  • 资本主义和社会主义的本对立状态
    The inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism.
  • 因为只有如此,才能据民族矛盾和国内矛盾在政治比重上的变化而改变国内两个政权敌对的状态,团结一致,共同赴敌。
    For only thus can we transform the state of antagonism between the two different regimes within the country and achieve unity for common action against the enemy, in line with the changes in the relative political importance of China's external and internal contradictions.
  • 共产党也向国民党保证取消两个政权敌对,红军改变名称,在革命据地实行新民主制度和停止没收地主的土地等四项。
    At the same time the Communist Party offered guarantees to the Kuomintang on the following four points: the elimination of the state of antagonism between the two regimes, the redesignation of the Red Army, the application of the new-democratic system in the revolutionary base areas, and the discontinuance of the confiscation of the land of the landlords.
  • 冈瓦纳大陆南半球一块假定性的大陆,据地壳构造学说,这块大陆分离成印度,澳大利亚,南极洲,非洲和南美洲
    The protocontinent of the Southern Hemisphere, a hypothetical landmass that according to the theory of plate tectonics broke up into India, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, and South America.
  • 非决定论认为意志是自由的,并且人类的行为无须或本不是由生理和心理的前因决定的一种哲学信条
    The doctrine that the will is free and that human action is not necessarily or not at all predetermined by physiological and psychological antecedents.
  • 偶极天线天线,常从中间反馈,包括直线向外延伸的两相同的杆
    An antenna, usually fed from the center, consisting of two equal rods extending outward in a straight line.
  • 小头,骨状突一小块球状突出物或头状部分,如一骨头的突起或一个昆虫的触角的顶端
    A small knob or head-shaped part, such as a protuberance of a bone or the tip of an insect's antenna.
  • 念珠状的形状如一串珠子的,如某些植物的或某些昆虫的触角
    Resembling a string of beads, as the roots of certain plants or the antennae of certain insects.
  • 皖江抗日民主根据地
    Wanjiang Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 苏中抗日民主根据地
    Central Jiangsu Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 浙东抗日民主根据地
    Eastern Zhejiang Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 苏北抗日民主根据地
    Northern Jiangsu Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 华南抗日民主根据地
    South China Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 苏南抗日民主根据地
    Southern Jiangsu Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 豫西抗日民主根据地
    Western Henan Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area
  • 山东抗日据地大反攻
    Great Counter Offensive in Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area
  • 林肯霉素从林肯链酶菌的培菌体中提取的一种抗菌素,用于治疗某种抗青霉素的感染
    An antibiotic derived from cultures of the bacterium Streptomyces lincolnensis, used in the treatment of certain penicillin-resistant infections.
  • 一位民主党首要参议员和一位里政府官员今天说:既然让巴拿马领袖下台的谈判已经失败,他们不排队使用武力赶走诺列加将军。
    A key Democratic Senator and a Reagan Administration official said today that they would not rule out military action to oust Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega now that negotiations had failed so far to get the Panamanian leader to step down.
  • 以任何目的为据而隐藏的。
    concealed or hidden on any grounds for any motive.
  • 这项工程本没有接近完工
    The project isn't anywhere near completion.
  • 这可以帮助消除因为无知、毫无据的疑惧或者冷漠,所造成的偏见和误解,进一步缩短各族的距离。
    This would help to remove any in-built prejudices and misconceptions due to sheer ignorance, unfounded apprehensions or apathy and bring the different races closer.
  • "现在的问题是年轻人们本没有选举权,而不是他们对政治漠不关心。难道如果他们认为自由民主党能够胜出的话,他们就能够投票吗?
    "Disenfranchisement is the problem, not apathy -- perhaps if young people thought the Liberal Democrats had a chance, they'd go out and vote?"
  • 那只猿猴从一树枝荡到另一树枝上.
    The ape swung (along) from branch to branch.
  • 总而言之,只要香港植于其业绩最好的领域,而不是在上海可能成为或已成为中国占支配地位的商业城市时,盲目模仿上海可能采取的做法,那么上海是否会取得优势就并不重要。
    In short, it doesn't matter whether Shanghai rules, as long as Hong Kong does wh at it does best, rather than ape what it believes a competitor such as Shanghai might do, if and when it becomes the dominant commercial Chinese city.
  • 裸蕨科的模式属;古生代植物,为小而坚韧的草木,具地下状茎和顶生的孢子囊群。
    type genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia.
  • 叙利亚首都和最大城市,被广泛地认为是世界上最古老的城市;据《新约圣经》,基督教的使徒保罗在去大马士革的途中经历了巨大转变。
    an ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria; according to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul (then known as Saul) underwent a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus.
  • 有的少数民族称谓虽然没有侮辱性的含义,也据少数民族自己的意愿进行了更改,如僮族的“僮”改为“壮”等。
    Some ethnic appellations not implying insults were also changed at the wish of the given ethnic group, for instance, the appellation of the Tong ethnic group was changed to Zhuang.
  • 耳状突起一个耳垂状的部分、突起或附肢,尤指生于器官
    An earlobe-shaped part, process, or appendage, especially at the base of an organ.
  • 萝卜这种植物辛辣的部,生食用作开胃品或拌色拉
    The pungent root of this plant, eaten raw as an appetizer and in salads.
  • 插头一种接头配件,一般有为插入一固定的插座而设计的两金属棒,用来联结电器和电力供应系统
    A fitting, commonly with two metal prongs for insertion in a fixed socket, used to connect an appliance to a power supply.
  • 新的分配(尤其是美国国会席位据人口普查的结果的重新分配)。
    a new apportionment (especially a reallotment of US congressional seats on the basis of census results).
  • 据评估委员会的报告和执委会递交的候选城市名单,国际奥委会在2001年7月15日莫斯科第112次全会上进行投票表决,选出2008年夏季奥运会的举办城市。
    The IOC assembly will vote for the host city and appraise the findings of the executive board's report in Moscow on July 15, 2001.