  • 开始我们不明白为什么它们俩在牧场上并排飞跑。
    What we didn't understand at first was how the two could run side-by-side, dashing full speed across the pasture.
  • 存储在计算机里的数据被保护起来。
    The data stored in a computer can be protected.
  • 精通这些数据吗?
    Do you control these data?
  • 你能建一个数据库吗?
    Can you set up a database?
  • 在计算机程序设计中,一种兼有数据库管理、电子报表和绘图功的组合程序。参阅spreadsheet。
    In computer programming, a combined database management, spreadsheet and graphics package.
  • 2mb的可用空间,根据数据库大小的不同可还需要更多空间
    2MB of free space, more will be necessary depending on the size of your database
  • 我不确切地说出那所房子的年代,但一定是很古老的。
    I can't date that house exactly, but it must be very old.
  • 那么您告诉我发票日期吗?
    Then could you tell me when the invoices were dated?
  • 很遗憾我们不接受你方二月十五日报盘中所提出的付款条件。
    Unfortunately, we cannot accept the payment conditions suggested in your offer dated Feb.15th.
  • 曼陀罗花一种曼陀罗属植物,开喇叭状的大花,花高达25厘米(10英寸),有长而且通常是多刺的果实。叶子和种子产生带有麻醉特性的有机含氮碱
    Any of several plants of the genus Datura, having large trumpet-shaped flowers up to25 centimeters(10 inches) long and usually prickly fruits. The leaves and seeds yield alkaloids with narcotic properties.
  • 一开始,那个新工作有点使人灰心丧气,但是一旦我获得了需要的力,也就没什么了。
    The new job was a bit daunting at first but it was all right once I'd got my eye in.
  • 在战争中提倡勇敢牺牲英勇向前的精神和动作,是在正确的作战计划下绝对必要的东西,是同持久战和最后胜利不分离的。
    Within the scope of correct war planning, encouraging the spirit and practice of heroic self-sacrifice and dauntless advance in battle is absolutely necessary and inseparable from the waging of protracted war and the achievement of final victory.
  • 伤病使施特菲在职1998年的大部分时间无法上场比赛,可她不久于1999年重返巴黎,捧得了法国公开赛冠军奖杯,接着又向温布尔登进军,而在那里只有林达塞·达文波特才阻止她第8次夺冠。
    After injuries kept her off the courts for much of 1998, Steffi returned triumphantly to paris to become the 1999 French Open champion and to Wimbledon where only Lindsay Davenport could stop her from winning her eighth Wimbledon title.
  • 大卫很能干活。
    David is a bear for work.
  • 有可能是大卫吗?
    Could it be David who did it?
  • 戴维斯先生,我问你点事情吗?
    Can I ask you something. Mr. Davis?
  • 戴维斯先生请一个朋友去疏通关系以便使他从银行里借到钱。
    Mr Davis asked a friend to grease the wheels so he could borrow money from the bank.
  • 那是戴维斯先生打电话说他今晚不来参加集会。他来不来谁都不在乎。
    Mr Davis on the telephone to say he couldn’t attend the meeting tonight. As if it mattered!
  • 如果你停止闲逛,马上开始工作,清洁工作一天就做完
    If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.
  • 普通的美国人逐渐意识到这种执法方式不仅昂贵,而且效果并不太好,但是没有人知道除了建更多的监狱以外还对犯罪做些什么。
    It is gradually dawning on the average American that this kind of law enforcement is not only expen- sive, it doesn't work very well. But nobody knows what else to do about crime besides build more pris-ons.
  • 现在的问题是在於,当我们面临一个新的世纪即将到来的时候,国家、国际经济、贸易和金融环境不断出现新的变化的时候,我们要采取什麽样的投资策略和方式,才够将两地的优势最大限度地结合起来,促进两地经济共同发展。
    The problem we face now is that with the dawning of a new century and the ever-changing economic, trade and financial environments on domestic and international fronts, we have to explore what kind of investment strategies and methods we should adopt in order to integrate the comparative advantages of the two economies to the greatest extent with a view to fostering the economic growth of both places.
  • 记着我,当你不再无止无休。
    Remember me when no more day by day.
  • 贝基:你是好心谈这种好事,可是这只是我的幻想而已……
    It's sweet of you to say so, but that could only be my daydream ...
  • 位于屋顶上透进日光来的窗户。
    a window in a roof to admit daylight.
  • 我们不在白天看到星星。
    We can't see stars in the daytime.
  • 但是,如果你正在寻找白班工作,记住你白天时间仍应保持灵活机动,才上晚班课,相反如果你晚上干兼职工作,情况亦然。
    But if you're looking for a daytime job,bear in mind that you might want to remain flexible during the day and therefore take your classes at night.The reverse is true if you have a part- time evening job.
  • 会为他的说会道头晕目眩;雄辩的言语。
    able to dazzle with his facile tongue; silver speech.
  • 同时,这些班组开始对他们不方便地获得自己的数据而感到沮丧,他们已为一种新型的、高度直观的信息检索机制——internet吸引住了。
    At the same time these workgroups started to feel frustrated by their inability to easily get to their own data, they were being dazzled by a new and highly intuitive information retrieval mechanism -- the Internet.
  • 那辆汽车的前大灯都开着(未为防止将其他司机眼睛照花而放低前大灯).
    The car's headlights were on full beam, ie not dipped to avoid dazzling other drivers.
  • 美国人已经显示出了一种强大的脱离城市的冲动,远距离工作把他们带到比最偏远的郊区更远的地方。
    Americans have already demonstrated a powerful urge to dc-urbanize and telecommuting could spread them far beyond the most distant suburbs.
  • 正如花圃里被割掉的花再也不复原了,我们就不要再去打破一个小孩子稚嫩纯净的心灵,使他们原来充满活力的感觉变得迟钝,乃至麻木。
    The flowers are already dead. We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.
  • 限期快到了, 不再拖延。
    The deadline is drawing near; we can't delay any more.