  • 幽默,演讲中效果极佳的一部
    Humor, an effective ingredient of a speech.
  • 离和死亡会产生同样的结果,假如爱德蒙和美塞苔丝之间隔着一道监狱的墙,那么他们不得不手,其结果与让他躺的坟墓里一样的。”
    Absence severs as well as death, and if the walls of a prison were between Edmond and Mercédès they would be as effectually separated as if he lay under a tombstone."
  • 传出神经一个传出器官或躯体部,如血管
    An efferent organ or body part, such as a blood vessel.
  • 一群自鸣颓废的知识
    An effete group of self-professed intellectuals.
  • 问题的第二部——氧载体的效率,也很难解决。
    The second part of the question, regarding the efficacy of oxygen carriers, is difficult to answer.
  • 这部地说明了公司效率高的原因。
    This partly accounts for the efficiency of the company.
  • 有效的学习是与好的动机不开的。
    Efficient study is inseparable from good motivation.
  • 此外,有效的学习与好的方法不开。
    Also, efficient learning cannot be separated from good methods.
  • 这是部原因,他工作很努力,而且效率很高。
    Partly, and he's also a hardworking and efficient man.
  • 防守使(对方运动员)不能得或有效进行比赛
    To keep(an opposing player) from scoring or playing efficiently.
  • 那位知识子上个月发表了一个新的物质论。
    That egghead publish a new theory of matter last month.
  • 非我所有的不是自我的或自我意识的部
    All that is not part of the ego or the conscious self.
  • 太强的自我是一座监狱,你若想充地享受人生,就得从这座监狱中逃脱。
    A too powerful ego is a prison from which a man must escape if he is to enjoy the world to the full.
  • 超我之心心理学上用来判断某人行为和思想的道德标准的超我部,之后将判断结果传送给自我进行考虑
    The part of the superego in psychoanalysis that judges the ethical nature of one's actions and thoughts and then transmits such determinations to the ego for consideration.
  • (心理析)自我的支配原则:孩子在成长中慢慢体会到现实环境和适应它的需要。
    (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the ego; the principle that as a child grows it becomes aware of the real environment and the need to accommodate to it.
  • 析家们身处最激烈的利益冲突中,会在压力和利益驱使下推荐某种股票,从而增加股票发行公司的吸引力。
    Among the most egregious conflicts of interest,analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curry favor with the issuing companies.
  • 继续对华尔街施加压力析家们身处最激烈的利益冲突中,会在压力和利益驱使下推荐某种股票,从而增加股票发行公司的吸引力。
    Keep up pressure on Wall Street. Among the most egregious conflicts of interest,analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curry favor with the issuing companies.
  • 温暖地区广泛布的小白鹭,常聚集在放牧的动物周围。
    small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals.
  • 亚伯兰到达了埃及,埃及人看到撒莱的确十美丽。
    When Abram arrived in Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was indeed very beautiful.
  • 他的八个儿子继承了他的大部遗产。
    His eight sons largely inherited his fortune.
  • 现在是差58点(7:55)。
    It is five to eight.
  • 十八美元二十九美
    $18.29 means eighteen dollars twenty-nine cents or eighteen twenty-nine.
  • 是八时至十八时三十
    It's eight to eighteen thirty.
  • 把借款十八个月归还
    Spread put the payments on the loan over eighteen months
  • 十八美元七十五美
    That will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents.
  • 在18世纪的大部时间里,罗马未得安宁。
    During most of the eighteenth century there was an uneasy peace.
  • 时间量是全音符的八之一的一个音乐符号。
    a musical note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note.
  • 一美元八十七美分。
    One dollar and eighty- seven cents.
  • 他185公分高。
    He is one hundred eighty- five centimeters tall.
  • 请付八十八元九角五
    That'll is eighty eight dollars ninety five cents, please.
  • 为什么外汇率降低到88以下。
    Why did the exchange rate drop below eighty-eight cents?
  • 土豆秧移植成一行一行的,十整齐。
    The potato plants were lined out neatly.