  • 传内容上,一般地只注意土改传,而忽视了党的各方面正确政策的传。
    As for the content of the propaganda, we generally stressed land reform to the neglect of the Party's correct policies in all other fields of endeavor.
  • 所以资本主义国家中一切要求社会进步的政治力量也在努力研究和传社会主义,努力为消灭资本主义社会的各种不公道、不合理现象直至实现社会主义革命而斗争。
    That is why the progressive political forces in the capitalist countries are trying to study and propagate socialism and are fighting to eliminate the injustices and irrational phenomena endemic in capitalist society and to carry out socialist revolution.
  • 上个月,包括微软、sun、aol等公司在内的主要厂商布支持一种新标准,叫电子商务建摸语言,缩写为emcl,给予web网上商家一种标准化方法,来收集交付、记帐和付款的数据。
    Last month, major vendors, including Microsoft Corp., Sun Microsystems Inc. and America Online Inc., announced their endorsement of a new standard called EMCL, or E-Commerce Modeling Language, to give Web merchants a standardized way to collect electronic data for shipping, billing and payment.
  • 协会又与多位来自香港和世界各地的知名人士(包括大提琴家马友友、电视名人陈美龄和国际名厨wolfgangpuck)合作,拍摄传短片,传达香港永远都是朝气勃勃、活力无穷的信息,并鼓励旅客来港亲身体验。
    The association joined forces with celebrities from Hong Kong and aroundthe world (including cellist Yo Yo Ma, TV personality Agnes Chan and chef Wolfgang Puck) to make endorsement videos spreading the messagethat Hong Kong was as dynamic and vibrant as ever and encouraging people to come and see for themselves.
  • 他们向家里布他们已经订婚了。
    They announced their engagement to the family.
  • 格林先生布他与怀特小姐订婚。
    Mr. Green announced his engagement to Miss White.
  • 说来很遗憾,婚约已布解除。
    Sad to say, the engagement was declared off.
  • 他向朋友们布他已和怀特小姐订婚。
    He announced to his friends his engagement to MissWhite.
  • 当她布订婚的消息时,她非常高兴。
    She was all smiles when she announced her engagement.
  • 在国共间各项主要争点未得合理解决之前,我们对国民党内亲日派反共派所造成的皖南事变和各种政治的军事的压迫,仍应继续严正的抗议运动,扩大第一个十二条的传,不要松懈。
    Until there is a reasonable settlement of the major points at issue between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, we must not show any slackening in our campaign of stern protest against the Southern Anhwei Incident, which was engineered by the pro-Japanese and anti-Communist cliques in the Kuomintang, and against their political and military oppression in all its forms, and must intensify our propaganda for the first twelve demands.
  • 加强法制传和教育,增强公民的法律意识和法制观念。
    strengthen legal promulgation and education to enhance the legal awareness and idea of the public;
  • 财政司司长在一九九九年三月的财政预算案演词中,布就证券及期货市场推行三大范畴的改革,其中包括成立金融基础设施督导委员会,就香港的金融基础设施进行研究,并提交具体改善工作的建议。
    As part of the three-pronged strategy announced in his Budget Speech in March 1999 for reforming the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary appointed a Steering Committee on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure (SCEFI) to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the financial infrastructure in Hong Kong.
  • 通过积极的方式互相认识,大家最终会明白所有宗教的目的都是扬真、善、美。
    Out of such initiatives, they will learn that all religions enjoin goodness.
  • 通过有效的制度和广泛的传,以及赋予武装部队人员和教师更大的角色,政府成功的改变了人们对这两个行业的看法。
    Two outstanding successes of this government are in changing the public perception of the uniformed and teaching professions through imaginative and well-publicised schemes and by enlarging their roles.
  • 边防管理职能部门积极开展对广大边民的国界意识、边防观念、边防政策和法规的传教育,大力开展反走私、缉毒等专项斗争,依法打击各种跨国、跨境犯罪行为。
    Border control departments conduct publicity and education activities aimed at enlightening the people of the frontier areas as to the nature of the boundaries, the concept of frontier defense, and border policies and laws. They also wage special battles to crack down on smuggling and narcotics, and hit hard at transnational, trans-border criminal activities in accordance with the law.
