  • 我们的原则是艰苦奋斗,供标准如果和华北一样,是完全超过现实可能的,应该依据新区的条件,有个适当的限度。
    Our principle is plain living and hard work. It would be absolutely unrealistic if we asked for the same amount of rations as in north China. We should set an appropriate limit to them in the light of actual conditions in the new liberated areas.
  • 不应无道理地拒绝予批准。
    Approvals should not unreasonable be withheld.
  • "工会领导人资方施加压力,要求修改这些不合理的规定。"
    The trade union leaders put pressure on the capitalists to change these unreasonable rules.
  • 她完全不可靠, 所以解雇了.
    She was totally unreliable, so she got/was given her marching orders.
  • 大家都知道,他一个富裕寡妇当赶骆驼的人,他爱上了这个寡妇并最终娶了她,正是她的财产帮助他度过了早年没有任何收益的传教岁月。
    As everyone knows, he was camel-driver to a rich widow whom he loved and ultimately married. It was her capital which supported him throughout the early unremunerative years of the prophet business.
  • 我们感到非常荣幸,也深切感受到祖国予香港的全力支持,对广大市民的亲切关怀。
    We also felt deeply the unreserved support and great care of our motherland.
  • 老师把知识毫无保留地传授了学生。
    Teachers unreservedly passed on to the students their knowledge.
  • 他们把技术知识毫无保留地传授了我们。
    They unreservedly passed on to us their technical know-how.
  • 更为可笑的是,《考克斯报告》称,“如果他们两个小时的时间,中国人甚至能够探索卫星内部的情况而不留任何痕迹”,“(如果)中国人不受限制地接触美国卫星24小时,那么几乎没有什么学不到的东西”。
    Even more ridiculous is the claim that "the PRC could accomplish even exploitation that penetrated the interior of the satellite, given two hours of time, without leaving any traces,'' and "there is almost nothing about a US satellite that the PRC could not learn from unrestricted access for 24 hours.''
  • 造成损坏或者无法归还的,按照国务院有关规定予适当补偿或者作其他处理。
    proper compensation shall be made or other measures shall be taken, according to the relevant regulations of the State Council, for those damaged or unreturnable.
  • 大会最后通过的达赖的呈文说,“签订的十七条协议,对于达赖之宏业,西藏之佛法、政治、经济诸方面,大有裨益,无与伦比,理当遵照执行”。
    A report to the Dalai Lama was approved at the end of the conference. It stated, "The 17-Article Agreement that has been signed is of great and unrivaled benefit to the grand cause of the Dalai and to Buddhism, politics, economy and other aspects of life in Tibet. Naturally it should be implemented."
  • 该商店已承诺顾客不满意的任何货物退款。
    The store has promised to take back any unsatisfactory goods.
  • 事先未安排的会议;为补燃料飞机没按时间表停在了甘达尔。
    an unscheduled meeting; the plane made an unscheduled stop at Gander for refueling.
  • 真正的推送技术是内容数据无时间预定地交付最终用户,虽然有些供应商强制推行时间预定交付的产品。
    True push technology is the unscheduled delivery of content data to an end user, although some vendors force-fit scheduled delivery product.
  • 这是我们买您的礼物,谢谢您,老师。没有您无私的奉献,就不会有我们今天的成功。
    We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today.
  • 不仅如此,我还可以他们发传真,发电子邮件。所有这些在过去都是不能想像的。
    What's more,I can fax them or send them e-mails--all unthinkable in the past.
  • 报馆被勒令付那位电影明星一笔赔偿金,因为该报刊载的一篇有关他的报导是失实的。
    The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about him.
  • 上月人力资源局所发表的一项五年计划,将要加强对流离失所家庭的服务,并予较好的安置。
    A five-year plan unveiled by the Human Resources Administration last month promises beefed–up services to homeless families and better accommodations.
  • 上月人力资源局所发表的一项五年计划,将要加强对流离失所家庭的服务,并予较好的安置。
    A five-year plan unveiled by the Human Resources Administration last month promises beefed?Cup services to homeless families and better accommodations.
  • 坚持要出不需要的建议的人。
    someone who insists on giving unwanted advice.
  • 乱出主意旁观后别人出一些多余的、通常是干涉性的建议
    To look on and offer unwanted, usually meddlesome advice to others.
  • 文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有粗心人设下的陷阱
    Small print in document can contain trap for the unwary
  • 每一次这样的机会都是一种团结一致的庆祝仪式,比如庆祝中国政府和人民对南非争取自由斗争所予的坚定不移的政治、外交和物质上的支持。
    Each such occasion is a celebration of solidarity, such as the unwavering political, diplomatic and material support of the Chinese people and government for South Africa's struggle for liberation.
  • 我们不会忘记他对我们的耐心以及当我们很不愿意上学时,他我们的那种慈祥的鼓励。
    We shall all remember him for his patience and for the kindly encouragement he give us when we went so unwillingly to school.
  • 当他回家后,应设法他提供时间放松;
    When he comes home try to provide him with some time to unwind;
  • 这女孩嫁他是很不明智的。
    It is very unwise for the girl to marry him.
  • 自己自己当律师是不明智的。
    It's unwise to try to be your own lawyer.
  • 我原来以为是我在饶恕她;而今天,我觉得是我根本不配接受她赐我的宽恕。
    I belived that it was for me to forgive her, and today I find myself unworthy of the pardon she bestows on me.
  • 在软件更新(su)文档中将以下面的格式出ap平台软件版本号:apxxxx.
    The AP Platform software version numbers are given in the Software Update (SU) document in the following format:APXXXX.
  • 字段名通常是一样的,但因为软件更新(su),分配相应字段的号可能会改变。
    The field names are always the same, but because of Software Updates (SUs), the numbers assigned to the fields may change.
  • 你需要叫你的未来雇主再寄你一封信。
    You must ask your future employer to send you a more updated letter.
  • 这种信息在网络需要升级或增强时,也管理者提供了关键信息。
    This data also provides a manager with key information when it becomes necessary to upgrade or enhance a network.