  • b?2轰炸机由于使用了更先进的隐形技术,所以造价十分昂贵。该机的载弹量要大得多,程也远得多。
    The B-2 is an enormously expensive aircraft as it contains even more advanced stealth technology,carries much more weight in bombs,and has a much longer range.
  • 乘风计划为数以万计的青少年开拓了新领域,使他们在浏览和探索本港美丽景色的同时,也可丰富个人的生活经验。
    The Adventure Ship project has created new horizons for many thousands of young people, enabling them to enrich their experience while visiting and discovering the beautiful scenery in Hong Kong.
  • 该公司直接与我们交涉,并说明你方不赞同他们的计划。请空邮寄详细资料。
    They approach us directly state you refuse entertaining their project airmail details.
  • 播音员:等候泛美空公司飞往休斯顿的217次稿班退票的旅客埃里克·米勒请到候机服务台。
    Eric Miller, standby passenger for Pan American Flight 217 to Houston, please report to the departure desk.
  • 门罗美国密歇根州东南部一城市,位于伊利湖湖畔,底特律西南部。1778年建立,现在是一个地区制造业和运业中心,以动物养殖场闻名。人口22,902
    A city of southeast Michigan on Lake Erie southwest of Detroit. It was settled c.1778 and today is a manufacturing and shipping center for an area noted for its nurseries. Population,22, 902.
  • 运兵船由两艘军舰护
    The troop ship was escorted by two warships.
  • 那只船也象征了许多关心仄爪哇湾的人们,手拉着孩子,心里存着希望,一同走过的不平凡“程”。
    The boat also signifies the eventful “journey” that many of us have embarked upon with our children in our hands and with hope in our hearts.
  • 道一个狭窄的,从海岸通往内地的道;海峡
    A narrow passage extending inland from a shore; a channel.
  • 天器的设计正大加修改。
    The design of the spacecraft is undergoing extensive modification.
  • 角偏限度,用于测量程度
    Extent of yawing, measured in degrees.
  • 美国空军、联邦空局和情报机构的20位退休人员最近说,美国政府50多年来一直隐瞒着外星人造访地球的真相。
    The U.S.government has been covering up evidence of extraterrestrial visits for more than 50 years,an array of 20 retired Air Force,Federal Aviation Administration and intelligence officers said recently.
  • fa215次班00起飞,经由香港,第二天早晨30抵达巴黎。
    Flight FA 215 departs at 00 and arrives in Paris at 30 the next day by way of Hong Kong.
  • 飞机场通讯导航设施
    air navigation aid and telecommunication facilities on the airport
  • 受阻,滞顶风时停滞不动
    To remain stationary while facing the wind.
  • 飞机的线互相交错铸成人命惨祸.
    The flight paths of the aeroplanes crossed, with fatal results.
  • 这风便於他们在黎明时行.
    The wind favoured their sailing at dawn.
  • 费付给导员的费用
    The fee paid to a pilot.
  • 航空邮资多少?
    What 's the air mail fee?
  • 1628年8月10日,当这艘船准备首次出时,斯德哥尔摩沉浸在激动的气氛中。
    As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment.
  • 第五,中国政府规定,除了卫星导定位接受设备及关键部件等涉及国家安全,城市地铁及轻轨的建设和经营等公用事业,铜铅锌等少数有色金属开采等领域不允许外商独资或控股外,其他绝大多数领域对外商的持股比例均不加以限制。
    V). According to provisions of the Chinese government, there is no equity ceiling on foreign investment in most areas, whereas wholly foreign owned enterprises or controlling foreign equity is not allowed in the manufacturing of receiving equipment for satellite navigation and positioning systems and their key parts and components etc, which have national security implications, construction and operation of metro and light-rail and other public utilities, or exploration of a few ferrous metals including copper, lead and zinc.
  • 油地小轮的船队共有渡轮51艘,经营19条专营及持牌渡轮线。
    HYF had a licensed fleet of 51 vessels and operated 19 franchised and licensed ferry services.
  • 截至一九九八年底,共有八家营办商经营前往澳门的渡轮服务,以及驶往内地24个港口的客运线。
    At the end of 1998, eight operators provided ferry services to Macau and 24 ports in China.
  • 她刚刚完成了一部有关计算机犯罪的惊险片《网络》,马上又要接另一部喜剧片《双双出》。
    She has just finished filming The Net, a thriller about computer hackers, and is due to start the comedy Two If By Sea.
  • 因此,我们今后要在致力巩固和加强香港现有的金融、房地产、旅游、运和贸易等经济支柱的同时,我们还要从大力加强和发展与内地经济方面的合作,尤其是与广东省的合作、重新振兴香港中小型企业,研究发展高增值和高科技、发展资讯、电讯和影视等互为一体的新兴产业等新的经济支柱,扩大香港经济的原动力。
    Therefore, while we are committed to the strengthening and reinforcing of our major economic pillars, such as finance, property development, tourism, shipping and trade, we have to promote actively the growth of our economy by strengthening and developing further our cooperation with the mainland, especially our cooperation with Guangdong; reviving small and medium businesses; developing high value-added and high technology industries; and developing such new and integrated industries as information technology, telecommunication, filming and television.
  • 这个国家还没有被挤出空器制造业,它仍在下决心努力确保自己在该制造业中的地位。
    This country has not been pushed out of the business of building aircraft yet. It's still holding on by its fingernails.
  • 员不赞成采用笔直的轰炸线,因为这样做就得飞过密集的高射炮火。
    The pilot jibbed at the idea of a straight bomb run, for it would mean flying through heavy flak.
  • 无风张帆无风时张帆。用于
    To flap while losing wind. Used of a sail.
  • 船舶在海上进行夜时仍然利用闪光信号灯发出信号。
    Morse flashing light/ Morse lamp is still used in ships to send signals during the night voyage at the sea.
  • 阿尔戈英雄在阿尔戈号与杰森一块儿行寻找金羊毛的人
    One who sailed with Jason on the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece.
  • (经典神话)和伊阿宋一起海寻找金羊毛的英雄。
    (classical mythology) one of the heroes who sailed with Jason on the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece.
  • 舰队正在和空进行部队联合演习。
    The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
  • 船队开始借风向北行。
    The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course.