  • 当岩石沿山坡滚下时,冲力便愈来愈大。
    As the rock rolled down the mountainside, it gathered momentum.
  • 他过着隐居的生活。
    He leads a monastic life.
  • 个人能力:“我喜欢努力地工作--我经常告诉我的员工:一个人应该期待星期一的到来。
    Personal strengths: "I like to work hard--I tell our employees that they should look forward to Mondays.
  • 他正监视销售进展。
    He is monitoring the progress of sale.
  • 她保存一枚未曾用过的猴邮票。
    She keeps an unused stamp of monkey.
  • 猴子拿一顶帽子绕圈收钱。
    The monkey handed a hat round to collect money.
  • 那套有你亲手绣我们名字的浴巾美极了。
    The set of bath towels you personally monogrammed for us is beautiful.
  • 一种很单调的工作,打算使我睡,像数数目似的,或是——”
    A monotonous occupation, calculated to set me asleep, like counting, or--'
  • 船逆季风艰难地行驶。
    The ship beat back against a monsoon.
  • 你得认真考虑一下我们的敌人;考虑指望雨季。
    You have to reckon with our opponents; Count on the monsoon.
  • 雨季推迟了1个月,接大雨倾盆而下。
    The monsoon held off for a month;then the rain fell in terrents.
  • 她的丈夫将是神、人共畏的怪物,他在高山之巅等她。"
    Her husband to be a monster feared by both god and man. And he awaits her on the mountain top."
  • 他后来确实回来了--驾一种巨大的交通工具径直冲进了那座建筑物,将它毁了。
    He does return,destroying the building by driving a monstrous vehicle directly into it.
  • 现代城市是由大得怕人的大厦和充斥难闻的汽油味所组成。
    The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes.
  • 某人说他的坏话,而且所说的都是千真万确,如今人们流行的这种作风,实在是可怕极了。
    It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true.
  • 如果一条轨道切合出现错误,那么朝诺贝尔奖高速冲刺的努力就会夭折,他也就成了在蒙大拿树林里简陋的小棚屋终了一生的护林人。
    If a single one clicks wrong, the highspeed rush toward a Nobel Prize can dead-end in a makeshift shack in the Montana woods.
  • 一种小型植物,细的、弯曲的茎干长枝条,其枝条上长几朵白色的星形花,其花瓣形状类似猫耳;生长于华盛顿东南部和俄勒冈东北部至蒙大拿。
    small plant with slender bent stems bearing branched clusters of a few white star-shaped flowers with petals shaped like cat's ears; southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon to Montana.
  • 沿这条路一直走,直至看到蒙特利尔道在你前面。
    Walk straight ahead along this road until you see Montreal Road in front of you.
  • 纳尔逊纪念碑是伦敦名的纪念碑.
    Nelson's Column is a famous monument in London.
  • 城门一种构造,围绕上述的出口或入口,比如一个山区或一设防的出口通向一宫殿或一有城墙的城市
    The structure surrounding such an opening, such as the monumental or fortified entrance to a palace or walled city.
  • 酒吧里,一个年轻的、目光犀利的男人喜怒无常地盯一瓶杜松子滋补酒。
    in the bar, a youngish, sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic.
  • 娜佳知道我心情不好,也不打扰我,只是默默地忍受我的恶劣的态度和暴躁的脾气。但是,一天晚上吃晚饭的时候,我终于发怒了。
    Nadja put up with my moods, and left me alone, but one night I blew up at the supper table.
  • 他还在痴痴地想她。
    He is still mooning over her.
  • 他整个下午呆呆地看那些假日里拍的照片。
    He's been mooning over those holiday photos all afternoon.
  • 玛丽肯定还在爱那个黑头发的小伙子;自从他离去后她就一直精神恍惚——真是可怜。
    Mary must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about--it's pitiful, really.
  • 月光映射着山谷。
    The moonlight shines the valley.
  • 以斑点形式撒满或覆盖月光的。
    splashed or covered patchily with moonlight.
  • 白色的花在月光下闪烁
    White flowers glimmered in the moonlight.
  • 那把刀在月光下闪凶光.
    The knife gleamed wickedly in the moonlight.
  • 军队借月光开赴前线。
    The troops pushed on to the front by moonlight.
  • 月光照玫瑰,他在门廊秋千上对她示爱。
    There was moonlight on the roses and he made love to her in the porth swing.
  • 我们在月光下静静地坐
    We sat quietly in the moonshine.