  • 一名敌军士兵在建筑物间窜来窜去,在小巷胡同间穿梭——这是城市战中最令人头疼的情形了。
    The enemy soldier is darting from building to building, from one alley to the next -- urban warfare at its worst.
  • 这个联盟经受了战的严峻考验.
    The alliance had been forged in the crucible of war.
  • 这个联盟经受了战的严峻考验
    The alliance has been forged in the crucible of war
  • 现在的抗日民族统一战线政策,既不是一切联合否认斗,又不是一切斗否认联合,而是综合联合和斗两方面的政策。
    Today our Anti-Japanese National United Front policy is neither all alliance and no struggle nor all struggle and no alliance, but combines alliance and struggle.
  • 这个联盟经受了战的严峻考验。
    The alliance have is forged in the crucible of war.
  • 市民在为降低税收的斗中联合起来了。
    The townspeople allied themselves in the fight for lower taxes.
  • 对于农民和城市小资产阶级,是当作基本同盟者去取的;对于中间势力,则是当作反帝国主义的同盟者去取的。
    While the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie should be won over as basic allies, the middle forces should be won over as allies against imperialism.
  • 美国及其联盟国把科威特从伊拉克侵略者中解放出来的战;1990年到1991年。
    a war in which the US and its allies freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders; 1990-1991.
  • 以斯巴达为中心的联盟打败雅典及其同盟国的战;公元前431年到404年。
    a war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta; 431-404 BC.
  • 这就增加了共产党批评同盟者、揭破假革命、取领导权的责任。
    This increases the responsibility devolving on the Communist Party to criticize its allies, unmask the fake revolutionaries, and gain the leadership.
  • 时期糖是配给的。
    Sugar is under allocation during war time.
  • 痛快地论一番可使你发泄心中被压抑的情感。
    A good argument allows you to release your pent-up emotions.
  • 这问题没有论的余地。
    The question allows of no dispute.
  • 找到好工作是无望的;秘密的行动给总统提供了迷人但常常虚幻的允诺,认为他们可以在没有令人烦恼的论和公开的决定这些民主的重要成分的情况下达到外交政策的目标。
    illusive hopes of of finding a better job; Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy.
  • 法国和英国在这次战中是同盟国。
    France and England were allies in the war.
  • 许多文艺工作者忽视学习马克思主义,不深入群众建设新生活的斗,有的党员也不积极参加党的生活,这是产生上述各种消极现象的重要原因。
    Many writers and artists have neglected to study Marxism and held aloof from the people's struggle to build a new life, and some Party members have been reluctant to take part in Party activities. It is chiefly for these reasons that the negative phenomena have emerged.
  • 1914年至1918年发生的战的结果是法国夺回了阿尔萨斯省和洛林省。
    As a result of the1914-1918 war, France won back Alsace and Lorraine.
  • 1914年至1918年发生的战的结果是法国夺回了阿尔萨斯省和洛林省。
    As a result of the 1914-1918 war, France won back Alsace and Lorraine.
  • 我认为在这场斗中她应该坚决站在我一边。
    I expected that she should stand my friend in these altercations.
  • 男孩子们对裁判的判决颇有议。
    The boys had an altercation over the umpire's decision.
  • 了半天,没有一句话是切合实际的。
    Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.
  • 吵怒气冲冲的辨;口角
    An angry dispute; an altercation.
  • 说长期反复,是说战和战斗形式的反复。
    By repeated alternation over a long period we mean the repetition of this pattern of warfare and these forms of fighting.
  • 是什么因素促使各地的南大校友不畏艰难,不怕辛苦,出钱出力取主办联欢会?
    What motivates Nantah alumni associations all over the world to put in money and hard work to vie for the honour of hosting a reunion?
  • 对一些表现平平,乏人问津的学校,是不是校友根本没有关系,反正学额一大把,没有人会先恐后。
    As to schools with ordinary performance and fame, the status of an alumnus is irrelevant because there will be no great rush for a place in it.
  • 每次战垄断资本家们都大发横财。
    During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
  • 九年之后,印尼华人利用网络取国际支持、谴责国内政治有了长足进步。
    Nine years later, the Internet has bestowed Indonesian Chinese far greater power when they used it to amass international support and condemn domestic politics.
  • 我妈妈家的人都特别自负、强好胜,不过都用在了好的方面。
    Everyone on my mom's side of the family is,in the nicest possible way,amazingly conceited and competitive.
  • 由於大使遇刺, 该国顿时进入了战状态.
    The assassination of the ambassador precipitated the country into war.
  • 有些战就是这样开始的,大使先生。
    Wars have begun in this way,Mr.Ambassador.
  • 心强的,好胜的渴望或有雄心敢上或超过别人的
    Eager or ambitious to equal or surpass another.
  • 两只极贪婪的狗一根骨头,互不相让。
    Two extremely ambitious dogs are eyeball to eyeball over the same bone.