Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他的小过失最终毁了他的婚姻。
    His peccadilloes finally broke his marriage; This play will either make or break the playwright.
  • 问题在于他起初认为她完美无瑕,后来,他发现她像别人一样她有缺点时,便感到希望破了。
    The trouble was that he set her on a pedestal. Then when he found that she had a few faults like everyone else, he was disillusioned.
  • 那个男孩变得格外傲慢起来,要他的傲气。
    That boy is getting entirely too arrogant. He needs to be taken down a peg or two.
  • 敌人是不会自行消的。
    The enemy will not perish of itself.
  • 容易腐烂的;易毁、死亡或腐败的。
    liable to perish; subject destruction or death or decay.
  • 他们没有眼光,而没有眼光的人是要亡的。
    They have no vision, and when there is no vision, the people perish.
  • 这样的事如果不加制止,中国就会在这些反动派手里亡。
    If this is not stopped, China will perish at the hands of these reactionaries.
  • 一个富有同情心的旁观者将自己的衣服披在了她的身上;听任他毁,不为我们在他身上的。
    a pitying observer threw his coat around her shoulders; let him perish without a pitying thought of ours wasted upon him- Thomas De Quincey.
  • 因之清楚而又清楚,今日的三民主义,必须是联共的三民主义,否则,三民主义就要亡。
    Thus it is as clear as can be that the Three People's Principles of today must include co-operation with the Communist Party, or otherwise those Principles will perish.
  • 我要使洪水泛滥全世界,消天下所有活着的人,地上万物也要消光。
    I intend to bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven that has the spirit of life;everything on earth shall perish.
  • 这个微小的极易毁的行星;易腐的食物如黄油和水果。
    this minute and perishable planet; perishable foods such as butter and fruit.
  • 在这个基本的原则上,发生了指导整个军事行动的一系列的所谓原则,从射击原则(荫蔽身体,发扬火力,前者为了保存自己,后者为了消敌人)起,到战略原则止,都贯彻这个基本原则的精神。
    From this basic principle stems the series of principles guiding military operations, all of which -- from the principles of shooting (taking cover to preserve oneself, and making full use of fire-power to destroy the enemy) to the principles of strategy -- are permeated with the spirit of this basic principle.
  • 有牙,且牙齿长于牙槽的已绝的陆地爬虫动物;生活于二垩纪晚期到三垩纪。
    extinct terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets; of the late Permian to Triassic.
  • 从二垩纪中期到三垩纪晚期生活于各大陆的与哺乳动物类似的爬虫动物,现已绝。
    extinct mammal-like reptiles found inhabiting all continents from the mid Permian to late Triassic.
  • 人类一经消了资本主义,便到达永久和平的时代,那时候便再也不要战争了。
    Once man has eliminated capitalism, he will attain the era of perpetual peace, and there will be no more need for war.
  • 敌人极尽残暴之能事,其目的则在于“毁抗战生存力”。
    The enemy has perpetuated all kinds of atrocities to "destroy the life blood of the war of resistance".
  • (七○)保存自己消敌人这个战争的目的,就是战争的本质,就是一切战争行动的根据,从技术行动起,到战略行动止,都是贯彻这个本质的。
    70. The object of war, namely, the preservation of oneself and the destruction of the enemy, is the essence of war and the basis of all war activities, an essence which pervades all war activities, from the technical to the strategic.
  • 北美西部的野鸽;常被当作现已绝的候鸽。
    wild pigeon of western North America; often mistaken for the now extinct passenger pigeon.
  • 在火熄之前她又加上些煤
    She piled on more coal before the fire went out
  • 猿人已经绝的灵长目动物的一种,如爪哇猿人,有时被认为是从类人猿到现代人类演化过程的中间阶段
    Any of various extinct primates, such as pithecanthropus, sometimes considered intermediate in evolution between the anthropoid apes and modern human beings.
  • 瘟疫消了全部的人口。
    the plague wiped out an entire population.
  • 医生们在试着用新的方法消这种温疫。
    The doctors are trying to stamp out the plague by using new method.
  • 五百年平,黑死病几乎消了岛上所的人。
    Five hundred years ago the plague almost wiped out the population of the island.
  • 绝的更新世海狸;分布于美国东部和南部。
    extinct beavers of the Pleistocene; of eastern and southern United States.
  • 更新世时期众多的广布广泛的象,已绝;体型庞大、体表多毛、象牙长而向上弯曲。
    any of numerous extinct elephants widely distributed in the Pleistocene; extremely large with hairy coats and long upcurved tusks.
  • 令人惊奇的是,正是那个时候发生了一次大绝--即上新世/更新世大绝。
    Intriguingly, at just this time, a set of extinctions -- known as the Pliocene/Pleistocene extinctions -- is also known to have occurred.
  • 已经绝的形似象的哺乳动物,在从中新世到更新世时期活跃于世界各地;臼齿的结构与猛犸不同。
    extinct elephant-like mammal that flourished worldwide from Miocene through Pleistocene times; differ from mammoths in the form of the molar teeth.
  • 南方古猿一种已绝的南方古猿属,人形古猿之一,主要通过在非洲东部及南部发现的更新世化石遗迹而知
    Any of several extinct humanlike primates of the genus Australopithecus, known chiefly from Pleistocene fossil remains found in southern and eastern Africa.
  • 这次撞击激起了覆盖全球的足以遮挡阳光的灰尘与碎片,导致了寒冷黑暗的环境并将恐龙推向了绝
    The impact sent up a plume of dust and debris large enough to block out the sun for years resulting in cold dark conditions that ultimately drove the dinosaurs to extinction.
  • 中国政府已作出了在中国消脊髓灰质炎病的承诺。
    The Chinese government has promised to wipe out polio in China.
  • *世界卫生组织在全世界减少或消了若干疾病的发病率,包括天花和小儿麻痹症,而该组织每年的预算为4.21亿美元,约为在得克萨斯州的达拉斯建造一座新的美航中心、篮球/曲棍球设施所需的费用。
    * The World Health Organization (WHO), which has reduced or eliminated the incidence of a number of diseases worldwide, including smallpox and polio, has an annual budget of $421 million – about what it cost to build the new American Airlines Center, a basketball/hockey facility in Dallas, Texas.
  • 1995年,西藏已消脊髓灰质炎。
    By 1995 poliomyelitis had been totally eliminated.