  • 那么现代奥运会又是创办的呢?
    Who originated the modem Olym-pics then?
  • "妈妈,"孩子们问,"那人是呀?
    "Mom, "the kids asked, "who was that?
  • 我们选谁当班长?
    Whom shall we choose as our monitor?
  • 谁在拖地板?
    Who is mop the floor?
  • 怀疑我们领导革命战争的能力,就会陷进机会主义的泥坑里去。
    Whoever questions our ability to lead the revolutionary war will fall into the morass of opportunism.
  • [谚]人总是会死的;人生自古无死。
    Man is mortal(=All men are mortal).
  • 研究结果可以立即实际运用,“如果你知道朋友中对蚊子有吸引力,务必邀请他参加你的户外集会活动,你就可能免去其他客人受蚊子叮咬之苦。”布特勒说。
    The research findings can be applied immediately. “ If you can figure out who among your friends is attractive to mosquitoes and be sure to invite that person to all your outdoor gatherings, you might be able to spare your other guests from mosquito bites,” Butler said.
  • 谁最需要帮助?
    Who has the most need of help?
  • 谁动我的书了?
    Who has moved my book?
  • 该轮到谁走了?
    Whose move is it?
  • 把这个平台钢琴搬到楼上去了?
    Who moves upstairs this platform piano?
  • 在厨房的地板上留下这些泥脚印?
    Who left these muddy footprints on the kitchen floor?
  • 不过要随便地聊聊体育只需一点知识:“你认为能赢?
    Carrying on an ordinary sports conversation requires only a mini-mum of knowledge, however.
  • “站在门口的那个漂亮的小娘儿们是?”他问道。
    “Who’s that pretty bit of muslin standing at the door?” he asked.
  • 但是,也不需要鼓足勇气才敢进不太做作的古董店。
    But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.
  • 他先是吃了一惊,怎么会有人靠得这么近碰到他的身体呢?但等看清是之后,他的脸上浮起了微笑。
    At first he is startled that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he sees who it is he musters a smile.
  • 把书拿走了?这是个谜。
    Who had taken the book? It was a mystery.
  • 把照片钉在墙上的呢?
    Who nailed the picture up on the wall?
  • 这大概有点幼稚,可这幼稚又能伤着呢?
    Naive,perhaps,but whom did her naivete harm?
  • 谁被任命担任班长?
    Who was named for class president?
  • 是谁首先横渡大西洋?
    Who first navigated the Atlantic Ocean?
  • 首先横渡大西洋的?
    Who first navigated the Atlantic?
  • 谁指挥我们的海军?
    Who is in command of our navy?
  • 只有她才会把那件事见就告诉
    Nd of sb sth that's what I'd like to know likes and dislikes. It's just like her to tell everyone about it.
  • 都不喜欢被人怠慢。
    No one like to be treated with neglect.
  • 我们俩也不喜欢早起。
    Neither of us enjoy getting up early.
  • 但他们也不肯这样。
    But neither of them wants to.
  • 约瑟夫斯和我都不去。
    Neither Josephs nor I am going.
  • 下一个该谁发言?
    Who's the next speaker?
  • 也未料到这一年的12月,在第六后亚运会上等待她的却是一场厄运。
    Unexpectedly, the 6th Asian Games brought her a nightmare.
  • 谁被任命为处长?
    Who has been nominated head of the department?
  • 谁被任命为处长?
    Who have been nominated head of the department?