Chinese English Sentence:
  • 指挥官荐威廉斯中士获勇敢勋章.
    The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery.
  • 王平:有一次,他曾对巴西记者说;“在1995年,我当选为世界最佳守门员,举我的是足球强国德国和英格兰的体育记者。
    Wang Ping: Once, he said to a Brazilian journalist:"In 1995, I was elected best goalkeeper in the world. I was elected by the sports journalists of German and Scotland, which are great powers of football.
  • 王平:有一次,他曾对巴西记者说;“在1995年,我当选为世界最佳守门员,举我的是足球强国德国和英格兰的体育记者。
    Wang Ping: Once, he said to a Brazilian journalist: "In 1995, I was elected best goalkeeper in the world. I was elected by the sports journalists of German and Scotland, which are great powers of foot-ball.
  • 这个历史性的突破,不仅奠定了香港运动员在国际体坛的地位。同时,对於发展香港体育事业,起很大的动作用。
    By virtue of this historical breakthrough, the Hong Kong athletes have not only established their status in the international sports arena but have also greatly helped to promote the sports development in Hong Kong.
  • 美国一家联邦上诉法院6月28日翻了将微软一分为二的判决,并命令由另外一名法官代替杰克逊来担任此案的主审官。
    A federal appeals court reversed the breakup of Microsoft Thursday and ordered that a new judge decide the landmark case.
  • 我们逐渐向前进,以胸冲开浮冰。
    We gradually forced ahead, breasting aside the floes.
  • 乔丹在nba(国家篮球协会)时期,他成功地利用了他的惊人的技巧和超越多种文化的吸引力动了整个运动行业,而且他干得比在他之前的任何一个运动员都更有成效。
    During his time in the NBA. Jordan has parlayed his breathtaking skills and overwhelming cross - cultural appeal into an industry, and he's done it more effectively than any sportsman before him.
  • 策划一个翻政府的阴谋
    Brew a plot to overthrow the government.
  • 掷铅球;掷砖块穿窗而过
    Heave the shot; heaved a brick through the window.
  • 除了审议市建局提交城市规划委员会考虑的发展计划和总纲发展蓝图外,该署亦会为市建局的发展计划拟备规划大纲,统筹市建局计划所需的基础建设,政府、机构或社区设施和休憩用地的供应,以及监察市建局计划的行,确保这些计划符合法定的规划要求。
    Other than processing development schemes and master layout plans submitted by the URA for the Town Planning Board's consideration, the Planning Department would also prepare planning briefs for URA development schemes. The department will co-ordinate the provision of infrastructure, government, institution or community facilities, and open space in URA projects; and monitor the implementation of URA projects to ensure compliance with the statutory planning requirements.
  • 孩子们装载了太多的沙;手车边走边往外流。
    The children had loaded on too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over.
  • 推翻一个政府
    Bring down a government
  • 把危险情况更进一步向灾难的政策。
    the policy of pushing a dangerous situation to the brink of disaster (to the limits of safety).
  • 布里斯班,阿瑟1864-1936美国报纸编辑,行并鼓励采取黄色报刊技术,以扩大其报刊的销售量
    A city of eastern Australia on the Brisbane River, about346 km(215 mi) long, near its mouth on Moreton Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. The area was settled in1824 as a penal colony. Population,734, 750.
  • 取消旅游;推迟旅游
    Call off a trip; called the trip off.
  • 为了共同动和加强人权事业,各国应当在平等和相互尊重的基础上,通过对话的方式增进了解,求同存异,减少分歧,扩大共识。
    To jointly advance and strengthen the human rights cause, countries should enhance mutual understanding, seek and broaden common ground, and reduce differences through dialogues on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
  • 这些资金特别有助扩大和加强本港的债务蒥场,稳定本港的股票蒥场,以及动本港对冲投资工具的进一步发展,而最终更会进一步加强香港作为国际金融中心的领导地位。
    It will, in particular, deepen and broaden our debt market, stabilize our stock market, enhance the further development of hedging investment tools in Hong Kong and, ultimately, further strengthen our status as a leading international financial centre.
