  • 我希望我们在最后限期之前完成这项工作!
    I hope we can finish this before the deadline!
  • 真的不把期限宽限到下个月吗?
    Couldn't you put off the deadline till next month?
  • 我很担心我们可无法指定时间内完成此事。
    I am very concerned (that) we may not meet the deadline on this.
  • 我很担心我们可无法在指定时间内完成此事。
    I'm very concerned(that) we may not meet the deadline on this.
  • 如果我加紧工作,我也许就在限期以前完成我的论文。
    If I really pitch in , I may be able to finish my paper before the deadline.
  • 我们只做些较小的让步,但这就可打破僵局。
    We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock.
  • 妥协也许打破劳资双方所处的僵局。
    A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management.
  • 我们只做些较小的让步,但这就可打破僵局
    We can only make minor concessions, but it may break the deadlock
  • 当双方在一重要工业问题上出现僵局时,国务卿可会出面进行调停。
    When the two sides in an important industrial dispute reach deadlock the Secretary of State may attempt to mediate between them.
  • 置人于死地的属性。
    the quality of being deadly.
  • 有些人不了解他那种无表情的幽默,因此更有趣。
    Some people do not catch his deadpan humor, that make it even funny.
  • 一个不说话的聋子。
    a deaf person who is unable to speak.
  • 电气火车比蒸汽火车有许多优点:没有烟来弄脏乘客的衣服和车上的座垫;因为它们没有很重的煤和水的负荷,这种火车不用多少量就启动或者停止;在车站时它们很安静,因为没有蒸气发出噪音使乘客震耳欲聋。
    Electric trains have many advantages over those drawn steam engines. There is no smoke to soil the passengers, clothes and the cushions in the train. Because they carry no heavy loads of coal and water, these trains can start and stop with less waste of power. In a station they are silent: there is no steam to produce noise to deafen the passengers.
  • 因为遗传性的耳聋所以不说话。
    unable to speak because of hereditary deafness.
  • 据信,戴琥珀项链有医疗效用,防治耳聋、消化不良和掉牙等各种疾病。
    Worn as a necklace,it was believed to have medical qualities,effective against everything from deafness to indigestion to tooth loss.
  • 荒淫的,只研究排泄物和分泌物的功
    dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions.
  • 交际手段与人来往的技巧与技
    Tact and skill in dealing with people.
  • 他没有力处理该问题。
    He is unequal to dealing with the problem.
  • 没有他任何交易都不可
    no transactions are possible without him; he has always been honest is his dealings with me.
  • 我亲爱的丽萃,──今晨我觉得很不舒服,我想这可是昨天淋了雨的缘故。
    "My dearest Lizzy, I FIND myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday.
  • 但是我的至爱,如果你不保证你在一个陌生的地方和我一块生活,你就不必采取这个重大行动,因为我太爱你了,不让你感到丝毫不快。
    But if, my dearest, you are not sure that you can face lift with me in a land strange to you, then do not take this important step, for I love you too much to wish you the smallest unhappiness.
  • 试着用一根木棍抵住机器的某一部位,把耳朵贴着木棍,就清晰地听到轴承的转动声。
    Try holding a wooden stick against part of a machine, and place your ear against the stick. The movement of the ball-bearings can be dearly heard.
  • 如果认清了中国是一个许多帝国主义国家互相争夺的半殖民地,则一,就会明白全世界何以只有中国有这种统治阶级内部互相长期混战的怪事,而且何以混战一天激烈一天,一天扩大一天,何以始终不有一个统一的政权。
    If one dearly understands this, one will understand first why the unusual phenomenon of prolonged and tangled warfare within the ruling classes is only to be found in China, why this warfare is steadily growing fiercer and spreading, and why there has never been a unified regime.
  • (五)编制红军法规,明白地规定红军的任务,军事工作系统和政治工作系统的关系,红军和人民群众的关系,士兵会的权及其和军事政治机关的关系。
    5.Draw up Red Army rules and regulations which dearly define its tasks, the relationship between its military and its political apparatus, the relationship between the Red Army and the masses of the people, and the powers and functions of the soldiers' committees and their relationship with the military and political organizations.
  • 敌人的垂死挣扎只加速他们的灭亡。
    The deathbed struggles of the enemies can only hasten their own doom.
  • 孙先生临终时的这个遗嘱,说他是积四十年的经验,深知必须这样做,才达到革命的目的。
    In his deathbed Testament, Dr. Sun declared he was deeply convinced, from the experience accumulated over forty years, that only thus could the goal of revolution be achieved.
  • 美国过分依赖进口石油,主要由于里根总统相信最好的源政策就是没有政策。可是地方上的政客们在促成此项挫败也是劣绩昭彰,甚至连意识形态的托词都不用。
    America's unhealthy dependence on imported foreign oil stems mainly from President Reagan's belief that the best energy policy was no policy. But local politicians have made their own egregious contributions to the debacle without even the fig leaf of ideology.
  • 他已经宣布从国际奥委会主席这个位置上退休。1924年奥运会给了他一个光荣引退的机会,向他的祖国显示他关于奥运会的设想是成功的,同时也向全世界展示:虽然经历了1900年的溃败,但是法国还是有力成功举办奥运盛会。
    He had announced his retirement as president of the IOC, and the 1924 games gave him a chance to go out in glory by showing his native country that his idea had succeeded and also, incidentally, by showing the rest of the world that France could successfully host the Olympics, despite the debacle of 1900.
  • 空桥,航路在机场终端处供乘客和乘务人员上下飞机使用的够自动驱动的有顶通道
    A covered, self-propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates.
  • 被排斥不参加某活动的状态。
    the state of being debarred (excluded from enjoying certain possessions or rights or practices).
  • 如果共产党员忘记了这个原则性,他们就不正确地指导抗日战争,他们就将无力克服国民党的片面性,就把共产主义者降低到无原则的地位,把共产党降低到国民党。
    If Communists forget this difference in principle, they will be unable to guide the War of Resistance correctly, they will be powerless to overcome the Kuomintang's one-sidedness, and they will debase themselves to the point of abandoning their principles and reduce their Party to the level of the Kuomintang.
  • 然而,国人所顾虑的不是这类拥有高技的科技人才,但是我国的劳动市场中,有不少“外来人才”的职位是本地人够胜任的,这些人是否应该被称为“外来人才”,是值得商榷的。
    However, Singaporeans are not worried about those who are highly skilled in technology. In our labor market, there are many "foreign talent" whose jobs could be easily filled by locals. It is debatable whether these people are qualified to be called "foreign talent".