Chinese English Sentence:
  • 沿河街道上有五、六座这样的大厦,诸如与贝尔纳丹修道院共用小塔旁边大院墙的洛林公馆,再如纳勒公馆,其主塔正好是巴黎的标界,那黑色三角形的尖形屋顶年当中有三个月把殷红的夕阳遮住了角。
    There were five or six of these mansions on the quay, from the house of Lorraine, which shared with the Bernardins the grand enclosure adjoining the Tournelle, to the Hotel de Nesle,whose principal tower ended Paris, and whose pointed roofs were in a position, during three months of the year, to encroach, with their black triangles, upon the scarlet disk of the setting sun.
  • 钴蓝色素,花绀青种混合的氧化钴,用在陶瓷中产生种蓝色颜料,并可用来制造大青
    An impure oxide of cobalt, used to produce a blue color in enamel and in the making of smalt.
  • 码头面积组码头中可利用的空间
    The space available on a system of quays.
  • 船主微笑着目送着他,直到他上了岸,消失在卡纳比埃尔街上的人流里。这条街从清晨五点钟直到晚上九点钟都拥挤着川流不息的人群。卡纳比埃尔街是马赛最有名的街道,马赛的居民很以它为自豪,他们甚至煞有其事地庄重地宣称:“假如巴黎也有条卡纳比埃尔街,那巴黎就可称为小马赛了。”
    The shipowner, smiling, followed him with his eyes until he saw him spring out on the quay and disappear in the midst of the throng, which from five o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night, swarms in the famous street of La Canebière,--a street of which the modern Phocaeans are so proud that they say with all the gravity in the world, and with that accent which gives so much character to what is said, "If Paris had La Canebière, Paris would be a second Marseilles."
  • 具有放射性的钴的同位素,原子质量数为,种能量极高的伽马放射源,用于放射疗法。
    a radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number 60; a source of exceptionally intense gamma rays; used in radiation therapy.
  • 他们重建了组港囗码头。
    They reconstructed their harbor quayage..
  • 看到某人就觉得不自在
    Become queasy at the sight of sb.
  • 种银白色的稀有矿物,是重要的钴矿石。
    a rare silvery-white mineral; important ore of cobalt.
  • 位于魁北克省的座著名的悬臂桥。
    a cantilever bridge in Quebec.
  • 砷钴矿种银白色到灰色的稀有矿物,硫化砷钴,coass,是种钴矿石,用于陶瓷
    A rare silver-white to gray mineral, cobalt sulfarsenide, CoAsS, that is a cobalt ore and is used in ceramics.
  • 在魁北克省的座横跨圣劳伦斯河的吊桥。
    a suspension bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at Quebec.
  • 钴华种次生的红色钴矿,co3(aso4)2?h2o,在矿脉里发现,并含有钴和砷,用作生产彩色玻璃
    A reddish secondary cobalt mineral, CO3(AsO4)2?H2O, found in veins bearing cobalt and arsenic and used in coloring glass.
  • 种灰色矿物,由砷化钴和镍组成,是钴和镍的重要来源。
    a gray mineral consisting of cobalt arsenide and nickel; an important source of cobalt and nickel.
  • 魁北克省南部的城市,位于圣劳伦斯河畔;魁北克省最大城市,加拿大第二大城市;世界上说法语人数第二的城市。
    a city in southern Quebec province on the Saint Lawrence River; the largest city in Quebec and 2nd largest in Canada; the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world.
  • 安茹加拿大魁北克南部的个城镇,蒙特利尔的郊区,人口37,346
    A town of southern Quebec, Canada, a suburb of Montreal. Population,37, 346.
  • 凡尔登加拿大魁北克省南部的个城市,它是蒙特利尔的个住宅郊区,位于蒙特利尔岛上。人口61,287
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, a residential suburb of Montreal on Montreal Island. Population,61, 287.
  • 密克马克族美洲土著人的个部落,居住在加拿大的新斯科舍省,爱德华王子岛和魁北克省的加斯佩半岛
    A Native American people inhabiting Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the Gasp Peninsula of Quebec.
  • 赫尔加拿大魁北克省西南城市,和安大略省的渥太华市相对。有个水力发电站和些纸浆厂、造纸厂以及木材厂。人口56,225
    A city of southwest Quebec, Canada, opposite Ottawa, Ontario. It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills. Population,56, 225.
  • 希尔布鲁克加拿大魁北克省南部的个城市,位于圣弗朗索瓦河畔,蒙特利尔东部。它是个贸易与制造中心。人口74,075
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the St. Fran鏾is River east of Montreal. It is a trade and manufacturing center. Population,74, 075.
  • 辆满载地面覆盖物的18轮大卡车从魁北克开来的时候,我开始用近乎纯正的巴黎法语跟司机聊起他的旅程和羊角面包的早餐,这时老板的眼睛下亮了起来。
    When the truckdriver from Quebec arrived with an 18-wheeler of mulch and I began conversing in near-flawless Parisian French about his long journey and breakfast of croissants, my boss’s eyes lit up.
  • 加蒂诺加拿大魁北克西南部镇,赫尔的东北部,靠近加蒂诺河的河口,大约长386公里(240英里),发源于劳伦琴高原,大致以西南流向注入渥太华河。此城市是工业中心。人口74,988
    A town of southwest Quebec, Canada, northeast of Hull near the mouth of the Gatineau River, about386 km(240 mi) long. The river rises in the Laurentian Plateau and flows generally southwest to the Ottawa River. The city is an industrial center. Population,74, 988.
  • 和这种不相称的女人交往,恐怕你会毁了你辈子。
    I'm afraid you'll wreck your whole life by hurling yourself away on a woman like that.
  • 破斧树两种南美乔木中的任意种,白坚木,其树皮用于制药或红破斧木,其木材是制造丹宁的最丰富的原料之
    Either of two South American trees, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco whose bark is used in medicine, or Schinopsis lorentzii whose wood is one of the richest sources of tannin.
  • 望着群小学生挤在那堆残骸中扯下扣子留作纪念,我感到有什么东西在喉咙梗住似的。
    I watched with a lump in my throat as schoolchildren swarmed over the wreck ripping off buttons for souvenirs.
  • 先生,你能向后退点吗?我们要把路上的垃圾清除掉。
    Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
  • 他出了张红桃王后。
    he led the queen of hearts.
  • 他们死死抓住失事船达5天之久,艘轮船才驶入视线,可见其船桅。
    After they had clung to the wreck five days, a vessel hove in sight, hull down.
  • 玛利女王之後由伊利莎白世继位。
    Queen Mary was succeeded by Elizabeth.
  • 她为偷牌打出q而赢得墩.
    She succeeded in finessing her queen.
  • 王后穿了件天鹅绒长袍
    The queen assumed a velvet robe.
  • 成为女王使(女子)成为王后
    To make(a woman) a queen.
  • 他们将可充气的外盖套套住躺在海底的残骸,然后向套中充气,这样我们就能将残骸捞出水面。
    They placed an inflatable jacket around the wreck as it lay on the seabed. Then by filling the jacket with air we raised the wreck to the surface.