  • 她的脸容易晒黑。
    Her face burns easily.
  • 北美西部的硬的浓密的常绿灌木,有酸果和平滑的绿叶,被用在布置花群中。
    stiff bushy evergreen shrub of western North America having sour black berries and glossy green foliage used in floral arrangements.
  • 他们只能与网站缓存服务器交谈,这种服务器运行专用的操作系统,它比起通用的操作系统,拥有客的潜在入口更少。
    They only talk to the Web cache server which runs a specialized operating system that has fewer potential entrances for hackers than a more general-purpose operating system.
  • 东半球颈上有圈的灰色斑鸠;经常被关在笼中。
    grayish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck; often caged.
  • 股票市场在色星期五崩溃了;不幸的惨败;那次战斗是灾难性战争的灾难性终结;这样的教条,如果是真的话,对我的理论会是绝对致命的——查尔斯·达尔文;没有必胜的决心就参加任何战争都是致命的——道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟;致命的错误。
    the stock market crashed on Black Friday; a calamitous defeat; the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign; such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory- Charles Darwin; it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it- Douglas MacArthur; a fateful error.
  • 这是混淆黑白。
    This was calling black white.
  • 我父亲是个原则性极强的人,绝不违心接受白颠倒的事。
    My father is a man with strong principles who will not easily swallow a camel.
  • 前,野营者在地里搭起了帐篷。
    Before it get dark the camper put up their tent in a field.
  • 前,野营者在地里搭起了帐篷
    Before it got dark the camper put up their tent in a field
  • 话,行话某一特殊团体的行话;
    The jargon of a particular group; cant.
  • 盗贼的话小偷、流浪汉或社会的人使用的语言或
    The language or cant of thieves, tramps, or underworld figures.
  • 行语,同行语某一团体的特殊术语;
    The special jargon of a group; cant.
  • 查托,博德利·德与乔纳森·凯普出版公司
    Chatto,Bodley Head and Jonathan Cape Ltd.
  • 麦什德伊朗东北部一城市,位于苏联和阿富汗边境附近。它曾长期是一个从德兰到印度的商队路线上的重要贸易中心
    A city of northeast Iran near the U.S.S.R. and Afghanistan borders. It was long an important trade center on caravan routes from Tehran to India. Population,1, 130, 000.
  • 油烟从含碳物质的不完全燃烧中收集的煤烟,可用作颜料和用于火柴、爆破、润滑和施肥中
    Fine soot collected from incompletely burned carbonaceous materials, used as a pigment and in matches, explosives, lubricants, and fertilizers.
  • 一种色的磁性矿物,由碳酸镁组成,是镁的来源。
    a black magnetic mineral consisting of magnesium carbonate; a source of magnesium.
  • 高力华格奇形怪状的色男木偶
    A doll fashioned in grotesque caricature of a Black male.
  • 皮毛大部分是色、长尾巴的小型凶恶的食肉有袋动物。
    small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black coat and long tail.
  • 美国南北战争后政府由南下政客所操纵的那几年间,南方各州人的投票产生了令人难以置信的灾祸。
    In the Southern States of the United States, Negro suffrage produced incredible mischief during the few years of carpetbag government which followed the Civil War.
  • 兀鹫西半球大陆新域鹫科或东半球大陆鹫鹰科大型捕食猛禽的一种,特征是具有色羽毛和无毛的头和颈,食用腐肉
    Any of various large birds of prey of the New World family Cathartidae or of the Old World family Accipitridae, characteristically having dark plumage and a featherless head and neck and generally feeding on carrion.
  • 欧洲南部终年草本植物,有窄叶子和黄花,色胡萝卜似的根部可食用。
    perennial south European herb having narrow entire leaves and solitary yellow flower heads and long black-skinned carrot-shaped edible roots.
  • “是这样的,我每次看见美塞苔丝进城时,总有一个身材魁梧高大的迦太罗尼亚小伙子陪着她,那个人有一对色的眼睛,肤色褐中透红,很神气很威武,她叫他表哥。”
    "Well, every time I have seen Mercédès come into the city she has been accompanied by a tall, strapping, black-eyed Catalan, with a red complexion, brown skin, and fierce air, whom she calls cousin."
  • 一种色的铂的细粉末,在化学反应中用作催化剂。
    a fine black powder of platinum; used as a catalyst in chemical reactions.
  • 东印度一种有刺乔木,两回羽状复叶,花黄色,荚扁平;是儿茶的来源。
    East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu.
  • 我们坚决地斥责那些认为太平洋会议并非东方慕尼的无稽之谈。
    We categorically repudiate the absurd view that a Pacific conference would not be an Eastern Munich.
  • 汤姆正朝洞里窥视。
    Tom is peering into a dark cave.
  • “让我来警告你,,’艾尔·格,尼克松当政期间的白宫主管说。
    "Let me caveat that for you", said Al Haig, Chief of Staff in Nixon's White House.
  • 因此,令人讨厌的忧郁……/在地狱般绝望的洞里——米尔顿。
    Hence loathed Melancholy.../In Stygian cave forlorn- Milton.
  • 鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源;产于海和里海。
    valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas.
  • 白鲟,白鲸海和里海产的一种大型白鲟(欧鳇鳇属),其卵可加工成鱼子酱
    A large white sturgeon(Huso huso) of the Black and Caspian seas, whose roe is processed into caviar.
  • 长有嘴和鳃孔的小型海生鱼。
    small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity.
  • 雪松一种高大的西洋杉,(雪松雪松属),原产于喜马拉雅山脉,树枝下垂,叶子绿色,在印度是一种重要的木材
    A tall cedar(Cedrus deodara) native to the Himalaya Mountains and having drooping branches and dark bluish-green leaves. It is an important timber tree in India.