  • 大部分球迷一边慢悠悠地喝着饮料,或者手抓一大袋爆米,一边欣赏着两支女子球队在球场上来回奔跑。
    Most fans sip a cold drink, or possibly dip into a large bag of popcorn, while watching the women's teams race back and forth on the court.
  • 她品完了茶就到园里散步去了。
    She sipped up her tea and went into the garden for a walk.
  • 这个新潮摇滚乐队只是昙一现。
    The trendy rock group is only a flash-in-the-pan.
  • 闪现微小的闪光或火
    the occurrence of a small flash or spark.
  • 打闪释放光火花
    To discharge a flash of lightning.
  • 他的第一部小说如昙一现,此後他再没写出像样的东西。
    His first novel was a flash in the pan, and he hasn't written anything decent since.
  • 她整理好茎,把它们插进一个特别的瓶,然后,将瓶放在他满脸笑容的像片旁,她会在她丈夫喜欢的椅子上坐上好几个小时,看着他的相片,玫瑰放在那儿。
    She trimmed the stems, and placed them in a very special vase. Then, sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, in her husband's favorite chair. While staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there.
  • 因为这个瓶保持着原样,考古学家可以确定它的时代;在现场的调查人。
    the archeologists could date the vase because it was in situ; an in-situ investigator.
  • 现在来弄弄花草.
    Now for a spot of gardening.
  • 买一所房子要一大笔钱。
    It takes a lot of money to buy a house.
  • 到那里去要一个小时。
    lt takes an hour to go there .
  • 孩子们在园里四处奔跑。
    The children were tearing about in the garden.
  • 电话公司需数年时间及巨额投资,才能将所需光纤网建成。
    It would take the phone companies several years and a sizable investment to put the required fiber optic networks in place.
  • 澳大利亚东部的中等尺寸的树木,有含乳脂的白色的
    medium-sized tree of eastern Australia having creamy-white flowers.
  • 他们在后院里种了些凤仙
    They planted some garden balsams in the backyard.
  • 中南美主要为附生或石生兰的一个大属,大小不同。
    large genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic Central and South American orchids of various sizes.
  • 园里的泥土松软肥沃。
    The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.
  • 去年,如同成千上万的人一样,我被一家网络公司裁了员,这些网络公司火爆一时,如今都已成了昨日黄
    Like thousands last year, I was downsized from one of those sizzling dotcoms, now dot-gone.
  • 冰刀尖样溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突出部分
    A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.
  • 多长时间从冰湖的这一边滑到对面去?
    Hew long does it take you to skate over the frozen lake to the other side?
  • 如果你认为一下子就能学会样溜冰,那你就是想入非非了。
    If you think you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley.
  • 样溜冰者娴熟的脚步
    The fancy footwork of a figure skater.
  • 那个滑冰的人做出了一套完美的样动作。
    The skater executed a perfect set of figures.
  • 以名家风度的弹跳把观众看得眼缭乱的样滑冰者
    A figure skater who dazzled the audience with virtuosic jumps.
  • ??波斯顿运动员阿尔布莱特是第一位在奥运会样滑冰项目中夺金的美国人。
    Boston-native figure skater Tenley Albright was the first American woman to win an Olympic figure-skating gold medal.
  • 饰男主角的演员;芭蕾舞首席女明星;首席女歌手;著名样滑冰运动员;主要角色;重要角色;一流演出。
    the leading man; prima ballerina; prima donna; a star figure skater; the starring role; a stellar role; a stellar performance.
  • 当我问他如何看待样滑冰运动员托尼娅·哈丁与葆拉·琼斯之间的拳击比赛时,他轻声笑着说:“托尼娅·哈丁在我看来就像一块坚硬的小甜饼”。
    " Tonya Harding looks like a pretty tough cookie to me." He chuckled after I asked him about the figure skater's boxing match with Paula Jones.
  • 滑冰人眼缭乱的跳跃动作;这些伟大的、在最佳状态画出来的油画看起来仍旧令人惊异,仍旧像画出来的时候……他光彩夺目的声望全盛的时候……一样动人的新——珍妮特·福兰勒;按栩栩如生、像闪电般的方式讲述的冒险故事——埃德沃尔·琼斯。
    the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps; these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth- Janet Flanner; adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous- Idwal Jones.
  • 她精于花样滑冰。
    She is proficient at/ in figure skating.
  • 为了那辆汽车我了不少钱。
    I paid out a lot of money for that car.
  • 了一百五十美元买了那台轻便电视摄影机。
    I paid $150 for that walki-lookie.
  • 他买这本书了五英镑。
    He paid £5 for the book.