  • 游击手将球投一垒手,后者将跑垒员淘汰出局。
    The shortstop threw the runner out.
  • 使出局把球投正跑向垒的守垒员从而将(跑垒员)杀出局
    To put out(a base runner) by throwing the ball to the player guarding the base to which the base runner is moving.
  • 公司奖他一个金杯,以感谢他为公司发展所作出的创造性成就。
    He was awarded a gold cup in acknowledgment of his creative achievements for the development of the company.
  • 我三星期前他们写了封信,至今未见回音。
    I wrote to them three weeks ago, and I haven't had an acknowledgment yet.
  • 他又主任赶印了10份。
    He rushed off another10 copies dean.
  • 我打了一个认可的简短的招呼。
    he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement.
  • 但是请我们一点点应有的承认。
    Yet grant some small acknowledgement of ours.
  • 要不是罗素他说话,他恐怕都得离职了。
    If it hadn't been for Russell standing up for him, he would have had to leave.
  • 表示感谢自由予某人的礼貌言词。用于表示感谢
    Freely granted one's courtesy. Used to acknowledge an expression of gratitude.
  • 那个俄国裁判我们的滑冰运动员。
    The Russian judge scored our skaters 5.8.
  • 作为一块石头(上天)了它很粗俗的外表。
    as of stone, to give it a rustic look.
  • 你弄些鸡蛋和腌猪肉。
    I'll rustle up some eggs and bacon for you.
  • 地上的车辙车轮压平了。
    The ruts flattened out under the pressure of wheels.
  • 沿着那条了我们“奇异的”、“漂亮的”、“美妙的”鳟鱼的小溪,我的车子颠簸在尘土飞扬、凹凸不平的路上。
    Down the dirt road my four wheel drive bounced over ruts and rocks as I followed the creek that had given us" fantastic,"" beautiful,"" amazing" trout.
  • 她帮着露丝选了一件衣裳。
    She helped to select a dress for Ruth.
  • 露丝在其他孩子捣乱,因此我把她赶出去了。
    Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door.
  • 日本帝国主义在中国的占领区内实行残暴的经济掠夺,用以供它进行侵略战争的需要。日本军阀把这种政策叫做“以战养战”。
    "Sustaining the war by means of war" refers to Japan's policy of ruthless plunder of the Chinese areas under her occupation to meet the expenses of her aggressive war.
  • 我拿紫貂皮的好吗?
    Show me some sable, will you?
  • 我享受过多麽平静的时光...而这些时光却我留下一份悲痛的空虚。
    What peaceful hours I once enjoyed... but they have left an aching void.
  • 奴隶贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。
    The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master.
  • 在西贡以南15英里的地方,他差点打死了。
    They narrowly missed being killed 15 miles south of Saigon.
  • 老水手孩子们讲自己海上生活的故事,来哄他们高兴。
    The old sailer beguiled the boys with stories about his life at sea.
  • 在开船前,我们补充了养。
    Before sailing, we recruited our provisions.
  • 她数出十五个便士交女店员。
    She counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesgirl.
  • 从这些牌中挑选一张;你女儿挑选个好丈夫。
    Take any one of these cards; Choose a good husband for your daughter; She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her.
  • 纽约来的那个推销员打发走了。
    The salesman from New York was shifted off.
  • 徐:还有一件事,豪斯先生,青岛的一所学校想邀请您国际贸易专业的学生谈一下国际销售术,因为许多学生读了您今年早些时候发表的文章。
    One more thing for you, Mr House. A school in Qingdao wants to invite you to give a talk on international salesmanship to students majoring in International Business because some of the students have read your article which came out early this year.
  • 售货员把有毛病的机器骗卖了你。
    The salesman palmed off the faulty machine on you.
  • 推销员们把销售情况反馈公司。
    The salesmen feed back information to the firm about its sales.
  • 办公室里人人皆知他是个有妇之夫,但他却一直和一位秘书有来往密切,而那个女孩又疯劲十足。于是,一位推销员就说服她她的男友开一个愚人节的玩笑,说她怀孕了。
    He had been fooling around with a secretary. He was married and everyone in the office knew about it. The girl was a bit crazy, a real screwball, and one of the other salesmen persuaded her to tell her boy friend she was pregnant as an April Fool joke.
  • 在美容院何时该小费?
    When should I tip in a beauty salon?
  • 把盐递给我。
    Hand salt to me.