  • 然而达此目的的战争形式,有运动战、阵地战、游击战三种,实现时的效果就有程度的不同,因而一般地有所谓耗战和歼灭战之别。
    Since there are three forms of warfare, mobile, positional and guerrilla, for achieving this object, and since they differ in degrees of effectiveness, there arises the broad distinction between war of attrition and war of annihilation.
  • 我们说日本技术条件虽优,但它终必失败,除了我们给以歼灭和耗的打击外,就是它的军心终必随着我们的打击而动摇,武器和兵员结合不稳。
    When we say that Japan will finally be defeated despite her technical superiority, we mean that the blows we deliver through annihilation and attrition, apart from inflicting losses, will eventually shake the morale of the enemy army whose weapons are not in the hands of politically conscious soldiers.
  • 这条息是由北京广播电台播发的。
    The news was announced by Radio Beijing.
  • 偏偏选中我去宣布这个坏息。
    I was picked on to announce the bad news.
  • 每小时发布一次息。
    Announcement will be given hour after hour.
  • 对将来活动的息的通告。
    an announcement containing information about a future event.
  • 宣布了这项息时,他们都非常气愤。
    Their anger rose at the announcement of the news.
  • 物价大幅上涨的息一公布,他们气愤填膺
    They were outraged by the announcement of massive price increase
  • 取消,废除
    To annul or cancel.
  • 取消,使无效
    To annul or invalidate.
  • 通过取、撤回或废弃而使之无效或废止。
    annul by recalling or rescinding.
  • 除…的效果;使…无效
    To undo the effects of; annul.
  • 活着为了取以前的一些行为。
    live so as to annul some previous behavior.
  • 推迟或取已确定的某事。
    postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled.
  • 或取(例如一个判决或法令)
    To revoke or annul(a decision or decree, for example).
  • 或废止,尤指通过司法行为
    To set aside or annul, especially by judicial action.
  • ,废除尤指官方的正式废除、中止或取
    To abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority.
  • 开放爱国运动,释放政治犯,取《危害民国紧急治罪法》⑶和《新闻检查条例》⑷,承认现有爱国团体的合法地位,扩大爱国团体的组织于工农商学各界,武装民众实行自卫,并配合军队作战。
    Lift the ban on patriotic movements, release political prisoners, annul the "Emergency Decree for Dealing with Actions Endangering the Republic"[3] and the "Press Censorship Regulations"[4], grant legal status to existing patriotic organizations, extend these organizations among the workers, peasants, businessmen and intellectuals, arm the people for self-defence and for operations in support of the army.
  • 没有完婚的婚姻可以取
    an unconsummated marriage can be annulled.
  • 不容易被废除、使之无效或者取
    not liable to being annulled or voided or undone.
  • 1984年5月11日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议批准、1984年5月13日国务院公布的《中华人民共和国防条例》同时废止。
    Meanwhile, the "Regulations on Fire Control of the People's Republic of China" approved by the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 6th National People's Congress on May 11, 1984 and promulgated by the State Council on May 13, 1984 shall be annulled simultaneously.
  • 废除,撤废除或撤的行为
    The act of eliminating or annulling.
  • 、废除或使无效的行为。
    the act of revoking or annulling or making void.
  • ,废除使完成的某事倒退或取的行为;取
    The act of reversing or annulling something accomplished; a cancellation.
  • (通过权威人士)取以前做的事情。
    the act (by someone having the authority) of annulling something previously done.
  • 作废处于作废的状况;废止,取
    A rendering void; an annulment.
  • 废除撤的行为;解除或取
    The act of rescinding; annulment or cancellation.
  • 废除,除的动作或状态;取
    The act of doing away with or the state of being done away with; annulment.
  • 汤姆被送进了疯人院;他在疯人院里说着傻话;他已彻底从他们的生活中失,只是每年给他们留下150镑的收入。
    Tom had been put away; he was gibbering in a madhouse; he had passed completely out of their lives, leaving them £ 150 per annum to the good.
  • 关于乡村生活的遣小说
    Anodyne novels about country life.
  • 49年前,加拿大电影人巴里·史蒂文斯通过人工授精在伦敦出生。他认为,即使因为取匿名制度使捐精者减少,也不应该为了让精子库更充足而牺牲人工授精后代的合法权利。
    Canadian filmmaker Barry Stevens, conceived through DI in London 49 years ago, argues that even if sperm donations drop when anonymity disappears, why should DI offspring sacrifice their rights so sperm banks can be full?
  • 我需要一种[一些]解酸药医治化不良。
    I need an/some antacid to cure my indigestion.