  • 与此同时,对旅游业这类污染小的行业,西藏也十重视其发展中带来的破坏生态和环境污染问题。
    Although tourism pollutes the environment to only a very small extent, the local government has paid much attention to problems arising from the damage to the ecosystem and from environmental pollution in the development of tourism.
  • 根据国家的总体规划和要求,西藏自治区人民政府正在实施《西藏自治区自然保护区发展规划(1996—2010)》,预计在2010年前在西藏建立28个自治区级以上自然保护区,届时,除海洋和海岸生态系统类型外的自然保护区在西藏均有布。
    In light of the general program and requirements of the State, the People’s Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region is carrying out the “Development Plan for Nature Reserves in the Tibet Autonomous Region for 1996-2010.” It is expected that 28 new nature reserves at or above the autonomous region level will be established before 2010. By then, all types of nature reserves other than sea and seashore ecosystem ones will be found in Tibet.
  • 因此,生态环境保护的指导思想是:坚持"绿色奥运"理念,以实现北京地区生态系统良性循环为基本任务,以落实关于城市环境质量和"绿色奥运"的申办承诺为目标,从实际出发,以人为本,全面规划,步实施,全面推动北京生态环境改善与可持续发展,为2008年奥运会提供一个清洁、优美的环境。
    Achieving Green Olympics have been taken as guiding principle of this sub-plan, which is targeted at building a sound ecosystem for the city while fulfilling environmental commitments made in the bid. The sub-plan gives full consideration to present status with first priority given to meeting the demands of the people. Phased measures are planned to realize an all-round improvement in Beijing’s environmental quality and the sustainable development. In generally, the sub-plan aims to create a clean and beautiful environment for 2008 Olympic Games.
  • 近年来,根据某些发展中国家经济发展的需要和要求,中国别派草麻编、玉米皮编和刺绣技术小组赴莫桑比克、墨西哥、毛里求斯、乌干达和厄瓜多尔等国传授技术,帮助培训当地妇女,受到当地政府和人民的好评。
    To meet the needs of these countries, China has in recent years dispatched technical groups specializing in straw, flax and corn straw weaving and embroidery to Mozambique, Mexico, Mauritius, Uganda and Ecuador to help raise the production skills of local women. These contributions have received high praise from the local governments and people.
  • 近年来,根据某些发展中国家经济发展的需要,中国别派草麻编、玉米皮编和刺绣技术小组赴莫桑比克、墨西哥、毛里求斯、乌干达和厄瓜多尔等国传授技术,帮助培训当地妇女,受到当地政府和人民的好评。
    To meet the needs of these countries' economic development, China has in recent years dispatched technical groups specializing in straw, flax and corn straw weaving and embroidery to Mozambique, Mexico, Mauritius, Uganda and Ecuador to help raise the production skills of local women. These contributions have received high praise from the local governments and people.
  • 他用x记号划去所写的大部
    He x-ed out most of what he had written.
  • 伊甸园中流过一条河,河水可作灌溉之用。这河流出伊甸后为四股。
    There was a river flowing from Eden to water the garden, and when it left the garden it branched into four streams.
  • 薄缘十薄而易碎的边缘,尤指木板尖细的边缘
    A thin fragile edge, especially a tapering edge of a board.
  • 据专门析[选举情势]的人士及选民民意测验的初步反应,马州州长较副总统略占优势。根据美联社所邀请的六位辩论专家评结果,杜卡基斯以144对141领先。
    The initial reaction from analysts and voter polls was that the Massachusetts governor edged out the vice president. A panel of six debate experts put together by The Associated Press scored it144 to141 for Dukakis.
  • v形点作为装饰性的边或镶边的一部的v形点
    A V-shaped point that is part of a decorative border or edging.
  • 在等待开演的时候,演员们十紧张
    The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin.
  • 角豆荚角豆植物的豆荚,内含味甜可食的肉质部以及种子,它们产生出一种胶,可用于食品中做稳定剂
    The pod of this plant, containing a sweet edible pulp and seeds that yield a gum used as a stabilizer in food products.
  • 我们将乘10点25的特快列车去爱丁堡。
    We take the 10:25 express to Edinburgh.
  • 我们将乘10点25的特快列车去爱丁堡。
    We will take the 10.25 express to Edinburgh.
  • 从爱丁堡始发的市际特快列车未能按计划于下午2点25抵达。我们对此延误深表歉意。
    We apologize for the late arrival of the 14.25 intercity express from edinburgh.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,定义信息的一种能力,以便将该信息从正文部的一点移到另一点或移入另一个正文部中或进行编辑。
    In word processing, the ability to define information so as to move it from one point to another within a text element or into another text element, or to edit it.
  • 通过省略更改不文雅的部来进行剪辑。
    edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate.
  • 我和负责同学在闷热的剪接室交谈,夏初的暑热使人难受,然而我对学生们的精神十佩服。
    On a sultry summer day, I had a talk with the students working in the stuffy editing-room , and was deeply moved by their spirit.
  • 写短评(至于报纸评论部的产物)的作者。
    a writer of paragraphs (as for publication on the editorial page of a newspaper).
  • 这些劝告来自父母和老师、牧师和政治家、编辑和评论员,但大部当然来自广告人。
    It comes from parents and teachers, from preachers and politicians, from editors and commentators, but most of all, of course, from advertisers.
  • 我们虽设有随军记者,但由于大部记者兼管编辑,以致影响了新闻采访工作。
    Although we have war correspondents, most of them have to serve as editors at the same time, with little time left to gather news.
  • (这是邓小平同志同国家计委负责同志的谈话要点。整理时吸收了七月二十六日同这些同志谈话的部内容。)
    (Main points of a talk with leading members of the State Planning Commission. The editors have included some remarks made to the same persons on July 26.)
  • 我们需要能掌握高水准华文的政治与文化领袖、知识子和科学家、作家和诗人、校长和老师、编辑和记者,以及其他领域的人才。
    We need political and cultural leaders, intellectuals and scientists, writers and poets, principals and teachers, editors and journalists, and many others who master Chinese at high level."
  • 《牛津英文词典》的50名编辑正在试图从流行文化中搜寻有收编价值的词汇和用法。这项工程是为期8年、耗资5,500万美元的词汇更新项目的一部,也是该词典于1928年编纂完毕后的第一次完整的修订。
    The OED's staff of 50 editors is wading through popular culture looking for new words and usages that merit an entry, as part of its 8-year-old $55 million updating project. It is the first complete revision of the dictionary since it was completed in 1928.
  • 我们又怎么能充有效地教育我们的人民和后代?
    How can we effectively educate our people, especially the future generations?
  • 培养人才并授予学位的高等教育机构;综合大学的一部
    an institution of higher education created to educate and grant degrees; often a part of a university.
  • 受过教育的知识子精英。
    an educated and intellectual elite.
  • 受英文教育者对汉语拼音有所抗拒。
    Some among the English-educated still resent the hanyu pinyin.
  • 教育部分
    Education and Library Science
  • 能够及早发现儿童是否有特殊教育需要是十重要的。
    Early identification of special educational needs is important.
  • 电鳗的电击十厉害,可以击昏人。
    The shock from an electric eel is powerful enough to knock a man out.
  • 这个房间把她绘画的优点充显示出来。
    The room shows off her paintings to good effect.