Chinese English Sentence:
  • 斯特拉特福加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于多伦多西南偏西。它是一个工业中心,也是斯拉特福莎士比亚节(1953年订立)的发源地。人26,262
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, west-southwest of Toronto. It is an industrial center and the home of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival(founded1953). Population,26, 262.
  • 用来治疗哮喘和肺气肿以及其他肺部疾病的支气管扩张剂;服或吸入;副作用包括心跳过速和心跳不稳定。
    a bronchodilator (trade name Alupent) used to treat asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects include tachycardia and shakiness.
  • 用于哮喘、肺气肿和其他肺病的药物;服或吸入;副作用是心跳过速。
    a bronchodilator (trade names Ventolin or Proventil) used for asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects are tachycardia and shakiness.
  • 裤腿外展的裤子;水手穿着;夸张的裤腿开曾流行于世纪年代。
    trousers with legs that flare; worn by sailors; absurdly wide hems were fashionable in the 1960s.
  • 浅盘子);从外面向内(浅伤);向后(浅壁橱;建立浅滩头阵地);从中心向外((体育)把球传向浅左外野)。
    a shallow dish); or inward from an outer surface (a shallow cut); or backward (a shallow closet; established a shallow beachhead); or outward from a center ((sports) hit the ball to shallow left field).
  • 有多少人与港丑闻有牵连?
    How many people were mixed up in the shameful harbour matter?
  • 柳橙里的汁去掉後,只剩下不可的肉了。
    After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left.
  • 把岩石盖在洞的入处;把围巾披在她的肩膀上
    Put rocks over a cave entrance; threw a shawl over her shoulders.
  • 佩斯利苏格兰西南部的一个自治区,在格拉斯哥的西部,它自18世纪早期以来就是一个纺织中心,并且到19世纪它以它各色图案的围巾而闻名。人86,100
    A burgh of southwest Scotland west of Glasgow. It has been a textile center since the early18th century and became famous in the19th century for its colorful patterned shawls. Population,86, 100.
  • 他从上衣袋里抽出一札文件。
    He draw a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket.
  • 放眼望去,这些桥梁的屋顶绿得照眼,塞纳河的雾气使它们过早地长满了青苔。若纵目向左朝大学城眺望,映入眼帘的第一座建筑物,就是小堡那有如花束的粗矮塔群,小堡张开大的门廊把小桥的一端吞没了。
    And when the glance passed these bridges, whose roofs were visibly green, rendered mouldy before their time by the vapors from the water, if it was directed to the left, towards the University, the first edifice which struck it was a large,low sheaf of towers, the Petit-Chatelet, whose yawning gate devoured the end of the Petit-Pont.
  • 港口库场
    port shed and storage yard
  • 柯利狗一种源于苏格兰的大牧羊犬,毛长,鼻窄长
    A large dog of a breed originating in Scotland as a sheepdog, having long hair and a long, narrow muzzle.
  •  国际人科学联盟(iussp)理事蒋正华指出:“从我们看到的情况来说,这个片子中描写的很多事情,有一些完全是无中生有,有一些是被歪曲了。
    Jiang Zhenghua, council member of the IUSSP, pointed out, ``As far as what we have seen is concerned, of the many things described in the telefilm some are sheerly concocted out of thin air and some are distortions.
  • 二零零一年,中国内地、美国和英国是本港最大的出市场,输往这些地方的产品分别占港产品出总额的32.3%、31.0%和5.6%。
    In 2001, the Mainland, the USA and the United Kingdom were Hong Kong's largest markets, absorbing 32.3 per cent, 31.0 per cent and 5.6 per cent of the total value of domestic exports, respectively.
  • 迪拜阿拉伯联合酋长国东部的一个城市和酋长国,滨邻波斯湾,19世纪60年代在此发现石油。人265,702
    A city and sheikdom of eastern United Arab Emirates on the Persian Gulf. Oil was discovered here in the1960's. Population,265, 702.
  • 阿布扎比阿拉伯东部波斯湾上的一酋长国和城市。为阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都。因为有大量的石油收入,该酋长国为世界上人均收入最高的国家之一。人242,975
    A sheikdom and city of eastern Arabia on the Persian Gulf. The city is the capital of the federated United Arab Emirates. With enormous oil revenues, the sheikdom has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Population,242, 975.
  • 年内,美国、中国内地及英国是本港最大的市场,输往这些地方的产品,分别占港产品出总额的30.1%、29.6%及6.1%。
    In 1999, the USA, the Mainland and the United Kingdom were Hong Kong's largest markets, absorbing 30.1 per cent, 29.6 per cent and 6.1 per cent of total domestic exports, respectively.
  • 这本小说非常引人入胜,她一气读了下去,甚至废寝忘食。
    The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep.
  • 罗斯和她的合作者雪莉·伦德伯格还发现,男孩子的父亲为家庭花的钱比女孩子的父亲要多,而他们加班工作的时间也更多一些。她们把这一结论刊登在五月的《人统计学》杂志上。
    She and colleague Shelly Lundberg, writing in the May issue of the journal Demography, had earlier found that fathers of sons spend more money on their families and worked more additional hours than the fathers of girls.
  • 海港,港一块有足够深度为船只提供安全停泊岸的水域
    A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.
  • 香港地瘠山多,水源缺乏,唯一的天然资产就是优良的海港,有群山作为屏障,是停泊船只的理想港
    Its mountainous terrain deficient in fertile land and water, Hong Kong possessed only one natural asset - a fine and sheltered anchorage.
  • 格洛斯特马萨诸塞州东北部一城市,在大西洋安角,波士顿东北,三个世纪以来一直被用作渔船的避风港。人28,716
    A city of northeast Massachusetts on Cape Ann and the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Boston. Its sheltered harbor has been used by fishing fleets for three centuries. Population,28, 716.
  • 小拭子,小垫子用于加药物、排干或保护伤或痛处的吸收性的小扁块
    A small, flat absorbent pad used to medicate, drain, or protect a wound or sore.
  • 棉制的;它可以插进伤或是身体的某个腔里来吸收血或是分泌物。
    of cotton; inserted in wound or body cavity to absorb blood or bodily secretions.
  • 无须牧羊人带路,羊儿就能通过入,它们认识回家的路。
    The sheep don't need the shepherd to take them through the gateway; they know their way home.
  • 那位行政司法长官说,警察们可以在关截住那些亡命之徒。
    The sheriff said that the posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.
  • 解冻指春天河里或港的冰破碎和移动
    The cracking and shifting of ice in rivers or harbors during the spring.
  • 有一个模样鬼鬼祟祟的人在大门附近徘徊,要不要我叫警察?
    There’s a shifty-looking man loitering around the gate; shall I call the police?
  • 折叠式姿势跳水等运动中所采用的身体姿势,即膝盖弯曲,大腿贴紧胸,两手抱紧小腿
    A bodily position used in some sports, such as diving, in which the knees are bent, the thighs are drawn close to the chest, and the hands are clasped around the shins.
  • 他为自己的缺席编了个借
    He feigned an excuse for his absence.
  • 那里窗口还亮着灯。
    There the lights were shining through the windows.