  • 雾笼罩着整个山谷。
    Mist clothed the vilage.
  • 薄雾笼罩周围的景色。
    Mist obscured the view.
  • 雾笼罩着述座山。
    Mist wreathed the mountain.
  • 城市上空笼罩一层薄雾。
    A mist lay over the city.
  • 我自己的成功就伴随几次失败,但我却不去犯那个最大的错误--过于担心犯错误。
    My own success was attended by quite a few failures along the way, but I refused to make the biggest mistake of-worrying too much about making mistakes.
  • 他抓我的手继续说:"你知道吗,先生?
    He grabbed my hand and said, "You know something, mister?
  • 浓雾笼罩着该城。
    Thick mists closed about the city.
  • 他接往上爬,周围的空气越来越冷,他的呼吸都带白色的水汽,围绕在身旁,透过树叶的缝隙,他时不时地看到山顶依然很遥远。
    As he kept climbing, the air around him grew colder and colder, and his breath merged with the white mists around him.Every now and then, peeking through a hole in the trees'foliage, he could see that the top of the mountain was still very far away from him.
  • 关于这个问题似乎还存在误解。
    There seems to be some misunderstanding about the matter.
  • (ellamitchell饰真的“超级妈妈”):我是真正的“超级妈妈”,是那幢房子的主人,其他人都是冒名顶替的,那些戴伪装的家伙,但这真得很有趣。
    (Ella Mitchell--_ as the real"big momma."): I'm the original big momma that owns big momma's house. And the others are all impostors. And people working under cover, if you know what I mean. But it's a lot of fun.
  • (ellamitchell饰真的“超级妈妈”):我是真正的“超级妈妈”,是那幢房子的主人,其他人都是冒名顶替的,那些戴伪装的家伙,但这真得很有趣。
    (Ella Mitchell--_ as the real "big momma."): I'm the original big momma that owns big momma's house. And the others are all impostors. And people working under cover, if you know what I mean. But it's a lot of fun.
  •  这意味,这里的银行拥有的资金比它们所需要的多,所以乐意把这些“闲钱”借出去。
    This means that banks here have more mo-ney than they need and are motivated to lend out such "idle money".
  • "这个生病的孩子稍许呻吟了几声,后来就睡了。"
    "The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep."
  • 生病的孩子在睡时呻吟
    The sick child moaned in his sleep.
  • 呻吟的受伤者;她在睡觉时发出的呻吟的声音。
    the groaning wounded; moaning sounds in her sleep.
  • 啊,不,不,不,天气总是太冷/(那死者仍然躺唏嘘)/我一生的命运真是太不一般/不是平平安安,而是风风雨雨。
    Oh, no no no, it was too cold always/(still the dead one lay moaning) /I was much too far out all my life/And not waving but drowning.
  • 由于耳朵皮肉较嫩,绳子又细,眼看参赛者的耳朵部位由红变紫,其面部表情痛苦万分,直至一方忍受不了这种“折磨”而呻吟倒地,比赛才宣告结束。
    Since the skin and flesh of the ears are delicate and the rope is thin, the participants' ears turn purple and their facial expressions are extremely bitter. Until one party can not endure this kind of "torture" and falls to the ground moaning is the match thus concluded.
  • 城堡外环绕一条护城河。
    There is a moat round the castle.
  • 如果汤姆也在这里的话,他们一定会站在一起嘲笑他,相互凝望,把他丢在一边。
    If Tom were here, they would be together, mocking him, looking at each other, leaving him alone.
  • 富农带讥笑的声调说道:“你们上无片瓦,下无插针之地,有什么不进农会1
    The rich peasants answer mockingly, "What is there to keep you from joining?You people have neither a tile over your heads nor a speck of land under your feet!"
  • 西藏生产方式、生活方式的变化,人们的思维方式和思想观念也必然发生变化。
    The people's mode of thinking and concepts are bound to change with the changes of the modes of production and life in Tibet.
  • 在格利佛学校读书的17岁的三年级学生萨拉·贝克说,她在家里找到了自己的行为楷模:当律师的母亲和做大学教授的父亲。她自己也试要成为一名行为楷模。
    Sarah Baker, 17, a junior at Gulliver Academy here, said she found her role models at home: a mother who is a lawyer and a father who is a university professor, and has tried to become a role model herself.
  • 即使在爱情方面,也只能关起门来表露感情,否则就有伤大雅了。即使关门,也还要有分寸。
    Even in affairs of the heart,it is considered unseemly to show one's feelings except behind closed doors,and even then with moderation.
  • 这位教授自负的样子就像一位拿小木槌的调停者一样。
    this professor acts so priggishly--like a moderator with a gavel!
  • 她穿一件时髦的礼服。
    She wears a modern dress.
  • 中国现代化建设的进步、海外华人身分地位的不断提高,中文报业将在全传播领域里担当更重要的角色。
    Given the progress in the modernisation of China and continuous improvement in the status enjoyed by Chinese in overseas countries, Chinese newspapers will assume a more significant role in the media world.
  • 如果你认为一次牙痛就意味要拨去数颗牙的话,那你把问题看得太严重了。
    You're making a mountain out of a molehill if you think that one twinge of toothache means that you must have several teeth extracted.
  • 但是我妈妈还活,奥托也健在。
    But Mom's still here.And so is Otto.
  • 詹姆斯拉她的手轻声说,"妈,谢谢你救了我。
    Taking her hand,James said softly,“ Thanks for saving me,Mom.
  • "这么多年来,我一直都在思考妈妈说过的那些话。
    "Over the years, I have often reflected on what my mom said.
  • 除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。
    Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
  • 他望前面的人轻松自在的步伐,第一次意识到自己走路和别人不同,步履蹒跚,不禁感到难堪。
    He watched the easy walk of the other in front of him, and for the first time realized that his walk was different from that of other men. He experienced a momentary pang of shame that he should walk so uncouthly.