域和军事任务领域对军事形势和军事力量对比进行评估。
    DR. ANDREW MARSHALL: Well, the role of the office has been to make assessments of the military situation, the military balance, in geographical areas or military mission areas.
  • 一系列的印刷广告都批评日本小汽车对安全问题不够重视,而另一则广告则声称研究表明,马歇尔司生产的小汽车在5个方面优越于其日本竞争对手:成本、舒适感、造型、服务与安全感。
    In one series of print ads, Japanese cars are criticized for deemphasizing safety. In another ad, a study shows that Marshall cars are superior to their Japanese competitors in five separate categories; cost, comfort, styling, service, and safety.
  • 第二十四条 新建铁路编制站、铁路货运干线、过境路、机场和重要军事设施等应当避开市区。
    Article 24 The marshalling yards for newly built railways, trunk lines for freight trains, transit highways, airports and important military establishments shall be built away from the urban districts.
  • 工程师们把路延长通过沼泽地带。
    The engineers carried the highway across the marshland.
  • 然而,每家司对数据集市应该是怎样的都有自己的看法。
    However, each vendor had its own idea of what a data mart should be.
  • 司的女发言人梅利莎·贝里希尔称,有许多顾客对这个娃娃的形象表示不满。
    shelves after customers complained about the doll, Melissa Berryhill, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman said.
  • 沃尔玛司的发言人比尔·沃茨31日说,沃尔玛司现在正在重新审视规章制度的制定程序,但目前还没有决定是否要提出上诉。
    The company is reviewing the ruling and hasn't decided whether to appeal, Wal-Mart spokesman Bill Wertz said Saturday.
  • 在实现数据集市之前,司应该知道信息技术部门与用户群之间的关系。
    Before implementing a data mart, a company should be aware of the relationship between its IT and user groups.
  • 沃尔玛百货司的发迹史可以浓缩为以下三个阶段:1979年它全年的销售额为10亿美元;
    The short version of Wal-Mart's rise to glory goes something like this:In 1979 it racked up a billion dollars in sales.
  • 华纳兄弟司的经理玛莎·夏普一次观看了演出,表示有兴趣让希尔做独唱歌手。
    executive Martha Sharp,who expressed interest in Hill as a solo artist.
  • 我的阿姨玛莎认为,因为她当姑娘的时候曾被情人抛弃,所以她遭到了极其不平的待遇。从那时候她一直很苦恼。
    My Aunt Martha thought that she was done a terrible injustice when she was jilted as a young woman and she's been as bitter as gall ever since.
  • 正相反,在马凯的判断布整整二个月之后,美国科学发展协会年会上传来的信息说有关火星陨石的辩论引起了一系列科学议题的提出。
    On the contrary. According to the buzz at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held fully six months after the announcement, the Martian meteorite debate was having a galvanizing effect on a broad spectrum of scientific initiatives.
  • 从我们所在的圣母院钟楼上眺望圣波尔行宫,它虽然被上述四座馆几乎遮住了一半,但依然很浩大,看起来美不胜收。
    From the tower where we are placed, the Hotel Saint-Pol,almost half hidden by the four great houses of which we have just spoken, was still very considerable and very marvellous to see.
  • 正地说吧,服装和布景倒挺不错的。
    To be fair though, both costumes and scenery are marvelous.