  • 经过比赛管事们的调查,3.15的成绩被布为并列名次。
    After the stewards' enquiry, the result of the 3.15 declared a dead heat.
  • 我们一定要传、恢复和发扬延安精神,解放初期的精神,以及六十年代初期克服困难的精神。
    We must revive, enrich and propagate the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of the early post-Liberation days, the spirit that enabled us to overcome our difficulties in the early 1960s.
  • 我协约国已决定战。
    Our Entente have[has]decided to declare war.
  • 人们以游行、演讲和百货商店热情洋溢地传大降价来纪念世俗假日。
    Observance of most secular holidays is limited to parades, speeches, and enthusiastically advertised de-partment store sales.
  • 比赛的目的是为了检验车辆的性能,商家积极资助,传自己汽车的安全性、可靠性。
    The objective of the race is to inspect the per-formance of the vehicle. The businessmen enthusiastically provide sponsorship to publicize the security and reliability of their automobile.
  • 中国积极认真履行了《禁止化学武器公约》规定的各项义务,按时并完整地递交了初始布和年度布,接受了公约组织的多次核查,并参加了公约组织的各次执行理事会和两次缔约国大会。
    China has been active and conscientious in fulfilling the obligations stipulated in the CWC. It delivered the initial declaration and annual declaration in time and in their entirety and has accepted inspections by the convention. It has also participated in every one of the convention's executive council meetings and the two conferences of states parties.
  • 广泛进行环境传,逐步普及中小学环境教育,发展环境保护在职教育和专业教育,培养环境科学技术和管理方面的专门人才。
    Widely conducting environmental publicity work, gradually popularizing environmental education in secondary and primary schools, developing on-the-job education in environ"imen tal protection and vocational education, and training specialized personnel in environmental science and technology as well as environmental administration.
  • 根据在多哈举行的wto第四届部长会议发表的《部长言》,新多边知识产权谈判将主要集中于公众健康议题和建立一个葡萄酒和烈性酒地理标识的多边通报和登记体系。其中,倍受艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾和其它流行病折磨的发展中国家和最不发达国家以及拥有治疗上述流行病方法专利权的发达国家对公众健康议题非常重视。
    According to the Ministerial Declaration of the 4th WTO Ministerial Meeting held in Doha, the new multilateral talks on intellectual property rights will mainly focus on public health and the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits, among which, the issue of public health has been given great attention by many developing countries and least-developed countries heavily afflicted with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics, and the developed countries in possession of the patents directly related to the treatment of the above-mentioned epidemics.
  • 乱写标语乱做传的坏现象,应该制止。
    They should put a stop to such erroneous practices as writing slogans and conducting propaganda at will.
  • 扬的宗教教义要旨是爱天下人。
    The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men.
  • 宣传推广活动。
    Publicity and Promotional Events
  • 所以,不要扬我起的作用有什么特别了不起,因为扬过分会带来一个问题,就是说,邓某人不在了政策要变。
    So don't try to exaggerate my role. That would only raise doubts in people's minds and lead them to believe that China's policies will change once Deng is gone.
  • 一半因为我们的传解释工作还不够,一半也因为客观事变的发展还没有完全暴露其固有的性质,还没有将其面貌鲜明地摆在人们之前,使人们无从看出其整个的趋势和前途,因而无从决定自己的整套的方针和做法。
    This is partly because we did not do enough propaganda and explanatory work, and partly because the development of objective events had not yet fully and clearly revealed their inherent nature and their features to the people, who were thus not in a position to foresee the over-all trend and the outcome and hence to decide on a complete set of policies and tactics.
  • 象征在美术、文学或音乐上运用象征手法进行的表达或
    The use of expressive or evocative images in art, literature, or music.
  • 大家都知道,上海合作组织发表过一个非常鲜明的反对民族分裂主义、宗教极端主义和国际恐怖主义的《上海言》。
    As we all know, it issued the Shanghai Declaration, which clearly said that the members would cooperate to fight against international terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism.
  • 他们企图把他们宗派主义的传强加给马克思主义者。
    They tried to force their factional preachings on the Marxists.
  • 通过对提出的事实和问题的分析和判。
    judgment rendered through analysis and adjudication of the factual issues presented.