  • 我常常可以听到隔壁那位教师的声音,他在争论一无关紧要的问题。
    I could often hear the teacher's voice in the nest room, remonstration about some unimportant matter.
  • 执迷不悔的人们都忘了曾经横施于动物身上的毒手,当那化学品在动物体内产生副作用时,人们为了自保平安,就不惜将数十万不管带不带病菌的“可疑动物”格杀勿论,自诩为“万物之灵”的我们在心理上已没有空间认可其他生命存在的价值。
    Being remorseless, we forgot how cruelly we have treated the animals. When the chemicals began to take their toll on the animals' bodies, we slaughtered tens of thousands of "suspected animals" regardless whether they had been infected or not, which were done in the name of safety.We consider ourselves as the highest order of living things, and we no longer have the place in our hearts to acknowledge the value of other life forms.
  • 执迷不悔的人们都忘了曾经横施于动身上的毒手,当那化学品在动物体内产生副作用时,人们为了自保平安,就不惜将数十万不管带不带病菌的“可疑动物”格杀勿论,自诩为“万物之灵”的人类在心理上已没有空间认可其他生命存在的价值。
    Remorseless, we forgot how cruelly we have treated the animals. When the chemicals began to take their toll on the animals' bodies, we slaughtered tens of thousands of "suspected animals" regardless whether they had been infected or not. All these were done in the name of safety. Though we consider ourselves as the highest order of living things, we no longer have the place in our hearts to acknowledge the value of other life forms.
  • api采用远程方法调用作为远程通信机理。
    The APIs use remote method invocation as their remote communication mechanism.
  • 内部网技术的一大优点是把一个简单的接口交给了所有用户,包括那远程连接的用户。
    One advantage of Intranet technology is the presentation of a simple interface to all users including those who are connecting remotely.
  • 水库、水井和灌溉渠(在很多热带地区没有这很难进行耕种),以及堤防、商市和旅舍,这设施没有一个能靠使用者贫乏的财力来修建,它们的存在要归功于王公们的慷慨大方和考虑自身利益的明智,或者靠各处富人的乐善好施或摆门面讲阔气。这人的财产如追根溯源总是直接或间接地来自财政收入,常常是来自君主的直接赏赐。
    The tanks,wells, and canals for irrigation, without which in many tropical climates cultivation could hardly be carried on; the embankments which confine the rivers, the bazars for dealers, and the seraees for travellers, none of which could have been made by the scanty means in the possession of those using them, owe their existence to the liberality and enlightened self-interest of the better order of princes, or to the benevolence or ostentation of here and there a rich individual, whose fortune, if traced to its source, is always found to have been drawn immediately or remotely from the public revenue, most frequently by a direct grant of a portion of it from the sovereign.
  • 她冷漠的疏远;他依旧冷漠,对我们的困境既不表示兴趣也不表示关心——罗德霍夫和霍尔;沉默、无动于衷的动物,将所有这都当作理所应当的——维吉尼亚·伍尔夫;她的脸上什么也没有,只有冷漠。
    her impassive remoteness; he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight- Nordhoff & Hall; a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course-Virginia Woolf; her face showed nothing but stolid indifference.
  • 新中国成立以来,针对新疆较为偏远落后、缺乏高素质人才的困难,国家通过分配、调动和鼓励内地80多万知识分子和专业技术人员到新疆工作,为工业、农业、教育、文化、科学研究、医疗卫生等行业输送了大批大学毕业生、科学技术人员及高学历的专门人才。这专门人才为新疆的现代化建设事业作出了杰出的贡献。
    Since the founding of New China, considering Xinjiang’s remoteness, backwardness and shortage of high-caliber personnel, the state has assigned, transferred or encouraged over 800,000 intellectuals and professional and technical personnel from inland regions to work in Xinjiang. Large numbers of university graduates, scientists, technicians and highly-trained professionals have been assigned to Xinjiang. Working in such fields as industry, agriculture, education, culture, scientific research, medical care and health, such people have made outstanding contributions to the modernization of Xinjiang.
  • 在我们的社会主义社会里,人人都要改造。不仅那基本立场没有转过来的人要改造,而且所有的人都应该学习,都应该不断改造,研究新问题,接受新事物,自觉地抵制资产阶级思想的侵袭,更好地担负起建设社会主义现代化强国的光荣而又艰巨的任务。
    In our socialist society, everyone should remould himself -- not just persons who have not changed their basic stand, but everybody. We should all engage in a continued process of learning and transforming our thinking. We should all study fresh problems, absorb what is new and consciously guard against corrosion by bourgeois ideology. In this way, we will be better able to carry out the glorious and arduous task of building a modern, powerful socialist country.
  • 一种通常可移动的互连设备,改变它的连线可以控制计算设备的操作。它用在穿孔卡片机中,在用户控制下完成一操作。对于计算机,主要用来控制输入输出操作。
    An interconnection device, usually removable, that employs removable wires to control the operation of computing equipment. It is used on punch-card machines to carry out functions that are under control of the user.On computers it is used primarily to control input/output functions.
  • 一块可移动的板,装有几百个端子,用接插线(短接线)将端子连接起来,这连线决定了机器的不同程序。通过改变接线板上的连线或改变接线板本身,程序可以被改变。
    A removable board containing hundreds of terminals into which patch cords(short wires) are connected(these determine the different programs for the machine). To change the program, the wiring pattern on the patchboard or the patchboard, itself, must be changed.
  • 手术除去某身体器官。
    surgical removal of a body part or tissue.
