  • 摩尔曼斯克联欧洲部分西北部城市,临科拉湾北部,位于巴伦支海的入口处。它是个主要的无冰期港口,在两次世界大战中是联重要供给线的集散港。人口419,000
    A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the northern Kola Peninsula on an inlet of the Barents Sea. A major ice-free port, it was the terminus of an important supply line to the U.S.S.R. in World Wars I and II. Population,419, 000.
  • 里根总统与克里姆林宫领袖戈尔巴乔夫进行第四次高峰会议结束时在军备控制方面略有进度,因此他星期三对联人权情况的不满已见缓和。
    President Reagan took the hard edge off his Soviet human rights complaints Wednesday as his fourth summit with Kremlin leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev ended with modest progress on arms control.
  • 在世界范围内,还只有联、中国、西班牙三国共产党所领导的三个军队,是属于无产阶级和劳动人民方面的,其他各国的党都还没有军事经验,所以我们的军队和军事经验特别值得宝贵。
    There are only three armies in the whole world which belong to the proletariat and the labouring people, the armies led by the Communist Parties of the Soviet Union, of China and of Spain;and as yet Communist Parties in other countries have had no military experience, hence our army and our military experience are all the more precious.
  • 联解体前的数十年间,在美国政府部门的实验室和学术机构的实验室中的科学家与联的科学家们,也有一些中国科学家们之间存在着无数的合作研究项目,但是任何一种合作均与武器无关。
    There were, in the decades prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, numerous cooperative research programs between scientists at various US government and academic Labs with their opposite numbers in the Soviet Union, as well as a few in the PRC, but every one of those programs were absolutely non-weapon related.
  • 美洲夏季开花的几种兰花之一,因有流或撕裂状的唇瓣而易识别。
    any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip.
  • 联外交部发言人格拉西莫夫说,戈尔巴乔夫先生将在纽约度过第一晚,“我想是与时差奋斗吧。”
    The Soviet Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gennadi I. Gerasimov, said Mr.Gorbachev would spend his first evening in New York "fighting the jet lag, I suppose."
  • 根据电脑业报导,联为了在设计强力新型电脑上赶上西方所实行的紧急计划,已开始收效,可是俄国人仍远远落后。
    A Soviet crash program to catch up with the West in designing powerful new computers is beginning to pay off, but the Russians still lag far behind, according to industry reports.
  • 阿比让象牙海岸的首都和最大城市。位于该国的南部,几内亚湾的一个封闭的礁湖上。1983年将亚穆克罗定为未来的首都。阿比让人口为1,500,000
    The capital and largest city of Ivory Coast, in the southern part of the country on an enclosed lagoon of the Gulf of Guinea. In1983 Yamoussoukro was designated as the future capital. Abidjan's population is1, 500, 000.
  • 亚洲西南部的一个内陆共和国;以前是联的一部分。
    a landlocked republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet.
  • 亚洲中西部的一个内陆共和国;以前是联的一部分。
    a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian Soviet.
  • 位于俄罗斯南部里海东北的一个内陆共和国;最原始的土耳其语系者的后裔,世纪被蒙古人征服;从年到年是联的一部分。
    a landlocked republic south of Russia and northeast of the Caspian Sea; the original Turkic-speaking inhabitants were overrun by Mongols in the 13th century; an Asian Soviet from 1936 to 1991.
  • 排球:郎平、张蓉芳、杨锡兰、周晓兰、朱玲、梁艳、姜英、侯玉珠、慧娟、李延军、杨晓君、郑美珠;
    Lang Ping, Zhang Rongfang, Yang Xilang, Zhou Xialin, Zhu Ling, Liang Yan, Jiang Ying, Hou Yuzhu, Su Huijuan, Li Yanjun, Yang Xiaojun, Zheng Meizhu in basketball playing;
  • 我们从前碰到过一次;他们很久以前就放弃了他们的游牧生活;早就去上班了;他早就放弃了登山;这个名字早就被遗忘了;langsyne是格兰话。
    We met once long ago; they long ago forsook their nomadic life; left for work long ago; he has long since given up mountain climbing; This name has long since been forgotten; lang syne is Scottish.
  • 自从我们上次去格兰,有五年了。
    Well, let's see. It's been about five years, since we went to Scotland lat.
  • 联航天中心联宇宙飞船发射场
    A launch site for spacecraft in the Soviet Union.