  • 在这个资讯年代,当局的首要目标是广资讯科技教育,扩阔青少年的知识层面,使他们具备国际视野,以及培养他们终身自学的能力。
    In this information age, it is the Government's prime objective to promote the use of information technology in education to broaden young people's knowledge base, to enable them to acquire a global outlook, and to develop in them the capability for independent life-long learning.
  • 我郑重重申:我们出这些措施,目的不是干预市场,也不是要扩大、宽大政府的权力,而是为了巩固香港的金融防卫能力,稳定香港的利率,以及对付造市者在股票期货和货币市场中的双边操控。
    I would like to make it clear that in putting forward these measures it is not our intention to interfere with market forces, nor is it our intention to broaden the powers of the Government. Rather, our aim is to consolidate Hong Kong's ability to manage its monetary affairs, so that we can counter manipulation of our markets and stabilise interest rates.
  • 于是“知识经济”前所未有地鼓励人的学习探索精神与行为,崇有技能、有素养的劳动者,要求不间断的知识与技能更新。
    Thus the KBE wholeheartedly promotes the human learning spirit and behaviors, favors those workers with higher skills and educational qualifications, and requires continuous upgrading and broadening of skills and knowledge.
  • “中央着重指出:只有继续开展全中国人民的抗日救亡运动,扩大各党各派各界各军的抗日民族统一战线,加强中国共产党在民族统一战线中的政治领导作用,极大地巩固红色政权与红军,同一切丧权辱国及削弱民族统一战线力量的言论行动进行坚决的斗争,我们才能动国民党南京政府走向抗日,才能给民主共和国的实现准备前提。
    "The Central Committee stresses that we shall impel the Kuomintang government in Nanking to resist Japan and we shall create the prerequisites for the democratic republic only by extending the Chinese people's movement of armed resistance and national salvation, by broadening the anti-Japanese national united front of all political parties, people of all walks of life and all armies, by strengthening the Chinese Communist Party's role of political leadership in the national united front, by greatly consolidating the Red political power and the Red Army, and by waging a determined struggle against all words and deeds which betray our sovereignty and humiliate our nation or weaken the forces of the national united front.
  • 在百老汇备受祟的人
    The toast of Broadway.
  • 我军扫除了敌人的防御工事向南进。
    Our army brushed aside the enemy defences and advanced south.
  • 我们扫除了敌人,向南进。
    Brushing the enemy aside, we advanced south.
  • 别把责任推给我。
    Don't pass the buck to me.
  • 责任止於此,不会卸责任。
    The buck stops here.
  • 如果事情陷害入困境,他就随时准备诿责任。
    When things get difficult he's too ready to pass the buck.
  • 她最不喜欢作决定,总是把这种事给别人。
    She hates making decisions. She always passes the buck on the someone else.
  • 同样,任何大得足以使板块发生挠曲并形成一个新的海沟和俯冲带的力,也当然会很快在一个现有扩展中心附近形成海沟和俯冲带。
    Similarly, any pushing force great enough to buckle a plate and form a new trench and subduction zone would certainly form one immediately adjacent to an existing spreading center.
  • musicbuddha音乐网站正在根据他们独家掌握的资料库向听众荐受欢迎的音乐。
    A site called MuBu, or Music Buddha, also tries to recommend music by gauging what listeners like to hear based on a proprietary database.
  • 在西藏各寺庙开办的学经班中,进行宗教经典研习的学经僧人有3270人。近几年来各教派荐、输送了50多名活佛、格西和寺庙民主管理组织成员到北京中国藏语系高级佛学院进修深造,已有20多名学僧学成毕业。
    A total of 3,270 monks in Tibet have studied the Buddhist classics in classes run by monasteries, and more than 50 Living Buddhas, dGe-bshes (Buddhist doctors of divinity) and members of the democratic management bodies of Tibetan temples and monasteries have, in the past few years, taken advanced refresher courses at the China Senior Buddhist Institute of Tibetan Language in Beijing, half of whom have graduated.
  • 虽然创意思维可能早已在西方国家行,但对新加坡来说,创意思维还是在起步阶段。
    Although creative thinking may have been promoted since some time ago in the West, it is only budding in Singapore.