  • 猎人的动若目的在干获取皮毛,也是如此;
    So, too, the labour of the hunter, as far as his object is furs or feathers;
  • 第三节 由此可见,在列举和划分各种间接促进生产的动时,无需把为生产性动者生产口粮或其他生活必需品的动包括在内,因为这种动的主要目的就是生产口粮本身;
    3. From these considerations it appears, that in an enumeration and classification of the kinds of industry which are intended for the indirect or remote furtherance of other productive labour, we need not include the labour of producing subsistence or other necessaries of life to be consumed by productive labourers; for the main end and purpose of this labouris the subsistence itself;
  • ,空想无用的或徒然的动或想法
    Futile or idle labor or thought.
  • 神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的
    A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
  • 无论原因是什么,拉看起来已经习惯了新的角色。
    And it makes the next step easier." Whatever the reason, she seems more genuinely at ease.
  • 投资者应该牢记可关于不可能的大方的法则:“对送上门来的礼物不仅要横挑鼻子竖挑眼,还要看看它肚子里是否暗藏玄机。”
    Investors would do well to remember Laocoon's law of improbable generosity: "Don't look a gist horse in the mouth, but do check for Greek soldiers elsewhere in its anatomy.
  • 当然,愿意效劳。
    Certainly, I'd be glad to.
  • 当然,愿意效劳。
    Certainly, I'll is glad to.
  • 格拉斯哥的里教授在门上贴了这样一个通知:“里教授今天不会他的班。”
    Professor Laurie of Glasgow put this notice on his door: "Professor Laurie will not meet his classes today."
  • 春雨中闪烁的水雾撒满了阳光,变成了彩虹——克迪娅·凯西蒂;闪烁着微光的烛火。
    the glimmering mist of a spring rain splashed by sun and streaked by rainbow- Claudia Cassidy; glimmering candlelight.
  • 但近年来,麦当不断受到反全球化运动、民间农业组织团体以及巴黎罢工的冲击。
    More recently the multinational has come under fire from anti-globalization protesters, farmers' groups, and in Paris, striking workers.
  • 徒劳无益; 干蠢事
    shoe the gosling (=shoe the goose)
  • 前[加州]州长布朗率领工游行经过曼哈顿南部,断言他以反抗既得势力做号召将会赢得胜利。
    Former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. led a labor march through lower Manhattan, asserting that his anti-establishment appeal would carry the day.
  • 在二战中,玛格丽特的孤独感加深了,那时玛格丽特和伊丽莎白被送到离伦敦18英里的温莎堡,一直由家庭教师玛丽昂·克福德照料。
    Her sense of isolation deepened during World War II, when Margaret and Elizabeth were spirited away to a stripped-down Windsor Castle, 18 miles from London.The princesses remained in the care of their governess, Marion Crawford.
  • 纽特拉尔高中是芝加哥北郊一个中产阶级社区中的学校,该校1999年毕业生伦·古特尔曼说:“有一种节奏变得越来越熟悉,这种感觉我们以前已经深有体会了。
    "There was a sort of rhythm that became familiar a sense that we had seen much of this before," recalls Lauren Gutterman, a l999 grad of New Trier High School, in the middle-class suburbs north of Chicago.
  • 根据宪法,国务院和国家动行政主管部门颁布了关于动工资、动福利、动安全卫生、动者的职业培训和考核、动和休息时间、工会和企业民主管理等法规和规章。
    In accordance with the Constitution, the State Council and state labor administration departments have promulgated laws and regulations regarding wages, welfare, worker safety and health, as well as vocational training and grading, working and resting hours, trade unions and democratic management of enterprises.
  • 万一有个家长在收割时,因儿子都在服兵役,女孩也在城里工作,而自己又害病不能动,本堂神甫就把他的情形在宣道时提出来,等到礼拜日,公祷完毕,村里所有的人,男的,女的,孩子们都到那感到困难的人的田里去替他收割,并且替他把麦秸和麦粒搬进仓去。”
    If, at the harvest season, the father of a family has his son away on service in the army, and his daughters at service in the town, and if he is ill and incapacitated, the cure recommends him to the prayers of the congregation; and on Sunday, after the mass, all the inhabitants of the village--men, women, and children--go to the poor man's field and do his harvesting for him, and carry his straw and his grain to his granary."
