  • 我想藉叁与今晚盛会的机会,向大家谈一谈强制性积金计划。
    I would like to take this opportunity this evening to briefly talk about the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF).
  • 此外,强制性积金计划咨询委员会亦已成立,这个法定组织负责就条例的执行事宜向积金局提出意见。
    Another statutory body, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Advisory Committee, has also been established to advise the MPFA on the operation of the MPFSO.
  • 经广泛咨询后,本港于一九九五年八月制定《强制性积金计划条例》,为强制性积金制度定下架构。强积金制度涵盖18岁或以上的就业人士,是一种私营性质的强制性积金制度。
    The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (MPFSO), enacted in August 1995 after extensive consultation, provides the framework for a privately managed mandatory system of provident fund schemes that will cover members of the workforce aged 18 or above.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,认可单位信讬及互惠基金数目,由上一年的1791个上升至1893个(与强制性积金有关的单位信讬基金不计算在内)。
    The number of authorised unit trusts and mutual funds increased to 1 893 at the end of 2001 (excluding Mandatory Provident Fund-related unit trusts), compared to 1 791 at the end of 2000.
  • 与经济发展水平相适应,国家强制建立的基本保障主要满足人们的基本生活需要;社会保障逐步覆盖全体民;
    Under this mandatory state basic security, people's basic living needs will be met corresponding with China's economic development level, and the social security network will cover all citizens step by step.
  • 强制性积金计划管理局(积金局)已于一九九八年九月成立,是一个法定机构,负责规管和监察强积金制度的运作,以及确保《强制性积金计划条例》得以遵守。
    A statutory body, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) tasked with the responsibility of the prudential regulation and supervision of the MPF System and compliance with the MPFSO, was set up in September 1998.
  • 我们将加速推行强制性积金计划,要深入检讨社会保障综合援助金计划,为有需要的长者,提供协助及改善他们的生活,令我们的长者「老有所养」。
    We will set up the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme as soon as possible. We will also carry out an in-depth review of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme which aims to assist the needy among our senior citizens and improve their living.
  • 专业内衣生产厂家里格比——佩勒司骑士桥分司的经理萨拉·科恩说,现存的问题之一是胸衣不合身。
    Sarah Cohen,the manger of the Knightsbridge branch of the underwear specialists Rigby & Peller, says part of the problem is ill- fitting bras.
  • 一个人要是被人认为反复无常,或者无明显的原故而开地变更了,就要招致贪污之嫌疑的。
    Whosoever is found variable, and changeth manifestly, without manifest cause, giveth suspicion of corruption.
  • 展望未来,我们主要的期望是台湾民社会的逐渐成型,社会自我调适、自愈能力的逐渐展现,这或许能使情况不致恶化到失控的地步。
    Looking ahead, the prime hope is for a civil society to evolve gradually and for the society to develop and manifest its ability to adapt and heal itself. This may help prevent the present worsening situation from getting out of control.
  • 一个很显眼的改进风水方法,是在家里、办室、店内或餐馆的重要位置,摆放模型瀑布。
    A conspicuous manifestation of feng shui is through the proliferation of miniature fountains strategically placed in the homes, offices, shops, restaurants and at other public places.
  • 明显不正的裁定;与事实不符。
    a manifestly unjust verdict; not true to the evidence.
  • 现在是共产党人向全世界开说明自己的观点、自己的目的、自己的意图并且拿党自己的宣言来反驳关于共产主义幽灵的神话的时候了。
    II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself.
  • 聪明的政客知道如何操纵众舆论。
    A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion.
  • 财务主管由于试图窜改司财政帐目而被拘留。
    The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.
  • 他因企图窜改司财务记录而被逮捕。
    He is arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial record.
  • 他因企图窜改司财务记录而被逮捕
    He was arrested for trying to manipulate the company 's financial record
  • 今天利用万能服务器完成更深入的数据挖掘、多媒体的intranet和internet体系结构、开发大规模的应用程序以及把复杂的数学计算和数据管理特点加到当前的客户接口和后台办室系统上,企业便能获得战略上的优势。
    Enterprises can gain strategic advantage today by using Universal Servers for deeper data mining, multimedia Intranet and Internet architectures, developing large-scale applications, and adding complex-mathematics and data manipulation features to current customer-interface and back-office systems.
  • 他们发现全人类都开反对他们。
    They found all mankind in open arms against them.
  • 据国际间所协定,南中国海一带45万平方里水域范围内的一切海上搜救行动,均由海事处负责协调。
    The responsibility of co-ordinating all maritime search and rescue operations within a sea area of 450 000 square kilometres of the South China Sea, as agreed internationally, is undertaken by the Marine Department, whose Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre is manned 24hours a day by professionally-trained staff.
  • 医疗辅助队为市民提供的非紧急服务包括:非紧急救护车载送服务,急救训练,在郊野园、大型众活动和筹款活动场地提供急救服务,以及派员前往卫生署辖下21家美沙酮诊所当值。
    The non-emergency services provided by the AMS to the community include an ambulance transfer service; first aid training; first aid coverage at country parks, major public functions and fund raising activities; and the daily manning of 21 methadone clinics.
  • 虽有领港员在场,唐太斯仍然克尽职守,直到这项工作完成,才喊“降旗,把旗降在旗杆半中央,把司的旗也降一半致哀,“看,”腾格拉尔说,“他简直已自命为船长啦。”
    Dantès continued at his post in spite of the presence of the pilot, until this manoeuvre was completed, and then he added, "Half-mast the colors, and square the yards!""You see," said Danglars, "he fancies himself captain already, upon my word."
  • 他住在维多利亚寓。
    He lives in Victoria Mansions.
  • 地核地球的中心部分,地幔以下,开始于深为2,900里(1,800英里)的地方,大概含有铁和镍。它由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成
    The central portion of Earth below the mantle, beginning at a depth of about2, 900 kilometers(1, 800 miles) and probably consisting of iron and nickel. It is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.
  • 这个司制作汽车零部件。
    The company manufacture sprares parts for car.
  • 司生产各种型号的机床。
    We manufacture various types of machine tools.
  • 经营汽车制造业的司。
    a business engaged in the manufacture of automobiles.
  • 制造厂家给我司开了一张两部打字机的发票。
    The manufacturer invoiced our company for two typewriters.
  • 那个零件制造业者是专属于x汽车司的。
    That parts manufacturer is captive to X Motor Company.
  • 克莱斯勒,沃尔特·珀西1875-1940美国汽车制造商,建立了克莱斯勒司(1925年)
    American automobile manufacturer who founded the Chrysler Corporation(1925).
  • 海因茨,亨利·约翰1844-1919美国食品制造商,于1888年组织了h·j海因茨
    American food manufacturer who organized the H.J. Heinz Company(1888).
  • 在他办室的墙上是一幅大地图。
    On the wall of his office was a large map.