  • 你要我地板吸吸尘吗?
    Do you want me to vacuum the floor?
  • 她的去世他的生活留下一片真空。
    Her death left a vacuum in his life.
  • 她到他那里去要求予帮助,可是他用含糊的诺言把她搪塞过去。
    She went to him for help, but he put her off with vague promises.
  • 喂?我是瓦尔。我是在希尔顿你打电话。
    Hello? This is Val. I am calling from Hilton.
  • 喂?我是瓦尔。我是在希尔顿你打电话。
    Hello? This is Val. I'm calling from Hilton.
  • 喂?我是瓦尔。我是在希尔顿你打电话。
    Hello? This is Val. I am calling from Hiltom.
  • 圣瓦伦廷节(情人节)发起了情人互赠贺卡的活动——这种习俗可溯源至15世纪。如今,在圣瓦伦廷节时送情人的礼物有逐年变得愈来愈丰厚实用的趋向。
    St Valentine’s Day started the card game (ie the sending of lovers’ greeting cards)-back in the 15th century. Now valentines are bigger and better each year.
  • 5.在情人节前7天,每天用一份如下附有情话的礼物,你的情人一个惊喜。
    5.Seven days before Valentine's day,surprise your valentine with one of these gifts and messages a day until Valentine's Day.
  • 气球充气,然后让你的情人逐个地把气球弄爆。
    Blow them up,then allow your Valentine to pop them one at a time!
  • 你猜怎么着?我的女朋友竟然要求我在情人节买九十九朵玫瑰花送她。
    Guess what? My girlfriend asked me to buy 99 roses for her on Valentine's Day.
  • 喔,埃德总在情人节那天送我一盒糖和一张贺卡。
    Oh, Ed always manages a box of candy on Valentine's Day. And I get a card, too.
  • 不久之后,查尔斯王子派随从亲手送她一张正式的请柬,邀请黛安娜当晚陪伴他去看歌剧并出席午夜的宫廷晚宴。
    A short time later, Prince Charles sent his valet to hand-deliver a formal invitation for Diana to accompany him that very evening to the opera and a late night dinner at the palace.
  • 当他在八十岁那年死去时,佛罗伦萨人他画了一幅画像以纪念这位"最英勇的战士"。
    When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines had a picture painted which was dedicated to the memory of 'the most valiant soldier.
  • 这幅贵重的油画是准备送我的吗?
    Is this valuable painting meant for me?
  • 她已把贵重物品交托银行。
    She has confided her valuables to the bank.
  • 想把贵重物品交你保管。
    I would like to leave my valuables with you.
  • 客人可以把贵重物品交安全保管员照管。
    Guest can deposit valuables with the manager for safe- keeping.
  • 这可能仅仅包含对出的keyvalue值对于指定值集(由内嵌的keyedreference中tmodelkey键值描述)的校验。
    This can involve merely checking that the keyValue values supplied are good for the given value set (as signified by the embedded keyedReference tModelKey values).
  • 老师们纷纷表示,非常珍惜这次宝贵的学习机会,将会把学到的知识教自己的同事和学生,使更多的人掌握电脑的基本知识。
    The participants said they valued this special opportunity very much and would teach what they had learned to their colleagues and students to help more people master basic computer skills.
  • 那所房子他我估价80000英镑.
    He valued the house for me at 80000.
  • 她出于虚荣心而嫁了那个富人。
    She married the rich man out of vanity.
  • 总的来说,这种变体通常是会由父母遗传孩子的,而孩子日后自然也会患上躁郁症。
    Overall, the variant was passed along more often than one would expect by chance to a child who later developed the disease.
  • 这小女孩把水痘传了她班上所有的同学。
    The little girl spread the varied to all her classmates.
  • 这些花瓶给我看看。
    Let me look at the vase.
  • 她一个花瓶作礼物。
    I made her a present of the vase.
  • 这只花瓶以廿五美元拍卖了史密斯。
    The vase was knocked down to Smith for $2.
  • 犯罪团伙欺骗行长让他开金库的钥匙。
    The gang trick the bank manager into give them the key of the vault.
  • 请给来两份小牛肉。
    Please let us have two veals.
  • 要素其和等于定向量的两个或多个向量中的一个
    One of a set of two or more vectors having a sum equal to a given vector.
  • (飞机)导航根据航线用无线电通信引导(飞行员或飞机等)
    To guide(a pilot or an aircraft, for example) by means of radio communication according to vectors.
  • 请给我蔬菜汤。
    I'd like the vegetable soup, please.
  • 她的祖母非常喜欢她。有一天祖母了她一顶红色的天鹅绒帽子。
    Her grandmother loved her very much and gave her a red velvet cap one day.