  • (美国)伦斯·利佛莫国家实验室的国家研究组开发的cbq(基于类的排队)是现有排队技术的一个超集。
    The National Research Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory developed CBQ as a superset of existing queuing technologies.
  • 州不妨可以和比萨相比,因为它也有一座斜塔。
    Suzhou might just as well be likened to Pisa, for it has a leaning tower also.
  • 当被问及他对1956年伊士战争的看法时,弗朗克爵士说:在此我必须作点声明,我的妻子是黎巴嫩裔埃及人,因而我(说话)难免会带有偏见。
    Asked about the Suez action of 1956, Sir Frank said: Here I must declare my interest. My wife is an Egyptian of Lebanese origin, and I am therefore prejudiced.
  • 拉多加湖原联欧洲部分西北部一湖泊,位于列宁格勒东北。它是欧洲最大的湖
    A lake of northwest European U.S.S.R. northeast of Leningrad. It is the largest lake in Europe.
  • 西方应该毫无保留地支持联使其成功吗?或者西方的经济支援是否应视联在国内外政治行为来决定?西方政客们权衡他们的选择,可是这项选择是错误的。西方对联的制衡并不存在。
    Should the West root unreservedly for Soviet success? Or should Western economic support turn on Soviet political behavior at home and abroad? Western politicians weight the choice, but it's a false choice: the leverage doesn't exist.
  • (五)任命汤恩伯、李品仙、王仲廉、韩德勤等为华中各路“剿共”军司令官,以李宗仁为最高总司令,向新四军彭雪枫、张云逸、李先念诸部实行进攻,得手后,再向山东和北的八路军新四军进攻,而日军则加以密切的配合。
    To appoint Tang En-po, Li Pin-hsien, Wang Chung-lien and Han Teh-chin as "Communist suppression" commanders of the various route armies in central China, with Li Tsung-jen as supreme commander, in order to attack the New Fourth Army units under Peng Hsueh-feng, Chang Yun-yi and Li Hsien-nien and, if this comes off, to make further attacks on the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army units in Shantung and northern Kiangsu, with the Japanese troops acting in close co-ordination.
  • 听到这个好消息时, 她的脸露出了喜色。
    Sue's face lighted up when she heard the good news.
  • 他要了两杯酸橙打汽水。
    He ordered two lime sodas.
  • 美限制战略武器会谈
    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks between Soviet Union and United States
  • 过去珊和琳达总是争吵不休。
    Susan and Linda were always on the outs.
  • 油从此种植物种子里炼出的油,广泛用于制造油漆、光亮漆和人造革,并可做蓖麻油的代用品
    The oil from the seeds of this plant, widely used in the manufacture of paint, varnish, and artificial leather and as a substitute for linseed oil.
  • 区时,我们开办过扫盲班和农民学校。
    While in the Soviet Area we opened literacy classes and peasants' schools.
  • 考纳斯联欧洲部分的西部城市,位于纳曼河上里加的南部。于11世纪建立,中世纪时是一个贸易站,是立陶宛人对抗日尔曼骑士的据点。俄罗斯在第三次瓜分波兰(1895年)时取得此城。人口405,000
    A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Neman River south of Riga. Founded in the11th century, it was a medieval trading post and a Lithuanian stronghold against the Teutonic Knights. Russia acquired the city in the third partition of Poland(1795). Population,405, 000.
  • 毛泽东主席提出的中国要形成既有集中又有民主,既有纪律又有自由,既有统一意志又有个人心情舒畅、生动活泼的政治局面,也与联不同。
    Besides, the political situation characterized by both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness, as advocated by Chairman Mao Zedong, is not similar to that of the Soviet Union.
  • 格兰)一小块或一小卷软质面包。
    (Scotland) a small loaf or roll of soft bread.
  • 从俄勒冈到大尔市的海岸丘陵地带的一种高大常绿红木。
    lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to Big Sur.
  • 年内,曾在文化中心演出的艺人及艺团包括三藩市交响乐团、中国交响乐团、马克.莫里斯舞团、翩娜.包殊乌珀塔尔舞蹈剧场、雪璐.施杜迪、米沙.麦斯基、伊科.普哥利殊及安.非.慕达等。
    Highlights of the year included performances by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Mark Morris Dance Group, Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal, Cheryl Studer, Mischa Maisky, Ivo Pogorelich and Ann-Sophie Mutter.