  • 训中心将按不同的专业组织熟练工人和技术人员的训。
    The training of qualified worker and technician of different specialties will is organize in the training center.
  • 2002年5月,国务院学位委员会审议通过了《军事学硕士专业学位设置方案》,决定设置和试办军事学硕士专业学位,标志着军队高层次应用型专门人才的养迈上一个新的台阶。
    In May 2002, the Academic Degree Commission under the State Council examined and approved the Plan of Setting Up Specialties for the Master Degree of Military Science, and decided on the setting up of specialties for the master degree of military science as an experiment, marking a new stage in the training of high-level professionals for the armed forces.
  • 2000年12月全国人大常委会通过的《中华人民共和国现役军官法》和1999年6月中央军委颁布的《中国人民解放军文职干部条例》明确规定,指挥军官和非专业技术文职干部每晋升一级职务、专业技术军官和专业技术文职干部每晋升一级专业技术职务,应当经过相应的院校或者其他训练机构训;
    Both the Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service passed by the Standing Committee of the NPC in December 2000 and the Regulations on Non-Ranking Officers of the PLA issued by the CMC in June 1999 explicitly stipulate that commanding officers and non-ranking officers without technical specialty, as well as ranking officers with technical specialty and non-ranking officers with technical specialty should receive training at relevant colleges and schools or other training institutions before their promotion;
  • ·不需要专门为此产品进行训的技术高超的人员
    Does not require highly skilled personnel specifically trained on the product
  • 鼓励居民扩大住房、旅游、汽车、电信、文化、体育和其他服务性消费,育新的消费热点。
    We need to encourage people to spend more on housing, tourism, automobiles, telecommunications, cultural activities, sports and other services and develop new focuses of consumer spending.
  • 牌坊—不管叫南洋牌坊还是叫其他名字—的光辉在于它的名气,即它把我们育成才的名气。
    The splendour of the Arch, then, whether called Nanyang or some other, lies in its standing for the time that brought us to where we are now.
  • 二零零一年年初,委员会推出青年领袖训资助计划,资助非政府机构筹办青年领袖训活动。
    In early 2001, the commission launched the Youth Leadership Training Funding Scheme to sponsor non-governmental organisations in organising leadership training programmes for youth.
  • 只有当科学家所在人群中的科学素养能够恰当地提供所需的基础训练时,天才科学家才会自然而然地得到养。这就是当今世界上的一些国家,包括许多发展中国家中所出现的情形。
    they develop spontaneously whenever the scientific training of the community is adequate to providethe basic training they need -- which is today the case in several nations over the world, including many of the developing countries.
  • 加快建立和养一支高素质的竞赛组织管理队伍,有举办国际重大体育活动和竞赛的组织管理及市场运作能力。
    Accelerate the establishment and training of a high-quality contingent of tournament organizers and managers with the ability to organize major international sporting events and operate the sports market.
  • 王平:所以学校已养了不少的运动健将。
    Wang Ping: Therefore, the school has turned out quite a few master sportsmen.
  • 一种美丽的通常栽的植物,有黄褐色、往往有紫色斑点的花。
    a showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers.
  • 黄瓜藤一种有卷须的、一年生攀缘或蔓生植物(香瓜属葫芦科黄瓜或胡瓜),因其结有可食用的圆柱形果实而被广泛植,该果皮呈绿色且有松脆的白色果肉
    A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant(Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh.
  • 空中警察是为在城市的任何一个角落采取迅速行动而养的。
    a flying police squad is trained for quick action anywhere in the city.
  • 新员工要接受10个星期训。
    There is a ten - week training period for new staffs.
  • 除了在学校巡回演出外,该团举办1500多个免费表演及工作坊。现代舞训计划"舞出艳阳天"已是第五年筹办,由16间中学的学生参与演出,成绩斐然。
    Apart from school tours, the company gave over 1500 free performances and workshops and staged the highly successful Dancing in the Sun project for the fifth year, which involved students from 16 secondary schools.
