Chinese English Sentence:
  • 假装带有英国口音
    Put on an English accent.
  • 假装英国口音
    Affected a British accent.
  • 加速器一种置,如回旋加速器或直线加速器,可以加快带电亚原子粒子或原子核的运动以达到高能
    A device, such as a cyclotron or linear accelerator, that accelerates charged subatomic particles or nuclei to high energies.
  • 加速器,是汽车内的一种会叫人穿着鞋子就死(暴死)的置。
    Accelerator- a device in an automobile which enable a person to die with his boots on.
  • 加速哭,是汽车内的一种会叫人穿着鞋子就死(暴死)的置。
    Accelerator—A device in an automobile which enables a person to die with his boots on.
  • 腔作势的过度地流露感情或热情
    Marked by excessive displays of sentiment or enthusiasm.
  • 中国改革开放和现代化进程的加快为外国投资者提供了良好的发展商机,主要在以下方面:第一,中国继续实施扩大国内需求的方针政策,加快经济结构的战略性调整,为外商投资在农业、水利、能源、交通、通信、原材料、环保、高技术、重大备等领域提供了广阔的空间。
    The acceleration of China's reform, opening-up and modernization process offers business opportunities for foreign investors mainly in the following aspects. Frstly, China will continue implementing the policy of stimulating domestic demand and making strategic adjustment to its economic structure. A broad space has therefore been created for overseas capital to flow into such areas as agriculture, water conservancy, energy, transportation, telecommunication, raw material, environment protection, hi-tech and heavy or large equipment.
  • 铭文短诗或充满感情的词句,尤指刻于小饰品上的
    A brief verse or sentimental phrase, especially one inscribed on a trinket.
  • 有依靠矫柔造作(和庸俗)的行为、老一套的或假有感情的特征。
    providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities.
  • 书一种大开的、璜精美的印刷书,在19世纪尤为流行,常载有大量插图及短小而富感伤情调的文章
    A tall, handsomely printed book, popular especially in the19th century, often having profuse illustrations and short, sentimental texts.
  • 流水线,生产线运行的有序系统,可进行连续生产或产品生产所有或各个阶段的生产
    An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.
  • )得到世界最强大民用超级电脑设备的备,和pe应用生物系统附属公司提供的300台最先进的基因测序机器。温特博士把工作间建在位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的全国卫生研究所附近--该研究所是由联邦政府出资的研究机构,他就是在那里开始了其基因研究生涯。
    ) Equipped with one of the world's most powerful civil super computer facilities and 300 of the latest gene sequencing machines from PE's Applied Biosystems subsidiary,Dr Venter set up shop close to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda,Maryland the federally funded research campus where he had started his career in genomics.
  • 亮片一种用于织物或服上的闪闪发光的小饰物,比如像水晶或金属闪光片
    A small, glittering ornament, such as a rhinestone or a sequin, applied to fabric or a garment.
  • 全都饰上了金属片和羽毛。
    all gussied up in sequins and feathers.
  • 你的眼睛——亮得像那蓝哔叽呢西的裤子。
    Your eyes—they shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.
  • 你的眼睛——亮得象那蓝哔叽西的裤子。
    Your eyes- they shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.
  • 军士为部下不整洁的服而责骂他们。
    The sergeant lashed the troops for their sloppy dress.
  • cim能描述诸如桌面软件和硬件配置、cpu封块的序列号以及某个特殊路由器端口上的流量水平等信息。
    CIM can describe information such as desktop software and hardware configurations, the CPU box's serial number and traffic levels on a particular router port.
  • dmi允许管理软件与客户机对话,收集硬件配置和诸如序列号、已安硬件和已嵌入固件等编目数据。
    DMI allows management software to speak with client stations to collect hardware configuration and inventory data such as serial numbers, installed hardware, and embedded firmware.
  • 搅乳器做黄油的容器或置,将奶油或奶搅拌,使油滴从干酪和浆液中分离出来
    A vessel or device in which cream or milk is agitated to separate the oily globules from the caseous and serous parts, used to make butter.
  • 铰链的臂和(通常)锯齿状的钳嘴的紧夹的工具。
    a gripping tool with two hinged arms and (usually) serrated jaws.
  • 拆取…的可用配件拆除可用部件而用于修理同类备,如损坏的飞机
    To remove serviceable parts from(damaged airplanes, for example) for use in the repair of other equipment of the same kind.
  • 维修人员安了空调器。
    The serviceman installed the air conditioner.
  • 我又问另一名战备军人,展示国防武器备的意义何在,他答道:“本区域的局势还不很稳定,必须让人知道不可趁机来欺负我们啊。”
    I asked another national serviceman what's the importance of showing off our defence hardware. His reply: "The region isn't exactly stable. We have to tell others that they cannot take advantage and bully us."
  • 提供军事武器的置。
    an installation servicing military forces.
  • 为海军部队服务的置。
    an installation servicing naval forces.
  • 竖立架用于配和维修火箭所用大型直立架
    A massive vertical frame structure used in assembling or servicing a rocket, especially at a launch site.
  • 卸载、载以及维修回程船和飞机的过程。
    act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip.
  • 周转,停航时间轮船、飞机或其它交通工具货、卸货及维修的过程成所需时间
    The process of or time needed for loading, unloading, and servicing a ship, an airplane, or other vehicle.
  • 装面包的篮子
    A basket for serving bread.
  •  (二)运动员自备护齿、护裆及两套比赛服(红色和黑色各一套)。
    8.2 Competitors must prepare and bring gum-shield and jockstrap and two sets of costumes on their own: one set of black and one set of red costumes.
  • 他们正在置一台印刷机。
    They are setting up a printing press.