  • 不论是党内的还是党外的专家,担负了行政职务,党委就应当支持他们的工作,分发挥他们的作用,使他们真正做到有职有权有责。
    Party committees should support both Party and non-Party professionals occupying administrative posts and enable them to fulfil their roles by giving them power and responsibility commensurate with their positions.
  • 恶毒话满敌意的恶毒评价
    A malicious, spiteful comment.
  • 跨国公司来中国设立研发中心,投资于高新技术产业、技术研究开发项目,参与高技术产业化以及传统产业的技术改造,可以分利用中国现有技术力量和大量的高素质人才,享受相应的优惠政策。
    Multinational corporations can make full use of the existing technological forces, large number of highly-qualified personnel, and preferential policies, when setting up R&D centers, investing in high-tech industry & technology research development projects, or participating in the commercialization of high-tech and the technological renovation of traditional industries;
  • 充当公证人的委任状
    a commission to serve as notary public
  • 每干一件工作他都分和社员商量。
    He consults fully with the commune members on each job to be done.
  • 分发挥报刊、电台、电视台、网络等的传播优势,以“通向2008”、“迎接2008”、“辉煌2008”等为主题,开设奥运专栏或奥运频道,办好体育广播。
    The communicative power of the media such as newspapers, radio, TV and the internet will be fully tapped to promote themes like “Leading to 2008”, “Welcome 2008”, “Brilliant 2008”. Special Olympic programs or channels shall be launched or conducted, and the broadcasting of sports events over TV or radio shall be strengthened.
  • 专家的研究也表明这种支持不见得非得来自其他的人:宠物也可以当很有意义的陪伴。
    Experts studies have shown that support doesn't even have to come from other people: Pets can be a meaningful source of companionship as well.
  • 一部分贫农有比较足的农具和相当数量的资金。
    One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds.
  • 她对于没有母亲的孩子们满了怜悯心。
    Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.
  • 难道说(军方表现出的)这种满同情心的姿态真的值得以这些生命为代价吗?
    Is the compassionate gesture worth the potential body count?
  • 政府不能阻止一个独来独往的恐怖分子滥杀无辜,一个满同情心的邻居却可能阻止悲剧的发生。
    The government cannot stop a lone terrorist from killing. However, a compassionate neighbour can.
  • 当勇新的精神被这么多满怜悯之心的人们鼓舞起来的时候,却没有人为他的儿子提供医学上的实际建议。
    While Yongxin's spirits were buoyed by the compassionate responses, no one offered practical medical advice for his son.
  • 我爱在体育、商业、游戏中当终结者,8)。
    I love to compete,be it in sports,business or gaming.
  • 美国是一个满竞争的社会。
    America is a competitive society.
  • 的,而非竞争的使用
    A complementary, not competitive use
  • 公司目标:进一步地将公司推入更大的零售市场--包括闯入一贯由wal-mart和j.c.penney操纵的市场--推出的拳头产品是更富竞争性价位的老海军服饰(oldnavyproducts),将销售扩到海外市场。
    Corporate goals: Pushing further into the lower-end retail market--traditional territory of Wal-Mart and J. C. Penney--with competitively priced Old Navy products; continued expansion overseas.
  • 该报告将汇编都市水和卫生项目的最佳做法,补《世界水发展报告》,并将作为对国际年的一项贡献,正式印发。
    It will include a compilation of best practices in urban water and sanitation projects, will be complementary to the World Water Development Report, and will be published and launched officially as a contribution to the Year.
  • 他有分的理由抱怨,抱怨也是当然。
    He has every reason to complain.
  • 根据服务提供方补条例的规定,申诉方应在要求的时间内按照要求的金额向服务提供方支付固定的初始费用。
    The Complainant shall pay to the Provider an initial fixed fee, in accordance with the Provider's Supplemental Rules, within the time and in the amount required.
  • 在指定陪审团之后,服务提供方应按照服务提供方补条例的规定把初始费用的一部分,如果有的话,退还给申诉方。
    Upon appointment of the Panel, the Provider shall refund the appropriate portion, if any, of the initial fee to the Complainant, as specified in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.
  • "申诉方保证本申诉书中包含的信息是就申诉方所知最完整和准确的,提交的申诉没有类似骚扰的不当目的,并且本申诉书中的声明是根据本条例和适用的法律作出的,当前存在,或可基于善意合理的理由而扩
    "Complainant certifies that the information contained in this Complaint is to the best of Complainant's knowledge complete and accurate, that this Complaint is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, and that the assertions in this Complaint are warranted under these Rules and under applicable law, as it now exists or as it may be extended by a good-faith and reasonable argument."
  • 如果申诉方选择争议由一人陪审团裁决,而被申诉方选择三人陪审团,按照服务提供方的补条例规定,被申诉方需要支付三人陪审团费用的一半。
    If Complainant has elected to have the dispute decided by a single-member Panel and Respondent elects a three-member Panel, Respondent shall be required to pay one-half of the applicable fee for a three-member Panel as set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.
  • 服务提供方应检查申诉书是否在行政上遵守本政策和条例的规定。如果是遵守的,在收到申诉方支付的章节19规定的费用之后的三(3)天内,按照章节2(a)中规定的方式,把申诉书(连同服务提供方补条例中指示的说明性封页)转递给被申诉方。
    The Provider shall review the complaint for administrative compliance with the Policy and these Rules and, if in compliance, shall forward the complaint (together with the explanatory cover sheet prescribed by the Provider's Supplemental Rules) to the Respondent, in the manner prescribed by Paragraph 2(a), within three (3) calendar days following receipt of the fees to be paid by the Complainant in accordance with Paragraph 19.
  • 爱的精神是法律的补物。
    Love is the complement of the law.
  • 品作为补的物或人
    One that serves as a complement.
  • 对应面的作为副本或补物的
    Serving as a counterpart or complement.
  • 的成为或作为补物的;补
    Forming or serving as a complement; completing.
  • 伴随物,补物为了装饰、完整或对称而附加的东西;补
    Something added for embellishment, completeness, or symmetry; complement.
  • 作为或者提供补(使整体完善的东西)。
    acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole).
  • 私营经济是社会主义公有制经济的补
    The private economy is a complement to the socialist public economy.
  • 我需要一些胡椒粉来补汤的香味。
    I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup.
  • 私营经济是社会主义公有制经济的补
    The private sector of the economy is a complement to the socialist public economy.