逛商店;不是必要地买东西。 shop around; not necessarily buying.
店东自己要关门了! Shopkeeper himself would close the door down!
若是店东一心想关门,顾客也爱莫能助,是不是? If the shopkeeper himself wants it closed down, the customers cannot help in any way, can they?
重点的舞蹈节目,则包括广东实验现代舞团及原舞者为响应香港舞蹈联盟所举办的"舞汇九七"──第十二届国际舞蹈节及会议而举行的演出。 Highlights of dance programmes included performances by the Guangdong Modern Dance Company and the Formosa Aboriginal Singing and Dance Troupe in support of Dance On '97 - the 12th International Dance Festival and Conference organised by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance.
一个占有整个澳洲大陆的一个国家;这里的土著部落被认为是年前从东南亚移民的;英国在此建立第一块流放殖民者居住地。 a nation occupying the whole of the Australian continent; aboriginal tribes are thought to have migrated from southeastern Asia 20,000 years ago; first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony.
十五岁就开始到商店里偷东西 Started to shoplift as a fifteen-year-old
满街都是买东西的人。 Shoppers crowded the streets.
买东西的人拥入商店。 Shoppers crowded into the store.
街上挤满了买东西的人。 The streets were thronged with shoppers.
假日前的一个星期里,商店里挤满了买东西的人。 In the week before the holidays shoppers crowded the stores.
我要去买东西。 I am going shopping.
我们可以去买东西。 We can go shopping.
她明天要去买东西。 She'll go shopping tomorrow.
她要去买东西。 She 's going shopping.
今天我们要出去买东西吗? Are we going shopping today?
今天你出去买东西吗? Did you go shopping today?
你昨天上街买东西了吗? Do you go shopping yesterday?
她上街买东西去了。 She has gone out shopping.
亨:我要买点东西。 I have some shopping to do.
你跟我去买东西吗? Will you go shopping with me?
你准备好要去买东西了吗? Are you ready to go shopping?
客车中或小汽车的后部放行李或放买的东西或放工具的地方。 carries luggage or shopping or tools.
我和他一块去买东西。 He and I go shopping together.
我想去买东西。 I am thinking of going shopping.
母亲常在周末去买东西。 Mother does her shopping at weekends.
把买回来的东西放在厨房。 Put the shopping in the kitchen.
吃过午餐後,母亲立刻去买东西。 Right after lunch mother went shopping.