  • 国家岌岌可危的债务问题在很大程度上也应归因于那些作出财务决策的政治家和政府官员们,他们中有些人虽然受过高等教育,但却很少甚至几乎没有接受过财务方面的必要训。
    Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training on the subject of money.
  • 卷心菜的任何一种,其绿叶可食。
    any of various cultivated cabbage plants having a short thick stalk and large compact head of edible usually green leaves.
  • 训局为不同课程设立课程指导小组,在课程重组、单元化、标准化及统一考核机制等方面提出建议。
    Moreover, the board has set up Course Steering Groups in respect of different training programmes for the purpose of course restructuring, modularising, standardisation and development of a common assessment system.
  • 首先,硅谷有着世界最大最密集的优秀电脑专才群体、最佳的后援服务体系,并紧密联系着斯坦福大学等世界一流的研究机构,而后者正源源不断地育出电脑业赖以发展的明日天才。
    First and foremost, it has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting services in the world, and easy access to world-class research institutions, like Stanford University, which continually nurtures would-be geniuses which the industry needs in order to move forward.
  • 安妮:真想不到,游泳竟有如此多的好处,我原来只知道在波涛滚滚的湖海和水深流急的江河中游泳,可以养人的不畏艰险、不怕困难和勇敢顽强的精神。
    Annie: I have never thought that swimming can bring us so many benefits. I only know that swimming in great waves and deep running water can train people's spirits, and enable people to be fearless of the hardships, dangers and difficulties and become brave and staunch.
  • 茎细弱并常外倾地面上而枝端向上、冬季结荚果的一种豆;原产于地中海地区,但作为一个归化种而在美国南部长期栽种,最近又作为覆盖作物和牧草而栽
    week-stemmed winter annual native to Mediterranean region for long established in southern United States; cultivated as a cover and pasture crop.
  • 《财富》杂志的托马斯·斯图尔特对与会代表说,寻找、养和留住人才是当今公司面临的最大挑战。
    Delegates were told by Thomas Stewart, from Fortune Magazine, that finding, developing and keeping talent was the biggest challenge facing businesses today.
  • 但该公司从未减小过其招聘的力度,也从未减少过对雇员训的投入。
    Yet the company recruits vigorousl y and never lets up, nor does it get stingy on training.
  • 向来,日本帝国主义总是在中国植可以供它利用的力量,以便分裂中国内部而达到它的侵略目的。
    To create divisions within the country, they cultivated various Chinese elements to serve as their stooges.
  • 美国和南美的野生草莓;多种人工栽草莓之源。
    wild strawberry of western United States and South America; source of many varieties of cultivated strawberries.
  • 你们的母校多年来悉心栽你们,让你们作好准备,以无比的信心承担重任,大步向前迈进。
    Your years in DGS will have prepared you to take them on with confidence and in stride.
  • 培养学生的才能
    Nurture a student's talent.
  • 未驯服的、不是为服务或使用而养的。
    not subdued or trained for service or use.
  • 以这种方式成功地养接替人选是十分重要的。
    This form of successful succession can be very important.
  • 他正在训他的儿子以便成为他的继承人。
    He is grooming his son to become his successor.
  • 为方便重度残疾儿童接受教育,各儿童福利院均建立了特殊教育班,养孩子们的生活自理能力。
    For seriously disabled children, every welfare home has set up a special education class that teaches self-sufficiency.
  • 我们要掌握和发展现代科学文化知识和各行各业的新技术新工艺,要创造比资本主义更高的劳动生产率,把我国建设成为现代化的社会主义强国,并且在上层建筑领域最终战胜资产阶级的影响,就必须养具有高度科学文化水平的劳动者,必须造就宏大的又红又专的工人阶级知识分子队伍。
    We must train workers with a high level of scientific and general knowledge and build a vast army of working-class intellectuals who are both "red and expert". Only then will we be able to master and advance modern science and culture and the new technologies and skills in every trade and profession. Only then will we be able to attain a productivity of labour higher than that under capitalism, transform China into a modern and powerful socialist country and ultimately defeat bourgeois influences in the superstructure.