  • 那么这就是说卡特下期天不打算来了?
    So that means Carter isn't coming next Sunday?
  • 我们下期挑选(话剧)演员.
    We're casting (the play) next week.
  • 双子座北半球的一个座,包括北河二和北河三
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere containing the stars Castor and Pollux.
  • 加斯科因不是拉齐奥队期天比赛中惟一受伤的。
    Cascoigne was not the only casualty among Lazio's lineup from Sunday's matach.
  • 那么,我将在一期左右为你们准备一些东西,如报价单、目录和样本。
    Well, I'll have something ready for you, such as quotations, catalogs and samples in a week or so.
  • 我四下看看,没发现迈克,我感到有些局促,小心地坐到了沙发上,四个期前见过的那两个女人笑着给我挪出了点地方。
    I looked around the room and did not see Mike anywhere. Feeling awkward, I cautiously sat down next to the same two women who where there four weeks earlier. They smiled and slid across the couch to make room for me.
  • 卡尤加族以前居住在美国纽约州中西部卡尤加湖沿岸的美洲土著民族,今分布在安大略州、纽约州西部、威斯康州和俄克拉何马州。卡尤加族是易洛魁印第安联盟的五个初始部族之一
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting the shores of Cayuga Lake in west-central New York, with present-day populations in Ontario, western New York, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma. The Cayuga are one of the five original tribes of the Iroquois confederacy.
  • 这电影明酗酒出名。
    This film star was celebrated for drinking too much.
  • 在公元17世纪,英国出现了一个叫做“妈妈的期天”的节日。
    During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday".
  • ☆让明文化为你和孩子们发挥作用--了解他们当前心目中的英雄人物是哪些。
    Make the celebrity culture work for you and them -- keep abreast of their current heroes.
  • 太阳,和月亮都是天体。
    The sun, the stars and the moon are celestial bodies.
  • 太阳、、月亮都是天体。
    The sun, the stars, and the moon are celestial bodies.
  • 行星是天体
    Planets are celestial bodies.
  • 南极座包括南天极的
    The constellation that includes the southern celestial pole.
  • 一个较小的体或它的阴影通过一个较大天体的圆平面
    The passage of a smaller celestial body or its shadow across the disk of a larger celestial body.
  • 在北半天球的天极;靠近北斗的天极。
    the celestial pole above the northern hemisphere; near Polaris.
  • --发展空间科学,开展深空探测。建立新型的科学探测与技术试验卫系列,加强空间微重力、空间材料科学、空间生命科学、空间环境和空间天文研究;开展以月球探测为主的深空探测的预先研究。
    - To develop space science and explore outer space by developing a scientific research and technological experiment satellite group of the next generation, strengthening studies of space micro-gravity, space material science, space life science, space environment and space astronomy, and carrying out pre-study for outer space exploration centering on the exploration of the moon.
  • 在对阿富汗的战争中,太空(尤其是100多颗军事卫)首次成了战争机器的中心部件。这场战争的一幕典型场景是:地面上一名士兵发现一个塔利班目标。
    A typical scene from the conflict in Afghanistan, where for the first time space -- specifically, more than one hundred orbiting military satellites -- has been a centerpiece of the war machine: A soldier on the ground spots a Taliban target.
  • 期都留出一定的数量;到某种程度;某些驯养方式并不能造就好的宠物;某些成员没有交费;一定范围内受欢迎的教师;某个琼斯夫人。
    set aside a certain sum each week; to a certain degree; certain breeds do not make good pets; certain members have not paid their dues; a certain popular teacher; a certain Mrs. Jones.
  • '当然可以,'姑娘答道,'但这两张票是下期三的戏票。
    'Certainly,' the girl said, 'but they are for next Wednesday's performance.
  • 我说不准下期在什么地方。
    I can't say with any certainty where I shall be next week.
  • 又由于宇宙里恒的数目如此庞大,这种可能性就变得确凿无疑了。
    universe is so vast, this possibility becomes virtual certainty.
  • 现在终于有了听起来相当真实的说法:现已证实来自火的一块陨石携带着一种化学物质,它们可能反映出火上生命新陈代谢的某些特微。
    But here at last, it seemed, was a claim that bad the ring of truth: A meteorite, certifiably from Mars, carried the chemical signature of what could be the by-products of Martian metabolisms.
  • 听说他期一那天,乘着一辆驷马大轿车来看房子,看得非常中意,当场就和莫理斯先生谈妥了;
    that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately;
  • 每间屋子的地上都铺了红砖,每期洗一次,床的前面都铺着麦秸席。
    The chambers were paved in red bricks, which were washed every week, with straw mats in front of all the beds.
  • 以下为行政长官董建华今日(期四)在联合总商会午餐会的致辞全文:
    Following is a speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee Hwa, at a luncheon of the Joint Chambers of Commerce today (Thursday):
  • 说时迟那时快,敌军士兵举枪准备向这位班长开火,但他发现眼前的这个目标与以前见过的任何士兵都不同——只见他身穿黑色紧身制服,头戴一顶酷似摩托车赛车手戴的头盔,这时他的制服开始变色了,就像变色龙一样,渐渐融入了周围环境中,他禁不住怀疑他所看到的究竟是人还是外来客。
    Almost as quickly,the enemy raises his weapon to fire at the squad leader,but the target in his scope is unlike any soldier he's ever seen. Dressed in a black,form-fitting uniform with what looks like a matching motorcycle helmet,the squad leader's uniform is changing color,blending into the background like a chameleon --or an alien.
  • 他们每个期天晚上做礼拜。
    They go to chapel every Sunday evening.
  • 他们的牛仔装被皮护腿套裤、锡徽章和大牛仔帽装饰得夸张庸俗
    Camped up their cowboy costumes with chaps, tin stars, and ten-gallon hats.
  • 在泊车位需求殷切的地区,停车收费表于期日和公众假期也会收费,让更多驾车人士有机会使用这些泊车位。
    Meter charging in areas of high demand has been extended to include Sundays and public holidays to facilitate a better turnover of parking spaces.
  • 截至一九九八年底,这类泊车位共有15000个,收费时间大多为期一至期六上午八时至午夜十二时。
    At the end of 1998, Hong Kong had 15 000 metered parking spaces, with meter charging mainly between 8 am and midnight from Monday to Saturday.
  • 年底时,全港设有收费表的泊车位共有14190个,收费时间大多为期一至期六上午八时至午夜十二时。
    At the end of the year, there were 14 190 parking spaces in Hong Kong, with meter charging mainly between 8 am and midnight from Mondays to Saturdays.