  • 我要你收回你说尼斯的坏话。
    I want you to take back the unkind things you said about Kenneth.
  • 尼思,2004年雅典奥运会的帆船比赛地点在什么地方?
    Kenneth, what'll be the venue for sailing at Athens 2004?
  • 尼思在网球比赛中连输两盘后就认输了。
    After losing two sets of tennis, Kenneth hauled down his colo(u)rs.
  • 尼思·沃伦实验室的安东尼·斯拉米三十年前就曾怀疑糖与肌体老化有关系:根据他的观察,糖尿病可以加快病人老化过程。
    Anthony Cerami of the Kenneth S.Warren Laboratories in Tarrytown, N.Y., suspected some 30 years ago that sugar affects how the body ages, based on observations of diabetics, who age rapidly.
  • 更值得一提的是,警方在案发后并没有看到尼身上有什么抓伤。
    More to the point, the police hadn't noticed so much as a scratch on Kenny immediately after the crime.
  • 案发第二天,警方传讯了当时26岁的尼·沃特斯,那时他已经面临着袭警的指控。
    The next day police questioned Kenny Waters, then 26, who at the time was already facing charges of assaulting a police officer.
  • 但是调查人员没有确凿的证据将这一案件和尼联系起来。尼后来移居他处,两年后才又回到罗得岛。
    But investigators had nothing concrete to link the crime to Kenny, who subsequently moved away for two years before returning to Rhode Island.
  • 另一名证人也证实了尼对布劳怀恨在心,因为他在十岁时私闯布劳的房子被逮住,继而在布劳的协同下,他被送进了改造学校。
    Another witness testified that Kenny hated Brow because she had helped send him to reform school after he was caught breaking into her house at age 10.
  • 确信哥哥无罪,贝蒂·安妮·沃特斯投身于法学院学习法律,终于使哥哥沉冤得雪,重获自由。3年多来,贝蒂·安妮·沃特斯眼睁睁地看着她的哥哥在马萨诸塞监狱里消沉下去。尼于1983年被定罪为一级谋杀,并被判终身监禁。但是他的妹妹始终坚信他没有犯下那个罪行。
    For more than three years, Betty Anne Waters had watched helpessly as her older brother Kenny languished in a Massachusetts prison, Convicted in 1983 of first degree murder, Kenny was serving a life sentence for a crime that his sister was convinced he hadn't committed.
  • 尼·霍曾负责"辣妹"的造型。经他装扮,"西部生活"的首张单曲《再度发誓》于1999年3月问世。
    Styled by Kenny Ho,who was responsible for The Spice Girls image,Westlife's first single “ Swear It Again” was released in March 1999.
  • 但是在这个起诉案件中仍存在疑问.尼前任女友中的一名承认在她听到那个据称有嫌疑的供认前,她和尼一直在喝酒。
    Still, there were problems with the prosecution's case. One of the ex?girlfriends acknowleged that she and Kenny had been drinking when she heard thealleged confession.
  • 3月15日,她的努力终于取得了成果。在经历了超过18年的牢狱之灾后,尼终于在妹妹的陪同下走出马萨诸塞州的剑桥法庭,重获自由之身。
    On March 15 her efforts came to fruition when, after more than 18 years behind bars, Kenny walked but of a Cambridge, Mass., court a free man, his sister at his side.
  • 特郡是英格兰的肥田沃地.
    Kent is the garden of England.
  • 该船在肯特海岸遇难.
    The ship was wrecked on the Kent coast.
  • 肯特队共得137分。
    Kent were all out for 137.
  • 请找一下肯特先生。
    May I speak to Mr. Kent, please?
  • 特粗心大意出了差错,把自己的任务弄得一团糟。
    Kent balled up his mission with his careless errors.
  • 这条断腿使特结束了运动员生涯。
    The broken leg finished Kent off as an athlete.
  • 特郡的英国特郡的;与特郡或其居民有关的
    Of or relating to Kent, England, or its inhabitants.
  • 我们恭候你们的光临,特先生。
    We look forward to having you with us, Mr. Kent.
  • 特跟本森合作,直到他弄到了他所要的全部情报。
    Kent played along with Benson until he got all the information he wanted.
  • 特先生刚好不在家,你可以留个话吗?
    Mr Kent is out of town just at present. Can you leave a message?
  • 特假装赞同本森的秘密计划,直到他弄到了他所要的全部情报。
    Kent played along with Benson's plot until he got all the in-formation he wanted.
  • 特郡小住时,伊丽莎白再次与正在探望其姨母凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人的达西相逢。
    While in Kent, Elizabeth again meets Darcy who is visiting his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
  • 他知道我们走特的兄弟时就试图讨好我们,那副样子真好笑。
    It was amusing the way he tried to shine up to us when he realized that we were Kent's brothers.
  • 这事可不能让特参与。他一定会横加干涉,乱管闲事。
    Kent must be kept out of this affair. He'll interfere and tries to have an oar in every man's boat.
  • 他计划发动西方历史上规模最大的进攻,让他的部队在英国南部滨海的特郡登陆。
    His plan was to launch the largest invasion force in western history and land his troops in Kent on the south coast of England.
  • 为了调查何时、何因导致哪方离开哪方,一群生物行为学家和数学家对一种住在海边的特郡鸟进行了研究。
    To investigate what causes who to leave whom, and when, a group of animal behaviourists and mathematicians has been studying a shore dwelling bird called the Kentish plover.
  • 法兰克福美国塔基州的首府,位于本州中东部、莱克星顿的西北部。丹尼尔・布恩于1770年首先到此,1792年此地被选作首府。人口23,968
    The capital of Kentucky, in the north-central part of the state northwest of Lexington. First visited by Daniel Boone in1770, it was chosen as capital in1792. Population, 25,968.
  • 塔基州的首府;位于塔基州的北部。
    the capital of Kentucky; located in northern Kentucky.
  • 你不知道肯德基吗?
    Don't you know about Kentucky's?
  • 原产于塔基州的高脚马。
    a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky.