  • 当大多数时装设计家显然在寻求典雅与精美的时候,罗姆的一系列的款式则略嫌差失。与其他设计家的款式相比,饰物略显过,裤管稍宽,胸衣略欠妆饰。
    At a time when most designers are in clear pursuit of elegance and refinement, Carolyne Roehm's collection is slightly off center. Jewelry is a little exaggerated, pants are a little wider and bodices a little barer than those by other designers.
  • 裂化是在大的精炼槽中通过叫做催化剂的某种物质来完成的,这种催化剂帮助把大的解成较小的子。
    Cracking is carried out in huge refinery tanks by certain materials called catalysts, which help break up the large molecules into the smaller ones.
  • soapspec:soapspectmodel是对xmlspectmodel类型的进一步细,soapspectmodel用于表示与web服务之间的交互是通过soap的。
    soapSpec: Further refining the xmlSpec tModel type, a soapSpec is used to indicate that the interaction with the service is via SOAP.
  • (在石油精炼过程中)把石油重解成低子碳氢化合物的过程;把石油解成更小的子并提取低沸点的馏部(如汽油)的过程。
    the process whereby heavy molecules of naphtha or petroleum are broken down into hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight (especially in the oil-refining process).
  • 他的天才无可置疑,而最使他的评论家们烦恼的是他不愿全力以赴地改进一种才能,而定要把时间散地用在指挥、作曲、演奏这几个方面。
    His genius was indisputable, arid what most galled his critics was that he refused to de vote himself to refining one talent, but insisted on dividing his time between conducting, composing and performing.
  • 烤钵冶金法一种使银和金等金属不氧化的提纯过程,在高温下金属混合物被氧化,低劣金属被离出来并吸入烤钵的墙上
    A refining process for nonoxidizing metals, such as silver and gold, in which a metallic mixture is oxidized at high temperatures and base metals are separated by absorption into the walls of a cupel.
  • 同时,综合运用经济、法律和必要的行政手段,以纺织行业为突破口,逐步扩大到煤炭、冶金、建材、石化、制糖等行业,关闭了一大批产品质量低劣、浪费资源、污染严重和不具备安全生产条件的企业,淘汰了一大批落后设备、技术和工艺,压缩了部过剩生产能力。
    At the same time, starting with the textile industry and gradually moving to the coal, metallurgical, building material, petrochemical, sugar refining and other industries, we used economic, legal and necessary administrative measures to close a large number of enterprises that produced shoddy goods, wasted resources, seriously polluted the environment or were unsafe for production. This eliminated large quantities of old equipment and many obsolete technologies and production processes, and reduced the excessive production capacity.
  • 在光学字符识别中,图象的光谱显现,它取决于图象的光谱反射系数、观察者的光谱响应和入射光线的光谱成
    In optical character recognition, the spectral appearance of the image dependent upon the spectral reflectance of the image, the spectral response of the observer, and the spectral composition of incident light.
  • 而新方法则通过对企业生产经营活动的及时析,准确反映贷款质量,并对各种不正常的贷款按不同比例提取呆帐准备金,将实际上已形成损失的贷款随时用呆帐准备金核销,使贷款现值能及时得到反映。
    The new method, through making timely analysis of the production and operation of enterprises, can accurately reflect the quality of loans. In addition, with regard to various kinds of abnormal loans, bad debt reserve fund will be drawn in a fixed percentage, so that the loss of loans can be written off immediately by the bad debt reserve fund, and the current value of loans can be timely reflected.
  • 光线微弱的反射入射光的仅一小部
    Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.
  • 整体在很大程度上反映其组成系统或部的大系统
    A system reflecting on a large scale one of its component systems or parts.
  • 对于人类而言,这里只是能反光的界面,它是空气与水的界线。
    To us, it's just a shining, reflecting surface where the air ends and the water begins.
  • 该点编码由三部组成:
    This point code consists of three parts:
  • 显然,该电影在全球的成功为法国的思想家提供了进行思考的充材料。
    Clearly the movie's global success gave French thinkers ample food for reflection.
  • 手持设备的应用程序也需要工作在多种不同的无线网络体系结构上,如蜂窝式数字包数据(cdpd)、码多路访问(cdma)、全球通(gsm)、flex(摩托罗拉的单向传呼协议)、reflex(摩托罗拉的双向传呼协议)等。
    Handheld applications also need to run over a variety of wireless network architectures, such as Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Flex (Motorola's one-way paging protocol), ReFlex (Motorola's two-way paging protocol).
  • 码分多路通信
    code division multiplex communication
  • 同感的一部身体结构因另一部受到刺激而产生本能反应的或与这种同感本能反应相关的,如当光线射在一个瞳孔上另一个瞳孔会同时收缩
    Of or relating to a reflexive response of one body structure following stimulation of another, such as the concurrent constriction of one pupil in response to light shined in the other.
  •  (一)成熟的用材林应当根据不同情况,别采取择伐、皆伐和渐伐方式,皆伐应当严格控制,并在采伐的当年或者次年内完成更新造林;
    1) For mature timber stands, the approaches of selection cutting, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting shall be applied respectively in light of different situations. Clear cutting shall be put under strict controls and the reforestation shall be completed in the same or next year of the cutting;
  • 他认为我们应开始告诉全世界一些我们正在香港进行的建设性工作,例如在山上重新植林,把本港百之四十的土地划为郊野公园,保护米埔沼泽区,划设海岸公园,以及进行人工渔礁计划等。
    He said that we ought to start telling the world about the good things that are being done here - the reforestation of our hills; 40 per cent of our land that is our country parks; the protection of Mai Po marshes; the marine parks and the artificial reef programme.
  • 财政体制在税制改革的基础上,实行了所得税享改革。
    On the basis of the tax-sharing reform, new reforms for sharing income tax revenue were implemented in our fiscal system.
  • 请报至纽约成本加保险,运费价(到岸价格)包括百之三的佣金。
    Please quote us CIF New York including 3% commission.
  • 党的十一届三中全会以来,我们进行改革开放,调整和改革社会主义生产关系中不适应生产力发展要求的部,调整和改革社会主义上层建筑中不适应经济基础的部,也是为了进一步解放和发展生产力。
    It is for the same purpose that we have since the Third Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee carried out reforms and opening up policies to adjust and reform the part of the socialist relations of production that is incompatible with the demand of the development of the productive forces and to adjust and reform the part of socialist superstructure that is incompatible with the economic base.
  • 再洗礼派教徒16世纪宗教改革激进运动的成员,相信《圣经》的权威性,洗礼是对教徒内心信仰个人契约的外部证明,相信政教离、信徒和非信徒
    A member of a radical movement of the16th-century Reformation which believed in the primacy of the Bible, in baptism as an external witness of the believer's personal covenant of inner faith, and in separation of church from state and of believers from nonbelievers.
  • 这对绝大部罪犯在刑满释放之后都能够迅速就业,安心工作,避免重新犯罪起了重要作用。
    This has played an important role in enabling reformed criminals to quickly become employed, keep their minds on their work and avoid going back.
  • 近10年来,政府对大学毕业生的配制度作了改革,把大学毕业生自由选择职业和国家保证大学毕业生就业结合起来。
    In the past 10 years, the government has reformed the job assignment system by combining the students' own choices with the state's guarantee of jobs.
  • 戈尔巴乔夫和他克里姆林宫改革派盟友们,准备容忍,甚至鼓励温和的民族主义子向中央控制挑战并要求独立。可是莫斯科自有理由觉得:在一个操多种语言,由102个民族组成的国家里,族裔之间的暴力则属过
    Mr.Gorbachev and his reformist Kremlin allies are prepared to tolerate, even encourage, moderate nationalists who challenge central control and demand autonomy. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with 102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale.
  • 能折射光而没有谱色离的。
    able to refract light without spectral color separation.
  • 消色差的,不光的折射光没有光谱颜色离的
    Refracting light without spectral color separation.
  • 同时,中国国防科技工业大力推进和平利用军工技术,充发挥军工行业的优势,优先发展民用核电、航天、航空和船舶等产业,实现军民相互促进的良性循环。
    Meanwhile, China's defense science, technology and industry, by strongly promoting the peaceful use of military industry technology and bringing the advantages of military industry into full play, gives priority to the development of civilian-use nuclear energy, aerospace, aviation, and shipbuilding industries, and thereby forms a benign circle of mutual military-civilian progress.
  • 色散可见光通过折射或衍射而散成多种颜色
    Separation of visible light into colors by refraction or diffraction.
  • 折射使一根部浸在水中的直棍子看起来是弯的。
    Refraction makes a straight stick look bent if it is partly in water.
  • 我们从事过热核能、激光束折射,氛子发展和电脑重水数据的研究工作。
    We did work in thermonuclear energy, laser beam refraction, hydrogen molecule development, and heavy-water computer data.