  • 王宫发言人宣布了一项声明.
    The palace (ie A spokesman for the king, queen, etc) has just issued a statement.
  • 麦加买了一件运动衣。
    Maiga has just bought a sportswear.
  • 我转过身去,看看才是谁在讲话。
    I spun round to see who had spoken.
  • 我刚才找班长去了。
    I've been to see the squad leader.
  • “佳乐”吃一次,就尝到了甜头。
    After just one taste, Squeak loved it.
  • 失了业,这下他们真正感到艰难了。
    She's just lost her job, so they're really feeling the squeeze.
  • 他们没太多的钱,只是能维持生活。
    They haven't too much money, they just squeeze by.
  • 他们刚才在楼下吗?
    Are they down stairs just now?
  • 他们刚才在楼下吗?
    Be they down stairs just now?
  • 要是一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。
    If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall.
  • 有人退来三张第二场的正厅票。
    Somebody's just returned three stall tickets for the second show.
  • 一打开正厅的门,我们就不得不站住,让玛格丽特和公爵走出去。
    We had barely opened the door leading out of the orchestra stalls when we were forced to stop and make way for Marguerite and the Duke who were leaving.
  • 可是车子才刚开动。
    But, we just stared.
  • 然而海尔并非从零开始。
    The company isn't starting from scratch.
  • 会议好在五月一日开幕。
    The conference starts as from May 1st.
  • 新鞋穿起来常常都是硬邦邦的。
    Shoes are often stiff when they are new.
  • 他刚出狱。
    He's just out of stir.
  • 好起针,要把袜子结好还需要一些时间。
    She has just cast on, and it will be some time before she finishes the stocking.
  • 金刚钻是一种宝石。
    A diamond is a precious stone.
  • 钟刚敲三点钟。
    The clock has struck three.
  • 两人都开始他们的事业,都在为钱和家庭而奋斗。
    Both were just starting out on their careers, and both were struggling with money and families.
  • 这部影片是解放军八一制片厂发行的。
    The film has just been released by the Army's August1 Studio.
  • 这部影片是解放军八一制片厂发行的。
    The film has just been released by the Army 's August 1 Studio.
  • 特纳从一生中最糟糕的两年走出来。他说这两年让他想自杀。
    Turner has just emerged from the worst two years of his life -- years that he has said left him feeling"suicidal".
  • 他上星期刚刚20岁。
    He is exactly twenty last Sunday.
  • 落之后那段时刻。
    the time of day immediately following sunset.
  • 领导总是让开始工作的新职员值夜班。
    The supervisor always start his new employee on the lobster shift.
  • 才我挨了批,因为我称呼一个爵士没用头衔而直呼其名。
    I was taken to task not long ago for calling a knight by first name and surname, without the title.
  • 从古至今,家庭一直是人们得以生存的重要单位--开始,家庭是一种防御体系,使人们在物质上得以存活;逐渐地,家庭变成了一个单元,使人们在经济上得以生存。
    Throughout history,the family has been a vital unit for survival,starting as a defense system for physical survival,and gradually becoming a unit for economic survival.
  • 护士将伤口擦干净。
    The nurse has just swabbed the wound out properly.
  • “我们去买些蜜饯,是玛格丽特才向我要的。”
    'We're going to buy some sweets. She asked for some.'
  • 汽车行驶在40号州际公路上时,基姆在汽车后座上睡着,克瑞基特为避开一辆慢行的卡车突然转向。结果,车被后面车撞上,翻了几周,基姆受了伤。不过,基姆的伤远不如克瑞基特的伤严重,车盖塌陷致使她颅骨骨折。
    Kim had just dozed off in the backseat when Krickitt swerved on Interstate 40 to avoid a slow moving truck and was hit from behind. The car flipped several times, and Kim was injured, but nothing like Krickitt, whose skull was fractured when the roof caved in.