  • 当时匆匆地更正了。沃思的孙子伦斯·基尔尼,为拥有仅有的25份复印件中的一份而感到骄傲。
    It was hastily altered,and Worth's grandson,Lawrence Kierney,is the proud possessor of one of only 25 copies made.
  • 但虽然空气不是财富,可人类却由于能无偿地获得它而富了许多,因为无需花时间和动来满足这一最迫切的需要,所节省的时间的动可用于别处。
    But though air is not wealth, mankind are much richer by obtaining it gratis, since the time and labour which would otherwise be required for supplying the most pressing of all wants, can be devoted to other purposes.
  • 道路有时由政府建造,并向公众免费开放,但建造道路的动仍须由产品支付报酬。
    Roads are sometimes made by the government, and opened gratuitously to the public; but the labour of making them is not the less paid for from the produce.
  • 在这种情况下,自然力,即风力或水力,做了一部分原先由动所做的工作。
    In this case, natural agents, the wind or the gravitation of the water, are made to do a portion of the work previously done by labour.
  • 这些大大改善了他们的动条件。
    These greatly improved their working conditions.
  • 驾,我买这条灰色的裤子。
    I'll take the grey trousers, please.
  • 广告中除了引用了有关肥胖问题和儿童食谱的专家意见之外,还描述了麦当汉堡的制作之精良,如选用百分百牛肉为原料,烹饪架上绝对不沾有剩油等。
    Alongside quotes from specialists addressing obesity and diets for children, the ads described how McDonald's hamburgers are made of 100 percent real beef and cooked on a grill free of additional oil.
  • 更重要的是,大批失业公民正面临严峻的生存问题,还有大批公民正以艰辛的动换取微薄的报酬。
    More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equal and great number toil with little return.
  • 她姐姐身上还带着艰辛操的痕迹。
    Her sister carried with her most of the grimness of shift and toil.
  • 只有辛勤动,才能提高生活水平。
    Only by holding one's nose to the grindstone can one hope to improve one's standard of living.
  • 然而,最主要的原因可能是极低效的管理、关系的普遍运用、任用亲信和裙带关系、大量过剩的动力、社会救济金的滥用,当然还包括腐败。
    Perhaps , however , the greatest blame should be placed on factors such as grossly inefficient management ; the rampant practice of " guanxi " , cronyism and nepotism ; excessively large work forces ; abuses of social benefits ; and without a doubt corruption.
  • 有人责备我们共产党人,说我们要消灭个人挣得的、自己动得来的财产,要消灭构成个人的一切自由、活动和独立的基础的财产。
    We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man's own labour, which property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity and independence.
  • 但她的目标并不是长期住家,所以,一九三四年八月二十一日,她来到莱姆格鲁富制片厂开始拍摄她的第一部影片《欣欣向荣》。九月的时候,费雯丽去观看一出名为《皇家剧场》的话剧,主演是声名鹊起的舞台剧演员——沦斯·奥利弗。她被他的英俊与表演所打动。
    They married. But her destiny would not remain domestic for long however,so on Angust 21st,1934she arrived at Lime Grove Studios to begin work on her first film,Things are Looking Up. In September,Vivien went to see a play called Theatre Royal starring a popular new stage actor,Laurence Olivier,and was intrigued by his good looks and stage presence.
  • 为谋生而艰苦劳作
    Grub for a living.
  • 以费劲的方式建设着他们的矿谷;紧张的战役;辛苦的动;繁重的工作;艰难的进展;在这个计划上花费了许多令人筋疲力尽的时间;按照累人的速度。
    worked their arduous way up the mining valley; a grueling campaign; hard labor; heavy work; heavy going; spent many laborious hours on the project; set a punishing pace.