  • 随着采用数字识别而改进的安全方法的发展,信息系统的专业人士逃脱了建立在用户身份识别和口令之上的第一代web安全性带来的陷阱和头痛,这改进的安全方法包括数字证明、对象签名和安全的internet邮件。
    With the advent of improved security methods involving digital identification, including digital certification, object signing, and secure Internet mail, IS professionals are dodging the pitfalls and headaches of first-generation Web security built on user IDs and passwords.
  • 墨水污迹可以去掉。
    These ink stains can be removed.
  • 这些茶渍可以去掉。
    These tea stains can be removed.
  • 随着复杂的因特网应用程序的增多,加上存储器价格的下降以及64位计算的进展,有用户已经在利用主存数据库的优势。
    With complex Internet applications on the rise, along with declining memory prices and the advent of 64-bit computing, some customers are already taking advantage of the benefits of MMDBs.
  • 它对纠正这不纯正的思想起了很大的作用。
    It has gone a long way towards removing these impurities.
  • 与此相反,工具是可重复使用的,因而可用它们生产的全部产品,来为制造工具的劳动,以及那用存粮养活劳动的人的节欲支付报酬。
    Implements, on the contrary, being susceptible of repeated employment, the whole of the products which they are instrumental in bringing into existence are a fund which can be drawn upon to remunerate the labour of their construction, and the abstinence of those by whose accumulations that labour was supported.
  • 面包必须足以对所有这劳动者和其他劳动者付酬,所谓其他劳动者是指建造农场房屋的木匠和瓦匠、为保护农作物而修建围篱和挖沟的工人、开采或冶炼制作犁及其他农具所用钢铁的矿工和冶炼工。
    The bread must suffice to remunerate all these labourers, and several others; such as the carpenters and bricklayers who erected the farm-buildings; the hedgers and ditchers who made the fences necessary for the protection of the crop; the miners and smelters who extracted or prepared the iron of which the plough and other instruments were made.
  • 在这种情况下,所有这劳动都必须直接从产品中得到报酬;
    all which labour, in that case, must be directly remunerated from the produce;
  • 为所有这劳动者生产食物的劳动,虽然同其他劳动一样对于最终产品(即本次收获季节作出的面包)来说是必不可少的,但它却不象别的劳动那样从最终产品取得报酬。
    The labour that produced the food which fed all these labourers, is as necessary to the ultimate result, the bread of the present harvest, as any of those other portions of labour; but is not, like them, remunerated from it.
  • 在新技术问世以前,人们通常要经受一痛苦去整容以使自己显得年轻几岁。
    Before the advent of new technologies,people used to jump through hoops to shave a couple years off of their looks.
  • 用来满足耕种者需要的原始制造业由乡村工匠逐步建立起来,这人靠耕种不收租的土地或村民从政府留下的收成中付给他们的实物获得报酬。
    The rude manufactures destined for the wants of the cultivators are worked up by village artisans, who are remunerated by land given to them rent-free to cultivate, or by fees paid to them in kind from such share of the crop as is left to the villagers by the government.
  • 我不喜这个博物馆里的许多展览品,然而文艺复兴时期的一青铜器却使我很感兴趣。
    I didn't like many of the exhibits in the museum, although I was quite taken with some of the Renaissance bronzes.
  • 我租一些录像带。
    I rent some video.
  • 中国加入世界贸易组织后,贫困地区的市场将会进一步扩大和开放,有利于这地区发展有优势的劳动和资源密集型产业,增加劳动力就业。
    After China joins the WTO, the markets of these areas will expand further and open wider to the outside world, which will be favorable for the development of their advantageous labor- and resource-intensive industries, bringing more employment opportunities.
  • 农具生产厂商,例如凯斯和迪尔,正在以每套加收6000美元的价格,在标准拖拉机上加装精耕农具系统。农民们发现这种精耕农具系统有许多优点,可以降低成本,提高产量并减轻对环境的破坏。
    Farm equipment manufacturers, such as Case and Deere, are selling precision farming systems on standard tractors for an additional $ 6,000 because farmers find it advantageous: Precision farming can reduce costs, increase yields, and decrease environmental impact.
  • 另一人宣称,苏联军队的一群叛徒在苏军撤出喀布尔之前的最后几小时闯入岩洞,掠走了一宝物,并用赝品取而代之。
    Others claim that a renegade band of Soviet troops broke into the vault in the last hours before they abandoned Kabul and replaced some of the treasure with fakes.
  • 使用这种绷带时,这一聚氨基葡糖层能为新细胞提供生长基地:它不但能促进新细胞在其界面内生长而且还能阻止创伤面下受伤细胞的滋长。而这非正常细胞的滋长也可促生结疤的产生。
    Applied to the skin, the scaffold provides a base for cell growth. It encourages cells to grow back only from the edges of the chitosan layer, thus preventing renegade cells from erupting below the wound, which would contribute to scar formation.
  • 我们迟早要跟这叛徒算账。
    We shall reckon with the renegades sooner or later.
  • 我们镇压的对象,主要是那死心塌地的汉奸特务和对抗战危害很大而为群众最痛恨的破坏分子、借刀杀人分子和坚决反动的叛徒。
    The ones to be suppressed are mainly diehard traitors, secret agents, saboteurs who have greatly impeded the war effort, incurring the implacable hatred of the masses, people who have used others to kill their adversaries, and sworn renegades.
  • 方面资本主义国家先进的经营方法、管理方法、发展科学的方法,我们社会主义应该继承。
    For this reason, it is advantageous that we inherit the advanced methods of operation, management, and scientific development from advanced capitalist countries.