  •    第一百二十二国家从财政、物资、技术等方面帮助各少数民族加速发展经济建设和文化建设事业。
    Article 122. The state gives financial, material and technical assistance to the minority nationalities to accelerate their economic and cultural development.
  • 她碰到一条大蛇。
    She met a serpent (snake).
  • 蛇被音乐迷住了。
    The serpent was charmed by the music.
  • 毒蛇诱骗夏娃摘取了禁果。
    He serpent tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit.
  • 他使出浑身劲儿,大声吼叫,同时像蛇似地绕着柱头扭动着身子。
    he cried at the pitch of his voice, coiling himself about his pillar like a serpent.
  • 洞穴里盘踞着一恶蛇,它的头冠和身上的鳞片象金子似地熠熠发光。
    In the cave lurked a horrid serpent with a crested head and scales glittering like gold.
  • 弗尔南多脸色苍白,全身颤抖,象看见了一赤练蛇的游人一般,他向后缩去,踉踉跄跄地靠在椅子上,一下子坐了下去。
    Fernand, pale and trembling, drew back, like a traveller at the sight of a serpent, and fell into a chair beside him.
  • 但儿孙们的厄运始终使他们忧郁寡欢。有一天卡德摩斯哀呼道:“既然众神对一蛇的生命如此看重,我倒不如就是一蛇吧。”话刚出口他就开始变形了。
    But the misfortunes of their children still weighed upon their minds; And one day Cadmus exclaimed,"If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I were myself a serpent." No sooner had he uttered the words than he began to change his form.
  • 尘世人类居住的那部分世界,想象成一座由古挪威神在宇宙中央建立的被一巨蟒盘绕的城堡
    The part of the world inhabited by people, imagined as a fortress encircled by a huge serpent and built by the Norse gods around the middle region of the universe.
  • 但因为卡德摩斯杀死的那蛇是马尔斯的圣物,因此他的家族在劫难逃。他的女儿塞墨勒和伊诺,他的孙儿阿克特翁和彭透斯都死于非命。
    But a fatality hung over the family of Cadmus in consequence of his killing the serpent sacred to Mars. Semele and Ino, his daughters, and Actaeon and Pentheus, his grandchildren, all perished unhappily.
  • 蛇杖赫耳墨斯所持的带有两互相缠绕的蛇的带翼权杖
    A winged staff with two serpents twined around it, carried by Hermes.
  • 来自工人、农民、知识分子、军人、干部的党员是党的队伍最基本的组成部分和骨干力量,同时也应该把承认党的纲领和章程、自觉为党的路线和纲领而奋斗、经过长期考验、符合党员件的社会其他方面的优秀分子吸收到党内来,并通过党这个大熔炉不断提高广大党员的思想政治觉悟,从而不断增强我们党在全社会的影响力和凝聚力。
    The basic components and backbone of the Party are those from workers, farmers, intellectuals, servicemen and cadres. At the same time, it is also necessary to accept those outstanding elements from other sectors of the society who have subscribed to the Party's program and Constitution, worked for the Party's line and program wholeheartedly, and proved to meet the requirements for the Party membership through a long period of tests. We should try to enhance the ethical standards and political awareness of our Party members through Party education. This will greatly increase the influence and cohesiveness of the Party in the society at large.
  • 第三款无关紧要,可答应船主的要求
    Article third unessential therefore ready accede to owner
  • 我国政府加入了该约。
    Our government acceded to the treaty.
  • 船下星期五启航。
    The ship sets sail next Friday.
  • 按你方件解决不大可能。
  • 我们拒绝了他们对解决边界争争端出的件。
    We rejected their conditions for settling the border dispute.
  • 共产党人把自己的主要注意力集中在德国,因为德国正处在资产阶级革命的前夜,因为同17世纪的英国和18世纪的法国相比,德国将在整个欧洲文明更进步的件下,拥有发展得多的无产阶级去实现这个变革,因而德国的资产阶级革命只能是无产阶级革命的直接序幕。
    The Communists turn their attention chiefly to Germany, because that country is on the eve of a bourgeois revolution that is bound to be carried out under more advanced conditions of European civilisation, and with a much more developed proletariat, than that of England was in the seventeenth, and of France in the eighteenth century, and because the bourgeois revolution in Germany will be but the prelude to an immediately following proletarian revolution.
  • 被极端恶劣的件剥夺了人性的奴隶
    Slaves who had been dehumanized by their abysmal condition.
  • 关於seven和seventh的用法见five和fifth词中的示例
    For the use of seven and seventh see the examples at five and fifth
  • 他们捉到几条鱼.
    They caught several fish.
  • 我们捉了几条鱼。
    We caught several fish.
  • 包含有几保龄球道的球场。
    contains several alleys for bowling.
  • 此外,当局也修订《破产欠薪保障例》,提高遣散费特惠款项的限额,并使劳工处处长在厘定特惠款额时有较大弹性。处长可参考雇员减薪前的工资水平,以及雇主就此事所作的承诺来作出决定。
    The Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance was also amended to increase the limit of ex gratia payment for severance pay, and to give the Commissioner for Labour greater flexibility in determining the amount by referring to an employee's wage level before wage deduction and the employer's undertaking on this matter.
  • 与恶劣的自然件有关。
    relating to severe atmospheric conditions.
  • 严峻的世界性经济萧;房屋受到了严重的损坏。
    a severe worldwide depression; the house suffered severe damage.
  • 线或图案非常简单。
    severely simple in line or design.
  • 她在裙摆下缝了褶边。
    She sew a frill on the bottom of her skirt.
  • 这条污水道塞住了。
    The sewage channel chokes.
  • 第十九 城市污水应当进行集中处理。
    Article 19 Urban sewage shall be centrally treated.
  • "为了铺设污水管道,我们必须在河床下面开一通道。"
    We shall have to dig under the river to lay the sewage pipe.
  • 必须认清目前国内国际尚存在着许多利于我们争取继续抗战、继续团结和继续进步的客观件。
    But it must be made abundantly clear that many objective conditions favourable to our struggle for continued resistance, unity and progress are still present both at home and abroad.