  • 在参观和拍卖之间有一天空隙时间,这是留地毯商拆卸帷幔、壁毯等墙上饰物用的。
    An interval of one day had been left between the viewing and the sale in order to give the upholsterers enough time to take down the hangings, curtains and so forth.
  • 他赢得了地方当局的赞许,他们拨他一大笔足以维持这所孤儿院的款项。
    He gained the approval of the local authorities, who made a grant large enough to provide for its upkeep.
  • 我给他一记上钩拳。
    I caught him with an uppercut.
  • 那次武装起义最后镇压下去了。
    The armed uprising was finally put down.
  • 真正的、毫不掺假的活牛仔;了我们真正快乐的时光;到上游去看真正的渔船。
    a real honest-to-god live cowboy; had us a high old time; went upriver to look at a sure-enough fish wheel.
  • 尽管他在学校里有很严格的纪律要求,但他富于幽默感,喜欢孩子们讲一些小故事,常引得大家哄然大笑。
    Although he was quite strict about discipline within the school, he had a keen sense of humor and would delight in telling the children small stories that would make us laugh uproariously.
  • 我们刚使孩子们在一所新学校里适应下来,就接到调令要前往另一个地区,于是只好再孩子们换一个完全陌生的环境。
    We'd hardly settled the children into a new school when we were posted to another district and had to uproot them again.
  • 新中国成立后,立即废除帝国主义列强强加中国的一切不平等条约及其攫取的各种特权,坚决没收法西斯国家的在华财产,彻底铲除帝国主义殖民统治在华的政治、经济特权,实现了国家的完全独立。
    New China, after its founding, promptly abolished all unequal treaties which had been imposed on China by various imperialist countries and all the privileges they had grabbed from China, resolutely confiscated the property of fascist countries in China, completely uprooted the political and economic privileges of the imperialists' colonial rule in China and realized complete state independence.
  • 他们1700万人作了检查。
    They gave check-ups to 17 million people.
  • 我们楼上的孩子们提供睡铺。
    We bunked the children upstairs.
  • 楼上的嗓音几乎把我吵疯了。
    The noise upstairs almost drove me mad.
  • 你可不能嫁那个年轻的暴发户!
    You can't marry that young upstart!
  • 你只要蒂娜讲一遍就行了,她理解能力很强。
    You only have to tell Tina once; she's very quick on the uptake.
  • 罗伯特领会得很慢,你得每件事他讲10遍,他才能搞清楚。
    Robert is so slow on the uptake you have to tell him everything ten times before he gets it right.
  • 他们敦促我们予支持。
    They urged us to give our support.
  • 如果那边发生紧急情况,立即打电话我。
    Call me immediately if anything urgent crops up there.
  • 我现在打电话你的是因为我想立刻见你。
    Ther reason why I'm call ing you now is that I'd like to see you urgently.
  • 我在一个在美国的朋友写信。
    I am writing to a friend of mine in the USA.
  • 我习惯了乘飞机旅行,只有一次我可吓怕了。
    I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.
  • 了我们一些有用的信息。
    She gave us some useful information.
  • 了我们一些有用的信息。
    She give us some useful information.
  • 其高速度用户提供真正的多媒体能力。
    The high speed gives users true multimedia capabilities.
  • 此地直到七十年代开放非军事界。
    It was opened to non-military users later in the 1970s.
  • 这名招待员坚持我们换位。
    The usher insisted on reseating us.
  • 从别的日子里飘浮道我的生命里的云,不再落下雨点或引起风暴了,却只予我的夕阳的天空以色彩。
    Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky.
  • 他把房子抵押放高利贷者,借款3万镑。
    He mortgaged his house to the usurer for £ 3 0 0 0 0.
  • 一、封建时代的自自足的自然经济基础是被破坏了;但是,封建剥削制度的根基——地主阶级对农民的剥削,不但依旧保持着,而且同买办资本和高利贷资本的剥削结合在一起,在中国的社会经济生活中,占着显然的优势。
    The foundations of the self-sufficient natural economy of feudal times have been destroyed, but the exploitation of the peasantry by the landlord class, which is the basis of the system of feudal exploitation, not only remains intact but, linked as it is with exploitation by comprador and usurer capital, clearly dominates China's social and economic life.
  •  第六十五条侵夺发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请权和本法规定的其他权益的,由所在单位或者上级主管机关予行政处分。
    Article 65. Where any person usurps the right of an inventor or creator to apply for a patent for a non-service invention-creation, or usurps any other right or interest of an inventor or creator, prescribed by this Law, he shall be subject to disciplinary sanction by the entity to which he belongs or by the competent authority at the higher level.
  • 炊具都冻在冰里了。
    The cooking utensil were frozen up in the ice.
  • 在这里,劳动是用于直接产生一种效用,而不是(象前两种情况那样)提供某种别的东西来予效用。
    the labour being employed in producing an utility directly, not (as in the two former cases) in fitting some other thing to afford an utility.
  • 我明天到成都去。请我结账好吗?
    I am checking out tomorrow. What time must I vacate the room?
  • 请呆会儿把你的种痘证书那边柜台的人看。
    Please show your vaccination certificate at the counter over there later.