  • 用自己的原则定义长老主义的法籍瑞士人。
    French-born Swiss theologian whose tenets defined Presbyterianism (1509-1564).
  • 这位新经理重新组织该部门.
    The new manager was delegated to reorganize the department.
  • 传递给某人或委某人。
    pass on or delegate to another.
  • ,委托(把权力或职责)委给别人;委
    To assign(authority or duties) to another; delegate.
  • 如果你是一个慢节奏团队中最快的一个,你就要把如研究工作等的相应工作委给较为缓慢的人员。
    If you're the speediest member of a low?key team, delegate appropriate tasks, such as research, to the slower staffer.
  • 观察团一个代表团,去观察并报告集会或会议进展,但不投票或参与其它活动
    A delegate sent to observe and report on the proceedings of an assembly or a meeting but not vote or otherwise participate.
  • 每个国家都一个代表团参加奥运会。
    Each country sent a delegation to the Olympics.
  • 谢谢你的邀请,很抱歉代表团无法出。祝成功。
    Thanks invitation regret unable send delegation hope success
  • 检查团是上级来的。
    The inspecting delegation is sent by the higher authority.
  • 他们请求一个代表团去他们国家。
    They request that a delegation be sent to their country.
  • 我们请求他们一个代表团到我国来。
    We requested that they send a delegation to our country.
  • 我们将一个政府贸易代表团去美国。
    We are to send a government trade delegation to the U.S.
  • 他们现在收到一份他们驻新德里人员所写的有关印度政局的报告。
    They now have a report on the political situation in India from their man on the spot (in New Delhi).
  • 1947年3月在新德里举行“泛亚洲会议”,英帝国主义幕后策划邀请西藏代表参加,在会场上悬挂的亚洲地图和万国旗中,把西藏作为一个独立国家对待。
    At the "Asian Relations Conference" held in New Delhi in March 1947, the British imperialists plotted behind the curtains to invite Tibetan representatives and even identified Tibet as an independent country on the map of Asia in the conference hall and in the array of national flags.
  • 各级政协组织和各民主党在履行政治协商、民主监督、参政议政职能中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
    The committees of the CPPCC at all levels and the democratic parties are playing a more and more important role in political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs.
  • 1727年,设驻藏大臣,代表中央监督西藏地方行政,西藏与四川、云南、青海的界线,也于此时员正式勘定。
    From 1727, High commissioners were stationed in Tibet to supervise local administration on behalf of the central authorities. Officials were also assigned about this time to survey and delimit the borders between Tibet (i.e. Xizang) and Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai.
  • 那封信是专人送去的。
    The letter was delivered by hand.
  • 年内,该机构遣代表团参加了10个海外大型旅游业展览,并且为约138名旅游业从业员及32名国际传媒代表,共举办了9个旅行团前往珠江三角洲了解情况。
    During the year, the organisation was represented at 10 major travel trade shows overseas and organised nine familiarisation trips to the Pearl River Delta for some 138 travel trade personnel and 32members of the international media.
  • 保守主义者;顽固留恋过去的政治和社会体制,反对民主或改革力量的人;政治上的保守主义者
    A supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of democratization or reform; a political conservative.
  • 这样的作品和那些所谓“民主”的言论,实际上起了近似的作用。
    In fact, a work of this sort has the same effect as the views of the so-called democrats.
  • 但是对这些所谓“民主”的总的倾向和真正目的是什么,一定要认识清楚,不要天真。
    But we must fully recognize the general tendency and the real aim of these "democrats" and not be too naive about them.
  • 李光耀并不为香港人所喜爱,尤其是政界人士,更尤其是民主,对李光耀的保守观点,抗拒多于接受。
    Mr Lee is not very popular with Hong Kong people. His conservative ideas have been more rejected than accepted by the political circles here, particularly the democrats.
  • (三)抗战民主,在政治上主张团结抗战到底,彻底解放中华民族,建立新民主主义共和国;
    3) Politically, the anti-Japanese democrats stand for uniting to fight against the Japanese aggressors to the end, thoroughly emancipating the Chinese nation and establishing a new democratic republic.
  • 在八届全国政协中,有共产党的委员839名,占39.97%;各民主党的委员共642名,占30.59%;无党的委员618名,占29.44%。
    Among the Eighth CPPCC National Committee members, 839 are Communist Party members, accounting for 39.97 percent, 642 are members of democratic parties, accounting for 30.59 percent, and 618 are non-party democrats, accounting for 29.44 percent.
  • 她两次被到国外在国际博览会上作表演。
    She has twice been sent abroad to demonstrate at international fairs.
  • 警方出大队人马在示威游行的现场戒备.
    The police were present at the demonstration in (full) force.
  • 他们防暴警察去驱散示威群众。
    They sent in the riot police to break up me demonstration.
  • 出纠察员在罢工或示威期间设置一个或几个纠察队
    To post a picket or pickets during a strike or demonstration.
  • 非教的不受宗教别约束的或与宗教别无联系的
    Not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination.
  • 不限于特定宗教别的。
    not restricted to a particular religious denomination.
  • 关于某一特定宗教别或具有其特征。
    relating to or characteristic of a particular religious denomination.
  • 系的不受某一特殊的宗教教会限制的或与某一特殊的宗教无联系的
    Not limited to or associated with a particular religious denomination.